View Full Version : Freshman lifting

05-27-2004, 10:38 PM
I just got back from my football camp. While at camp we went through some physical tests. I live in a fairly small town, most of you guys live in huge cities. I was wondering if you could maybe compare my athletic abilities to maybe yourself or the top athlete for your class, as a freshman. I should be a sophmore but here they are: Bench Press 195. Squat, 360. 40 m. 4.8. Vertical, 23". Weight, 150, height, 5, 6". Position, Fullback, defensive Strong line backer. Sp. Teams, "hitman" and returner. Also included: incredible hands. We did more tests but can't recall my results :rolleyes: . Thanks for your help, i'm going to be looking at a scholarship and would like to know what i need to work on to be up to par with all the other 5a schools.
So far, all natural, but here comes the creatine.

05-27-2004, 10:57 PM
Damn sounds just about like me only your vertical sucks

05-27-2004, 11:05 PM
whoops, that's not my vertical it's my standing 3 jumps combined. Ah, data tables, vertical is 27, not much better, there's a reason i'm not a reciever.

05-27-2004, 11:32 PM
Lol, saw the title and thought maybe you were referring to lifting up freshman into the air or something, like maybe putting them down in a trashcan??? I dunno. Benching a person is tough, their skin is all wiggly and they squirm.

05-27-2004, 11:33 PM
you can leg press people pretty easy if they sit on those poles where the weights go.

05-27-2004, 11:34 PM
creatine is in your body already, no big deal.

05-28-2004, 09:09 AM
looks pretty good....youd better hope you grow some....youre not gonna playt backer at 5'6" for much longer.

05-28-2004, 04:44 PM
By the look of my parents i might grow another 2-4"! Oh, well, you should see our team, there's no competition. :(

05-28-2004, 05:50 PM
you must be a pretty huge freshman to be benching 195. is 195 your max or what you rep as a regular workout?

05-28-2004, 07:27 PM
all maxing, if i could rep 195, :rolleyes: . I'm trying to beat our current strongest senior, by the time i'm a senior. Although i'm a long way from 330.

05-28-2004, 07:32 PM
creatine is in your body already, no big deal.

No it is a big deal. Creatine is a precursor in the energy production cycle. The more creatine you have availible the more phosphates you can use to load the ADP molecules and make them into ATP once again. ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate) is our muscles primary energy source for quick/explosive power and is what activates muscle fiber. It is how we get energy to use, by breaking the bonds. This only works up to a point and is dependent upon a few other factors as well. I won't bore anyone with the details. :)

05-28-2004, 07:35 PM
that's what my coaches said, so is it a good idea? How about the amount of water i have to drink. I don't want to go 3 hours without water and become dehydrated.

05-28-2004, 07:40 PM
Hydration is crucial and yes, if you supplement any protein or creatine you need to increase your water intake accordingly. I would add at least 32 ounces to your standard intake for every 5 grams of creatine. The reason is you need the Hydrogen to remove lactic acid and the increased O2 is used in the energy cycle. Since you are moving around many more molecules you need the H20 to supply the "support elements" if you will. :)

05-28-2004, 07:46 PM
have you had any success with it, if so at what age did you start? What about my poor kidney's, i heard it can be pretty ruough on them.

05-28-2004, 08:44 PM
I only started lifting/working out about 2 1/2 years ago. Now it is my major in college (Health & Excercise Science). I've used creatine off and on. Lately I have not but when I do I notice a difference. It takes about 2 weeks or so to see a difference due to uptake and availibility. Research has not shown whether the loading phase is actually neccessary or if its just a ploy to get you to buy more creatine. I have seen research saying that supplementing more than 5 grams for MOST people is not effective due to the other precursors I mentioned before. I recommend to people who want to use it to supplement 5 grams of creatine with fruit juice like cranberry or use a supplement that already has dextrose present like IDS brand or EAS's phosphogain. The sugar helps tansport the creatine into the muscle cells and bloodstream.

So long as you drink plenty of water your kidneys will be unaffected by it. The guys who were supplementing 10-15 grams were causing the kidneys to work overtime to collect any and all availible H20 from the bloodstream, thus putting them in an overworked state. You will be totally fine so long as you sip water throughout the day. :)

05-29-2004, 09:31 AM
You guys sound like a couple of robots.

05-29-2004, 09:33 AM
I can beanch around 120 :)

05-29-2004, 09:56 AM
ha, robots now, wait three years. Then it's off to CSU, or CU.

05-29-2004, 06:12 PM
looks pretty good....youd better hope you grow some....youre not gonna playt backer at 5'6" for much longer.

Yea... 5'6 is umm...tiny. Smallest dude on our football team is 5'11.

all maxing, if i could rep 195, :rolleyes: . I'm trying to beat our current strongest senior, by the time i'm a senior. Although i'm a long way from 330.

You're strongest seniors max is 330? What!? Our strongest senior, Patrick Capers, max bench was 510 and his squat was 690. He graduated last year and well, reports are he's added about 60 pounds to each.

05-29-2004, 06:32 PM
my 40 time is 4.5 as of a few weeks ago. my best time ever was my jr year on the track, which was a 4.4.

05-29-2004, 06:34 PM
All American freshman should be able to bench 215. Now this is All American. I don't get what you mean by you should be a sophmore but I'm going to be a freshman this year and I max out at 165. So I think you need to improve on that. Your vertical isnt to well either. My vertical is 26 and people say I can't jump worth crap. Your squat is really good and your 40 time is average, maybe just a little slow.

05-29-2004, 07:17 PM
ah, i was hoping that height wouldn't be an issue. Like i said before this is a small school. This year, no seniors were testing. Our athlete senior, Boeman, can do 500, squat 640, can't jump and is pretty slow. You don't want to meet him in a dark alley. So now our team is screwed, our average weight for the team is 165. Yes, including everyone. Our biggest guy is this kid named dano, he is 215, can't run and is well, fat. His brother was a senior and was 260. I have recently gained 10 pounds on my bench because they didn't calculate it right :) . Trying to get faster, idk i wasn't a natural born runner, i'll still try. I should be a senior because i was...um...held back. :rolleyes: . Vertical's are just lame tests. I have a pretty even proportional body and still can't jump worth anything. What school are you from that your smallest guy is 5 11"? 10 of our freshman, including me made varsity first string with no problem.

Dano is a freshman, lol

05-29-2004, 07:21 PM

05-29-2004, 07:51 PM
lol i'd hate to go to your school man.

stick to a real sport like wrestling

05-29-2004, 08:30 PM
Stratford High School
Goose Creek, SC

Or perhaps you've heard of our rival, Summerville High School. Their coach, at the beginning of last season won his 500th high school football game. I would be playing for them 'cept I moved.

05-31-2004, 03:39 AM
That coach may have won his 500th game, but i can bet one billion dollars that no ones high school football team was/is better than my school's team. 151-0, the last loss was in '91. The lifting and workout program was too much for me. Varsity works out 49 weeks out of the year, and the workouts suck alot. The trainers recomended Muscle Milk, which has creatine in it.

05-31-2004, 11:11 AM
yeah, last year we had a streak of 15-1. We lost in the semi-finals to florence. 151-0, that's pretty scary i can't even imagine the guys at your school. We just got a new head coach and everyone knows how bad that's going to hurt the team until we get used to it. What type of d and o do you guys play? we have a 3-5-3 defence now. We mostly have a passing offence and use trips a lot, where we stack up our recievers all to one side. We mostly run out of a t formation, rarely the I. A for workouts with the team, ha it's rediculous, i'm on my own plan with my own trainer, the other guys meet every other day in our workout room for lame exercises that only last half an hour.

05-31-2004, 11:26 AM
the bench record at my school is like 400 something..but the kid holds the ncaa bench record at kansas right now, his names bulman. i play the same positions as you, im a 15 yr old freshman and heres my stats: Ht. 6'0, Wt. 210 (12% body fat) Bench- 200, Squat- 400, Clean- 190, 40yd dash - 4.9. ive been lifting since like last summer pretty frequently and have built up alot of muscle and stuff, and did wrestling in the winter. all summer i lift and run and stuff and it certainly pays off.

05-31-2004, 12:28 PM
man your short...im a foot above you

i had those results in 9th grade...well amost...it was 23 yrs ago

i dont know...but you guys are all short in your town huh

05-31-2004, 03:33 PM
When i was a freshman bench 245, Squat 445, vertical was something like 32 or 35, ran the 40 in 4.675, i was 6'2 and weighed around 220lbs. I played inside linebacker, and Oline (Pulling Guard). I'm 20 now and bench over 345, haven't squated in forever, vertical and 40 have probably dropped off the charts. Damn i need to exercise.

05-31-2004, 04:48 PM
245 as a Freshman!! :eek:

05-31-2004, 05:08 PM
viper ur already on varsity? in my school a freshman cant even dream of being on varsity. sophmore year they take the really good kids up to jv andvarsity is pretty much limited to juniors and seniors. the kid with the senior bench record is something unreal like 500 somethin.

any ways, my freshman team..i was too small at 6'0 210 to play o' line. average weight on the line was like 240 and ht was like 6'2. we were a massive freshman team.

wait so are you supposed to be a senior or a sophmore? cuz in one of ur posts u said something like im a senior but i was held back?

05-31-2004, 08:36 PM
Ya, keep in mind there's only some 40 kids on our team. Although we're all tough redneck cowboys. 245 as a freshman :confused: i don't know, less talk more proof, that just sounds like a rediculous amount to me. Oh, yeah, that creatine really helps, i've been taking it for a week now, gained 15 on my squat and bench already.

05-31-2004, 08:51 PM
Heh it's more than possible. My freshman class there were 3-5 of us that could do that...maybe not squat that much but that bench isn't impossible. One of my teammates benched 310 and squatted 430. But well, we is a big kid. (6'3 270 pounds) If I keep in contact with him and I move, he's helping to carry some stuff.

05-31-2004, 10:03 PM
245 as a freshman for me was WIMPY. But agreed about the being a freshman on varsity. We had NO freshman on varsity. Heh when i was a sophmore i was only 1 of 3 sophmores on the Varsity. We went to the 2nd to last round of the state playoffs that year though, we were a great team. But after my sophmore year i quit so i could get a job. Worst mistake of my highschool career.