View Full Version : Single Trigger - Rip?

05-29-2004, 09:04 AM
Hey guys, I just got a 205.00 Money order (canadian). Oh yea.. heh thats the most Ive had in a while. Now Im wondering what I should spend it on. For a while I was thinking Intelliframe, but then I'd shoot a little faster and chop easier (classic valve). But now I'm thinking, why not get a level 10. Ill need one eventually, and its not like I need anymore speed at the moment, god knows I cant afford alot of paint. Looking at the price, tax included, I figured 'Why not grab a ULT'. Deathstalker (I think his name is) made it work, with great results, on a classic. So here I'd have a somewhat (how much?) faster single triggered, level 10 mag.

Way to go? Or should I grab the Intelliframe.

05-29-2004, 09:07 AM
well with your 205 pieces of toilet paper i reccommend a level 10.
best investment you can make...no chops at all...thats the first investment every mag owner should make.

05-29-2004, 09:14 AM
Thats QUILTED toilet paper, thank you very much.


05-29-2004, 09:18 AM
how much exactly is 205 an in us?
Well this is the order i would get that stuff in:
level 10
ult kit

05-29-2004, 09:19 AM
Well what I would personally do is save up for an Xvalve..
But if you just HAVE to spend that money, I would go with level 10 and ult..

05-29-2004, 09:28 AM
well with your 205 pieces of toilet paper i reccommend a level 10.
best investment you can make...no chops at all...thats the first investment every mag owner should make.

not neccesarily. i actually cant remember the last time i chopped since i put my egg on

05-29-2004, 09:32 AM
Well what I would personally do is save up for an Xvalve..
But if you just HAVE to spend that money, I would go with level 10 and ult..

what you should get depends on how much money you plan on getting in the future for upgrades. if you wont get much, go for the lvl 10. if you are planning on getting more money, dont buy anything right now, but just save. i wouldnt recomend getting an xvalve, though, since it costs $300+. if your going to spend that much on upgrades, youd be better of getting an rt ule custom and selling the mag you have now.

05-29-2004, 12:24 PM
At this point it seems Ill be upgrading piece by piece. I'm beggining to like the single trigger anyways... :D

05-29-2004, 01:01 PM
itd probably be cheaper in the end to save up and buy an rt ule custom... but oh well, i guess you dont want to do that

05-29-2004, 01:07 PM
Cheaper to save up for an entire new gun? Man, I don't have a job (cant until next year). My 'income' is weekly 10 - 20 CDN.

05-29-2004, 01:23 PM
I agree with almost everyone else and suggest the L10. IMHO it's the single best thing to happen to Mags (followed closely by the Retro valve).

05-29-2004, 01:55 PM
it DEFINATELY costs less to buy an rt ule custom than to upgrade a mag. my setup (gun only) cost less than $500 dollars shipped, whereas an x-valve, ule body, and ult strait from AGD costs over $500... and then you need a frame, barrel, hoses etc. so it ends up being cheaper just buying an rt ule custom, and a lot cheaper if you sell your old mag, but thats if you want everything offered with an rt ule custom...

05-29-2004, 03:17 PM
I dont plan on getting an XValve in this marker, as I will / should never need to shoot faster then 16bps. Until that day, I'm fine with my classic.

05-29-2004, 04:57 PM
I dont plan on getting an XValve in this marker, as I will / should never need to shoot faster then 16bps. Until that day, I'm fine with my classic.

With the Classic, if you don't chop, you shouldn't need LVL10, I put one in my old pf/hl just for the peace of mind. Now if you want to play with the ULT in it keep the LVL10 in mind.
I play at Area 51 on the odd Sunday (whenever work allows me), though not as much in the summer.