View Full Version : Halo feed difference between low-rise and no-rise?

the electrician
05-29-2004, 06:23 PM
like the title says, I'm looking for people who have seen a difference in the feed rate of the halo, between the low-rise and no-rise feedneck sizes. I'm really curious if one less ball in the stack actually makes a performance difference.

mostly I'm wondering about the results on ULE bodies, but anybody who has actually used both size feednecks with a Halo, I would appreciate input from.

05-30-2004, 05:09 PM
I've been swapping around feed sizes a bunch lately with no realized difference.

As for 'seeing' a difference,your going to have to reach the limits of the Halo to be able to tell.Supposedly it is only a difference of 1-2 bps so unless your up around 22+ for long strings,your not likely to 'see' a difference anyway.

I believe Tom posted that his testing showed a benefit from the lower rises but I'm not sure how he was 'testing' that conclusion.Obviously a lower profile is beneficial to play so I go lower regardless. :)

the electrician
05-30-2004, 09:45 PM
yeah I was wondering if there was any factual evidence that it actually works better to use a no-rise with a halo.

I imagine most of it is that is the "thing" now.

I'm using a CCM "mid-rise" right now and it seem to work well with both the the revo and the halo. but the halo does seem like it's pushing pretty hard on the paint in the breech.

I'll probably modify the stock ULE feedneck to accept the halo and then test for differences in performance.

I always like to check first and see if anybody else has test results, before I start to test something.

thanks for the reply rrfireblade.