View Full Version : big team that use mags

10-09-2001, 06:52 PM
is you know a pro team that uses mags please post them.......

team lockout

10-09-2001, 07:12 PM
yet another "pro teams use gun X, so that means its better". When in fact, most of those 'pro teams' could spank normal players using tippman rental guns.

Its not about the marker, its about the skill of the person using said marker.

A newbie with an $1200 gun is still a newbie.

That being said. Jacksonville Warriors are using emags I believe.

10-09-2001, 07:20 PM
Ah, lets see....

KAPP Factory
Jax Warriors
Strange (did have them, but threw em due to SP sponsoring em)
I think Trauma MIGHT have a guy using one....

Rave also uses them I believe...

As well as Backlash's Robbo uses a SFL Emag....And he's been one of the greatest, nicest players out there :)

Also my team uses em :) but we aren't that big, yet.

10-09-2001, 07:25 PM
I think the idea of identifying a Pro Team that uses Mags is more about Pride than Hype.

People will always argue which Marker is better, that is just a fact... And there will always be people who will argue that because a pro team uses a specific brand, that THAT brand made the difference. Sure, a lot of us know otherwise.

It is like Stock Car racing. There is not a lot of difference now days between a Dodge and a Chevy on the oval track, it is all about Brand Recognition.

But on the other hand, HYPE sells a heck of a lot more Markers than common sense and the facts do. Otherwise wouldn’t AGD be the ONLY Marker on the market? ;)

Just food for thought. :D

10-09-2001, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by SIGSays
is you know a pro team that uses mags please post them.......

team lockout

Do you really play for the pro team Lockout?

10-09-2001, 07:54 PM
FeelTheRt, i think what he is saying is that Team Lockout has someone that uses a mag.

10-09-2001, 08:14 PM
If the post was meant to show Pride rather than Hype I do apologize.

I am quite proud of my Emag, and every AGD product Ive ever owned. Im just not a fan of the age old debate.

Once again, I apologize if responded harshly.