View Full Version : Bonebrake Bushies. ?

05-31-2004, 12:09 AM
Hey guys.

I am in the market for a new marker, right now I am looking at custom bushies ie the bonebrake, cyborgs and the freestyle to tide me over until AGD's new marker comes out.

I know bushies are good markers and the bonebrake version looks great(new wiring, chaos stock, all around nicely done).

Anyone have any experiece with this marker, or bushies in general?

Freestyles look nice, but are new and still being worked on.
Cyborgs are real nice, but are a long wait.

Any ideas?


05-31-2004, 12:12 AM
get an 04 cocker.

05-31-2004, 12:15 AM
I have a Sonic Bm2k, very nice gun. There are a few improvements (mainly in the ROF department, since its an older Sonic) that I want, but aside from a few few things, Bm2ks are great guns for the buck. Next to Mags and maybe some Cockers, you can't get a better deal.

May I sugguest buying an older Bm2k and getting it bonebreak'd? You can find old bm2ks cheaply and have them updated to current specs rather cheaply.

As for the FreeStyle. I am sure ICD did a good job with it, reports are that its not very efficient, which is something I've always dreaded in a gun. But given ICDs track record, they'll get it fixed.

I highly sugguest MD stuff, so naturally, the Cyborg would be a good choice. If I ever had to get another gun, I'd get either a Cyborg or maybe a Freestyle should they get the efficiency worked out.

05-31-2004, 12:31 AM
I have a Sonic Bm2k, very nice gun. There are a few improvements (mainly in the ROF department, since its an older Sonic) that I want, but aside from a few few things, Bm2ks are great guns for the buck. Next to Mags and maybe some Cockers, you can't get a better deal.

May I sugguest buying an older Bm2k and getting it bonebreak'd? You can find old bm2ks cheaply and have them updated to current specs rather cheaply.

As for the FreeStyle. I am sure ICD did a good job with it, reports are that its not very efficient, which is something I've always dreaded in a gun. But given ICDs track record, they'll get it fixed.

I highly sugguest MD stuff, so naturally, the Cyborg would be a good choice. If I ever had to get another gun, I'd get either a Cyborg or maybe a Freestyle should they get the efficiency worked out.

I would like to go the route of a FS, but as you said the effieciency just isnt up there. ON the other hand the cyborgs is amazing, but dont know if it is 6-8 week amazing.

The Action Figure
05-31-2004, 09:10 AM
I have a 2k2 bushy with a mac dev gladiator reg on it and it is simply amazing as far as rate of fire and consistancy goes, course I have a 114 ci tank so I really dont worry about efficiency

05-31-2004, 09:18 AM
Hey guys.

I am in the market for a new marker, right now I am looking at custom bushies ie the bonebrake, cyborgs and the freestyle to tide me over until AGD's new marker comes out.

I know bushies are good markers and the bonebrake version looks great(new wiring, chaos stock, all around nicely done).

Anyone have any experiece with this marker, or bushies in general?

Freestyles look nice, but are new and still being worked on.
Cyborgs are real nice, but are a long wait.

Any ideas?


I owned two 2k3 bushys last year, both with the PDS. I will say that they were easily the fastest guns I ever shot (both had chaos). I just recently had an A4, we've got a few new shockers, eblades, and what have you running around here... none of them have been as fast as those bushmasters. They also basically never chopped, and had great triggers. As far as efficiency, I'm not sure what BB is supposedly getting out of theirs. They do have some of the nicest looking milling going though. I personallly find the cyborg to be uglier than a stock viking.The only thing about the BB is the price, you might try to find one used. The freestyle's are supposedly getting some efficiency upgrades soon, at least I've heard that ICD is working on it.

Something else you might consider, the OTB advent is supposed to be released in about three weeks. Those are cheap, light, and fast, along with supposedly very good air consumption and dual anti-chop measures.


05-31-2004, 11:35 AM
look into a bko

bkos are cheap and pretty easy...

then if you are good with a dremel just dremel bits and pieces off and give it the custom look

05-31-2004, 11:41 AM
look into a bko

bkos are cheap and pretty easy...

then if you are good with a dremel just dremel bits and pieces off and give it the custom lookEEk... I wouldnt listen to this guys advice. :eek:

EDIT: In fear of being called a post whore by some other dip... crap, I will add this so its more than one lines. Blah blah blah.

05-31-2004, 01:27 PM
bushmaster rules. most under rated marker in paintball today and quite a deal for the money.

upgrades are readily available, but there aren't 9 million of them like for cockers.
easy to maintain, tough, reliable and blazingly fast w/ a techpro board ;)

05-31-2004, 01:28 PM
well you seem to be set on owning a marker that has the bolt slamming foreward, and giving you kick, nomatter how good your lpr is tuned. Have you looked into owning a spoolvalved marker?

Yep, im talking about the matrix, shocker, and the DM4. all 3 of them are amazing markers, yes even the shocker. Their efficiency isnt as bad as all of the nay sayers say. The dm4 will get 7 to 8 pods off a 68 4.5, which i say is average efficiency. Also, with the advent of Slick Honey Lube (a bike fork lube that works amazingly in trix's) people have been running their lpr's on the dm4 only 3 turns out! this is at about 35-40 psi! and the other trix's have been claiming the same amount! It is a nice thing. Ultra quiet and ultra smooth.

If you are set on a ram driven marker, why not get yourself a timmy? Or hell, even a used VIK. Im sure busshies are nice, and ive had a friend who had one since they really first started coming out and they had the name of "Poor mans angel"

they are nice markers, i wont say that, they just arent my cup of tea.

In my opinion, the Timmy is a nicer, more solid marker. So is the Angel, which you cant go wrong with. The funny thing is, the old lcd is what is on par with the bushy, the fly 4 is steps above.

thats just some stuff to think about

05-31-2004, 02:09 PM
Why not find a cheap Shocktech bushy, get it vaporized, and a new board...then BAM, great gun.

05-31-2004, 02:33 PM
magman007 - yes angels and timmies are most likely better (not going to pick sides) they are usually $600 more. Think about it a decent new angel is TWICE the price of a B2K4 with PDS and they would most likely be equally fast in most players hands.

05-31-2004, 03:38 PM
If you have your heart set on a BB bushy then i'd say go for it. for the money the're sweet, fast and light (which gun isn't these days). you can buy one brand new for the price of a used viking or timmy. personally i'd still take a fully was'd viking over a bb bushy but that's mainly since for some reason bushies just feel so much taller than vik's but tht'd run you a couple hundred more or so(i don't think they're that much taller, just the way it feels to me.).

05-31-2004, 03:54 PM
BB bushy is a great buy ! Has basically everything you need, efficiency, light weight, consistency, and speed.

Magman - with the right setup and tweaking, I barely feel any kick wether it be a bushy or timmy.

05-31-2004, 04:01 PM
well you seem to be set on owning a marker that has the bolt slamming foreward, and giving you kick, nomatter how good your lpr is tuned. Have you looked into owning a spoolvalved marker?

The freestyle isn't a ram/hammer system, it's closer to being a blow forward. Very, very small moving mass...

In my opinion, the Timmy is a nicer, more solid marker. So is the Angel, which you cant go wrong with. The funny thing is, the old lcd is what is on par with the bushy, the fly 4 is steps above.

thats just some stuff to think about

Eh, I disagree. The timmy offers nothing over the bushmaster to me. Yes, the alias is lighter, but the bushmaster isn't a heavy gun at all (up until recently it was the lightest electro made after all). Efficiency is about the same, speed is about the same, same available electronics, and the list goes on. The only difference is, fancy milling and cost, and the bonebrake can match both of those.

As for the angel, the LCD is most definately not on par with a bushmaster with PDS. An angel 4 is not on par with a bushmaster with PDS performance wise. I've owned both. The angel 4 is a nice gun, but it will chop more, and shoot slower doing it (because of sensi). Now the fly may very well fix the chopping issue, however it won't be any faster than a bushmaster unless the board is cheating. I've found both to be quite reliable, and the bushmaster has the advantage of not requiring partial dissasembly to adjust the LPR.

Now, again, this is just my opinion, take it or leave it. You can buy a more expensive gun like a timmy or angel, but those two in particular will give you no real advantages over a bushmaster. The viking is a great gun, no arguing that. Matrices and shockers are ok, however in my experience shockers are inferior to trixes AND bushmasters. Too troublesome, hoggish (I've yet to see one get near the claimed efficiency numbers), and the eye just isn't that great.


05-31-2004, 04:05 PM
squid, im sorry, if it doesnt sound good but if you didnt know, i have been doing custom bkos for sometime now

so it seems like a walk in the park to me, and i dont see dangers in it

also if you are up to the task, get a spyder, like a cheap imagine, then go all out on it, or just buy a custom bbody..

thats what im doing with spare time

05-31-2004, 04:38 PM
thanks for all the responses!!

I appreciate them!

I understand matrix and shocker may be set up a bit better, in terms of spool valves.. but I am not a huge shocker fan, and trix seem to be heavy to me, and are not that sexy to me. Only problem with the trixs are the need for a new HPR and LPR..

Anyone know anything else about the advent GTS coming out? They defintaly look like a good deal.

Thanks again guys.
Keep the ideas coming if you still got some.