View Full Version : What happned to AO?

05-31-2004, 11:07 AM
Ok........i've been a member of AO since about 2000.

I was a member before they switched to AGD as ownership and such. Since then i've been on and off , posting and usually just reading up.

I was curious as to what's happned in the past 3 months or so? Like a year ago , if i posted up a message it'd have about a dozen responces by the time i got to check it next , and now i have to post double threads to get a simple efficentcy question answered...........did the posting go down for any reasons or what?

05-31-2004, 12:44 PM
All the pre teens have chased out all the old schoolers and now you can't get a good answer anymore.
Or it is a 3 day weekend. ;)

05-31-2004, 01:01 PM
Maybe those of us that are on dont know enough to answer your questions?

I can make a stupid post that does nothing for you if you want...just let me know.

Wait...NM...I just did that.

05-31-2004, 01:14 PM
All the pre teens have chased out all the old schoolers and now you can't get a good answer anymore.
Or it is a 3 day weekend. ;)

i choose number 1

if you havnt noticed, i barely post any more

05-31-2004, 01:24 PM
pre teens + oldschoolers = paintball as it exists today.

i do the chasing in my little world.

05-31-2004, 01:25 PM
i choose number 1

if you havnt noticed, i barely post any more
Same here buddy. Ao isnt the same.

05-31-2004, 01:33 PM
lol... shut up squid, you're just a postwhore

AO's posting has gone down drastically for one reason or another. I think it's because of the new hideous format that webby still hasn't got around to changing. AO Army has also been being very hostile to the little kiddies over at the other forums. We hate those "agg" "muppet mowers" with expensive "gats" and xxxxxxl jersies with foam padding and WAS cheater boards. :)

oh yeah, i forgot to say this:

Long time no see buddy, welcome back!

05-31-2004, 02:00 PM
well let it be said that i have a rt pro mag with intelliframe and am trying to trade my timmy for an emag. I am 14 too and have xxxxxxxxxl jersey lol

05-31-2004, 02:16 PM
post that in another thread, or youll turn into squid, and look like::


05-31-2004, 02:18 PM
Edit - ok... everything remains in effect except my insult to footemps and kauai, because ive determined they were joking. Carry on. :)

05-31-2004, 02:26 PM
i love you squid :( ( :p )

but anyway, personally I havn't been posting much recently due to other things such as schoolwork and such. I wouldn't call myself a veteran of AO or anything, but I guess I've been here for a bit, and yeah it has changed.

05-31-2004, 02:28 PM
What the holy hell? 4 people calling me a post whore in one day. I swear, this is why I dont post here as much. Morons are taking over.

Yup... im a postwhore. Freaking idiots.

That goes for:

and the other jackass that commented.

Christ you guys are idiots. I think AO is turning into PBN.

EDIT: Footemps, you have MORE posts than me you stupid hypocrite.

He may have more posts, but look he has been a registered user for A LOT longer. Obbviously if you are here for a long time and spend any time on the boards, you will have a high number of posts, nope not according to you. Also why would anyone post whore on pbnation. Dont quote me on this but last time i checked pbnation didnt keep a number count of your posts. Whatever this is pointless.

05-31-2004, 02:32 PM
What the holy hell? 4 people calling me a post whore in one day. I swear, this is why I dont post here as much. Morons are taking over.

Yup... im a postwhore. Freaking idiots.

That goes for:

and the other jackass that commented.

Christ you guys are idiots. I think AO is turning into PBN.

EDIT: Footemps, you have MORE posts than me you stupid hypocrite.

Step one:
Find large plunger
Step 2:
fll with vicodin and codine
step 3:
force it down youre throat
Step 4:
repeat as temper begins to rise again.

Dude, Im more of a postwhore than you,
I just havent been here as long.
Its called a "joke"
people tell them some times

05-31-2004, 02:32 PM
He may have more posts, but look he has been a registered user for A LOT longer. Obbviously if you are here for a long time and spend any time on the boards, you will have a high number of posts, nope not according to you. Also why would anyone post whore on pbnation. Dont quote me on this but last time i checked pbnation didnt keep a number count of your posts. Whatever this is pointless.
By it turning into PBN, I said that people are turning into idiots here. I.E, you.

Oh ok, because I have a lot of posts, that means that they were all useless. I could care less about my post count. I have a reputation, I dont need a number to uphold that.

Wait... if your hear for a while, and spend time on the boards, your post count will be high. Is that what you just said? Then you say, "not according to me?" What the crap are you talking about? I never even said that... but its true. Im here a lot. Ive been here for quite some time. Yes, my post count will be high. Moron.

05-31-2004, 02:58 PM
This thread is a perfect example of what has happened to AO.

Although i dont have too many posts, I've been here since early-mid 2001 and i've seen it change. O well...can't stay a little forum with a dedicated group of members forever.

05-31-2004, 03:02 PM
Think it'll go back to the decentness that it used to have ? I mean its pretty sad when people can't answer how much a LVX gets off a 68/45 , i'd think that'd be pretty easy.

05-31-2004, 03:05 PM
Well, if you are joking, my apologies.

But paintballrulz.... Well, no comment.

Its hard to tell if somebody is being sarcastic over the internet.

05-31-2004, 03:06 PM
maybe this little arguement could answer your question nitroduck...ignorant arguements about something that really doesnt matter

05-31-2004, 03:10 PM
maybe this little arguement could answer your question nitroduck...ignorant arguements about something that really doesnt matter
I may be a part of it, but your exactly right.

05-31-2004, 03:14 PM
ive been at fault before too..ive flamed people cuz their parents buy them paintball gear..its moronic stuff like this..that tears these kinds of communities apart..another thing that i see that is a little..um..harsh..the way people tell others to use the search feature..sure its helpful..but you guys really dont need to be such pricks about it

05-31-2004, 03:23 PM
Think it'll go back to the decentness that it used to have ? I mean its pretty sad when people can't answer how much a LVX gets off a 68/45 , i'd think that'd be pretty easy.

No, because we will continue to grow. Its inevitable when you have so many members. Nobody is at fault, we are still more civil than most forums. This is just what happens when you have so many members.

05-31-2004, 03:39 PM
AO is the most "civil" because our mods arent little kids, and actually enforce the rules.

05-31-2004, 04:05 PM
AO is the most "civil" because our mods arent little kids, and actually enforce the rules.

YEAH, you gunky!

05-31-2004, 04:07 PM
YEAH, you gunky!
Now... heres a question. Whats a gunky? I looked it up at www.dictionary.com as well as www.urbandictionary.com, but to no avail. :confused:

EDIT: Army, you better add some words to that post, paintballrulz might have something to say about it. ;) :rolleyes:

05-31-2004, 04:15 PM

For you young pups, Bill Cosby first used "Gunky" in his early routines...even before the "I Spy" series.

His brother Russel was the usual recipient of this name.

05-31-2004, 04:27 PM
I stopped posting for a couple reasons:

Assumption of AO's general knowledge - I just assumed that with so many people around that someone would be able to answer a question better than I can and don't bother cluttering up the thread.
Having to wade through posts - it is getting more difficult to find threads that are worthwhile to read and contribute to. If I don't find a good thread, I won't post in it.

For the first reason, I find myself posting in the PBN newbie forum whenever I feel the need to say something. It's a place where I feel I can contribute useful information. I tend to hang out in the Chat to get my AO fix, I find it more fun than the forums.


05-31-2004, 04:34 PM
Maybe it's because alot of the people who used to post alot can't do so anymore, with jobs and stuff. Or maybe they just don't want to post figuring someone else will answer it for them. There can't be one single reason, so we will just have to use whichever one sounds the best.

OT: Nitro, my friends and I can not wait for Twibs 3 to come out, we almost kicked our dogs in the face when we saw the message we were so happy! w00t!

05-31-2004, 04:38 PM
i see exactly what your saying, either people are bing too literal and defensive, or u gotta post 3-4 times before your question or point goes through.

I havent been here too long, but i do remember when the word postwhore wasnt in 3 out of 4 posts...

i chose to not reply with stupid answers and stuff like if someone gets a new gun.. i dont reply... "yea... nice new gun, like i havent seen that since 3 seconds ago"

id rather reply to osmeone needing help, or have a question... something worth while. so i think that post count should be done away with...

if your statual rank relies in the post count.. you either shouldnt be here.. or change ur thinking (not in any facist way ;) )

05-31-2004, 04:43 PM
It has declined incredibly. If you don't like a certain vendors items, you get labeled a "hater" or "minion of (X)". Look at how the friendly corner has become. One of the golden rules on this board is no political posts. Yet for the most part, notice I said MOST PART, the conservative posts stay but the "liberal" posts get closed. Mainly due to a select few that don't agree with the liberal view, or it's deemed too conflicting. Yet a similar post will pop up on the other spectrum but it's ok. Call it down the middle or not at all. That's all I'm saying on that part. This site still has some good information but it's not the spectacular site that I joined many years ago. Now it's no better then PBR, PBN, Kingman etc. The childish responses pop up, the needless name calling, arguing etc still come up. So I've noticed post quality down, but then again more people are onboard. So of course the number will rise. None the less, I still come here to keep up to date, post/search if I have problems, and just hang out and see what's new in the paintball world. Although a few weeks ago when the E/Xmags were stopped I was getting quite sick of the "what is the deal with the E/Xmags" questions. Overall I'm agreeing with Squid that this is turning into a PBN in some sorts.

05-31-2004, 05:06 PM
I think you guys should cry about it. Quitcher*****en. Let the flaming begin. :cool:

05-31-2004, 06:01 PM
AO has been a snooze lately. Dealers have all but disappeared...no interesting threads...

I think whats really going on is that for the most part AO is a bunch of elitests, and has driven off the TWiB/Squid tourney runts. Not many "tourney" heads are going mag, so there is a severe drop off in population/new gear/interesting threads. I am not saying that it is a bad thing at all, but being more of a close knit owners group def. drives away people who dont shoot mags. Afterall, whenever anyone asks about another gun, all they get is "get a mag". The end of production of E/X-Mags adds further to the snooze factor around here. The HAiR trigger is still 6-7 months off, so there is not much in the way of innovation aside from re-hashing old ideas with new twists till then.

Just my 2 pesos...

05-31-2004, 06:31 PM
I find it ironic that we blame new players, err posters, for the loss of posts on AO. Its the old school guys whom are ultimatly reasponsible for the content on this board.

The only person who choose how good AO is is YOU!

Lets place blame soley where it lies

05-31-2004, 06:56 PM
lol, i just got a picture flash in my mind...


anyway, this forum is just like air-powered, once was awsome, but slowly dieing.

maybe itll pop back up after finals and regents and the stuff,

i think we should actuall advertise AO. like a banner, and put it up on places, because, what lead me, personally to AO was the overall great guys and knowledge you posessed.

alot of people on PB nation are looking for wholesome tech info, and alot of the time dont get it, just smart assed remarks and "go eat **** noobs."

so maybe we could put a little banner or something on websites that allow it, and on the agd site and all of our personal sites.

whatcha think of that idea?

05-31-2004, 07:22 PM
so maybe we could put a little banner or something on websites that allow it, and on the agd site and all of our personal sites.

whatcha think of that idea?

I dont see why not. I mean this is apart of AGD property....