View Full Version : 3 man strategy

05-31-2004, 04:55 PM
for all you tourney people out there..tell me if you think this would work..a front going to the snake and a back playing on that side..and having the other front going up mid/the opposite side of the snake..and having the back be bias towards the snake but of course covering his other man when nesscary..

im sure this has been covered before..but i cant find it

05-31-2004, 11:46 PM
depends on the field. Thats what we used to do when the snake was big and playable.

If the snake is hard to play, or useless or theres a great snake killer, try having all 3 shooting off the break, then break 2 to the corners. The corners can definatly make or break a game.

Another idea is to get two players to the big bunkers that are often on the 30s or so....the standups that are often there are great to have two play, then send the third up one side.

it all really depends on the field setup and the strengths and weaknesses of your team members. Learn how to walk fields....its unbelieveably important.

06-01-2004, 07:53 AM
In three man its important to protect yourself. On a short field, shoot off the break with all three guns. If you can shoot the other team into their bunkers, then have two guys break outside to your corners. These two corners can lock down a field. Now use your center player to move up the field and get in the other teams face.

On a long field, try to get to bunkers that will let you control the field. Don't worry about the shooting off the break. When you get to those bunkers, come out shooting right away, especially if the other team elects to stay put and shoot. You don't necessarily have to shoot at the guys shooting you. If they elected to shoot off the break and haven't moved, avoid their fire and shoot their potential future bunkers prevent them from getting to a good position. You can bunch a team into a bad situation in a hurry.

In three man its hard to protect your player in the snake and keep the field locked down. I try to avoid it in three man unless our team gets up a man.

Typically, in three man, there are two people shooting out one side and one shooting out the other side. Concentrate on the one. Shoot him in and move up the opposite side of the field. The other two will never see it.