View Full Version : A dilema involving work.. .. ....

05-31-2004, 06:01 PM
Ok.. Here is the dealie.. There is a local place that is looking for employes.. My mom knows the boss and one of her friends works there so I might be getting a job there..

But here is the thing..

This place is basically a warehouse.. A production line for a glass company.. And I hate places like this.. But it would be my first job.. Now should I take it or not? lol.. I just want to stock shelves at a damn grocery store.. Is that to much to ask for :o

05-31-2004, 06:18 PM
just take the job. when youre first startin out you can't be picky. No, stocking grocery shelves is not too much to ask, but they might not be hiring right now. The fact is you have a pretty good chance to work at the warehouse......take it.

05-31-2004, 06:23 PM
Take the job. If you aren't sure about it, keep an eye out for other work opportunities while working there. It's better to have a job in the mean time while you may be looking for something better than to be making no money at all while looking for one. Besides, you may find that you like it.

05-31-2004, 06:46 PM
Dont feel bad, im working full time in a factory this summer.

05-31-2004, 06:48 PM
skip the job, but pass it on to me

Chojin Man
05-31-2004, 09:33 PM
Take it.

06-01-2004, 07:30 AM
take it- it wont be often that your parents can hook you up with a job... a job that probably pays more than mcdonalds.

06-01-2004, 08:01 AM
Don't take it if you are going to quit after a month because you don't like it. That would make you and your mom both look bad. Stocking shelves won't be any better.

06-01-2004, 10:05 AM
Take it.
1) The pay will be better than stocking shelves.
2) No dealing with the public. Since you have never worked retail then you have no concept of how ignorant the public can be. Take your dumbest friend and cut his brain in half. Those are the smart ones you get to deal with in retail.

06-01-2004, 10:43 AM
yea dude, seriously. If I could have a factory job that paid well, I'd be sweating it out there instead of in the mall where I work now. The happiest I've ever been working was when I was making boxes in the back room of a flower store. I made less than I do now, but it was less angering.

06-01-2004, 12:08 PM
dude, i work front end desk at a grocery store, which means i get to deal with all the people making returns, complaints about employees, and complaints in general. i'm kinda friends with the people who stock during the day and overnight, both say it's not worth it. during the day, when you are trying to stock, you keep getting people asking where stuff is at, and when they cant find it they say the store sucks. the night crew people say overnight is bad cause it's 8 hours every shift and you have to restock the whole store, not just 1 or 2 asiles. if i could get a warehouse job i would so take it. customers suck.

06-01-2004, 04:10 PM
Ill tell ya, factory work beats actual labor, as well as stocking shelves in the price area. Plus full time for a summer job is nice... pullin like $300 a week. Not THAT much, but for a 17 year olds summer job its good enough. Plus im still working on my other business ventures...

The only thing I dont like about it is the environment. Just something about it is uncomfortable.

P.S. This is the same company that is producing my macroline, hose barbs, and other pneumatic accessories.

06-02-2004, 12:23 AM
ya if I get offered I will take it.. But I will still look..

And it's not really like a packing warehouse.. More-so an assembly line type dealie.. Only reason i'm skeptical is because I don't like boss's.. Oh well.. I guess I will just have to start my own buisness in a couple years :D

06-02-2004, 01:06 AM
Pretty much everyone so far has hit the nail on the head. Working with the public SUCKS. First the Hindu guy comes in and try's to get you to do back flips to make him happy and then five minutes before closing, 10 people walk in and act like nothing is wrong. There is nothing i hate more in this world than working with the public...

06-02-2004, 08:30 AM
Pretty much everyone so far has hit the nail on the head. Working with the public SUCKS. First the Hindu guy comes in and try's to get you to do back flips to make him happy and then five minutes before closing, 10 people walk in and act like nothing is wrong. There is nothing i hate more in this world than working with the public...

First of all what difference does it make? Your being paid to make people happy within the rules. If they want something outside the rules the manager is called over. What difference is it if people come in late and want to spend money that pays your salary? Sell em stuff! Thats why your business exists. The job is not there for your convenience. If that customer does not come in then that store doesn't need you at all. Its there for making money. And customers are paying your salary. Nothing grips me off more than someone who doesn't realize and respect a customer is there to employ him/her. People can be a pain to deal with I know... but its their hard earned money so they do not HAVE to spend it in your store. They can spend it elsewhere. They feel the same way you do about your money.

06-02-2004, 08:57 AM
Right on. The customer is doing you a favor by paying your salary. Not the other way around.

06-02-2004, 07:24 PM
ohh very true ( to the two people above me ) ... BE HAPPY !!!