View Full Version : What Type Of Hopper To Get¿

06-01-2004, 03:19 AM
Ok I know that this ¿ has already been asked. But I was hopping to get some new opinions on this. My current set up is classic with x-valve, ule trigger, empire reloader, and im planning on getting the hair trigger when it comes out.
So whats your opinions on hoppers¿ :cool:

06-01-2004, 03:28 AM
If your choice is based on getting the Hair trigger if and when it comes out then I would wait until it does. It could be awhile before you get that trigger and hopper technology may have changed. I am assumng that the x-valve includes the L10 bolt. If not get the L10 first. I have not heard anything bad about the reloader. I like my Halo just fine.

06-01-2004, 03:29 AM
stick with your reloader untill you decide on getting a faster gun or upgrading your current setup. wait a bit. The reloader will serve you just fine. Mine works like a charm :)

06-01-2004, 03:55 AM
Ok lol im convinced to wait. Decided to put it away for the sexy DW karta body :eek:. Dam them guys are gonna make me go so broke lol.

06-01-2004, 02:19 PM
get the hair trigger...if you're outshooting the reloader...get a warp / halo / evolution / envy (whatever the new VL hopper is)