View Full Version : punisher customs (problem solved)

10-10-2001, 12:15 AM
i put up a post a few days ago that i hadnt heard back from lee at punishers customs and i was getting worried that he might be trying to steal my mag (because i sent it in to him) but i just want everyone to know that he wasnt and he contacted me recently and told me he had computer trouble and was not able to retrun my emails

the point of this is that if i caused people to think that he is a dishonest person i want to correct that becasue in business reputation is everything so i just want to say that he is an honest guy and he gave me a great deal on my custom mag work

so if u want to have some customs work done punishers customs is a good place

and thanks to the people on here that responded and offerd help i appricate it

so in conclusion just ignore my post called "PUNISHERS CUSTOMS (help!!!)



10-10-2001, 01:57 AM
To get into a tad deeper detail........

I got smacked by the latest big bad WORM virus, not only that but my hard drive crashed at the same time. Both are bad enough, but wait......it gets better.....or worse depending on your point of view.

I've been I've been "head down adn elbows up" busting my butt to get stuff done in the shop and back out the door, that's all fine and good except that I wasn't tending to other things.....like backing up important files.

Long story short, I lost nearly everything in the way of contacts. A contact list of about 3400 give or take a few hundred. All my word documents (Waaaahaaaaaah!) and nearly 1200 MP3s.
Dunno what you miss until it's not there.......

10-10-2001, 07:58 AM
Punisher, I know what you mean. I went down last year because of one. It's no fun, alot of wasted time. I wish the government would crack down on them. Maybe they just don't have the ability to do so.

Temo Vryce
10-10-2001, 09:04 AM
Sawtan it was very nice of you to set the record straight with the rest of us.

Punisher, I know your pain. loosing that many MP3s really sucks. Good luck in getting everything back in order.

10-10-2001, 10:17 AM
Good form Sawtan (and welcome back too!).

Punisher, I feel for you bud. I've lost two computers to these dang things. Evil hackers should be hanged.

BTW: Although I find the cocker/mag hybrid fascinating from a mechanical aspect, the question why just sticks in my craw:)


10-10-2001, 10:36 AM

why not?


10-10-2001, 12:20 PM
exactly manike (:

10-10-2001, 01:29 PM
My harddrive went down recentlt, but I had MOST of the stuff backedup. BUT NOT ALL! I miss my lost stuff!
(I lost the 7th Heaven theme song! LOL!)


10-10-2001, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Army

BTW: Although I find the cocker/mag hybrid fascinating from a mechanical aspect, the question why just sticks in my craw:)


From what I've heard in other posts, the pneumatic trigger can be as short as an electronic trigger.

Heh, i always thought that this was kind of an "Unholy Spawn"; seeing how there's always that arguement about 'Cockers vs. 'Mags

10-10-2001, 02:17 PM
I will not stop until that unholy spawn is mine :cool:

just need to know the $$