View Full Version : Paintball Senario Handook (first draft)

06-03-2004, 11:52 AM
Check it out, feedback and suggestiong are appreciated (https://createpdf.adobe.com/cgi-pickup.pl/New%20Microsoft%20Word%20Document.pdf?BP=IE&LOC=en_US&CUS=30018cf80b5a1a64f68076837debe976&CDS=40BF56A6-16B6-18402F)

06-03-2004, 11:59 AM
cool idea, it isnt my piece of cake, as id rather have more fun at a scenario game (TEAM ICKY FOREST REPRESENT) then take it as serrious as most do. Team icky forest tore it up last year, being comprised of 4 origional members, then the addition of havoc online to the final battle at Shatnerball 2. Baisically we ran around, shot up lost walkie talkies, and shot suckers who came across our wave of destruction. It was alot of fun:)

For those heavily interested in scenario play, it doesnt seem like a bad idea to read up on it, i just have seen secenario plans collapse very quickly.

Cool idea tho

06-03-2004, 12:08 PM

Its not really scenario tactics, more just wannabe military tactics... I've only been playing scenario for about 2 years now, but I have NEVER seen any team yell "Alright everybody, VEE formation!"

If you want a scenario handbook, look over the General Rules of Scenario Play, go over the major differences between scenario and rec ball play, and emphasize that it doesnt matter how many guys you shoot, but who wins the missions in the end.

Major Jam
06-03-2004, 12:14 PM
Page two should be a table of contents.

Page three should be an introduction. About who you are, where you get this information, and what you a trying to achieve in this document.

06-03-2004, 12:41 PM
heh, well in paintball plans never really go the way you want, expecially in tournies and senario, but its just to get an idea of different positions and how they could benifit you.

thank for the suggestions Major.

its not like a bible or anything, just some guidlines and suggestions.

Major Jam
06-03-2004, 01:01 PM
That was just my quick observations. It's the technical editor part of me coming out. :)

The info looks good and I appreciate the hard work guys like you put into producing information that might help someone out there.

06-03-2004, 01:07 PM
sorry looks like a cut and paste from the ranger hand book....sorry been playing scenarios for quite and we dont talk like that. we might use the same moves as you have described but we do not call them fancy names. good idea, i guess if you have no clue about scenarios and want to apply military tatics to the game. the best idea is just go play a few and hook up with some organized team and see how they run durring a game.....just my thoughts

06-03-2004, 01:22 PM
The info looks good and I appreciate the hard work guys like you put into producing information that might help someone out there.

heh that makes it all worth while

sorry looks like a cut and paste from the ranger hand book....sorry been playing scenarios for quite and we dont talk like that.

heh, well i know that, but its just something i whipped up for people wishing to get into senario, its just some ideas and guidelines. but i took a few things off the ranger hand book, as sound, and visibility stuff, but other than that, it was just me, and a few from a website i found.

too much time on my hands :D

06-03-2004, 02:56 PM
I think you have a good idea here. Your first draft seems a bit too military for paintball, though.

My experience with scenario/big games is that you rarely spend much time with your original groups. You should expect to be playing with a gaggle of assorted players of wildly varying experience levels. I think you should emphasize/acknowledge that.

Terms like "platoon" are not really appropriate in paintball, IMO. Even if the scenario calls your little band or mission-group a platoon, the players will mostly not be thinking of it that way.

In your section on smoke, you should mention about checking with the field staff about whether or not smoke is permitted. Also about the different types of smoke-bombs available, rather than "planned vs situational" smoke use.

A section on radio-use would be good.

Some examples of paintball scenario missions would be helpful, too.

Looking forward to seeing your second draft!

06-03-2004, 09:57 PM
heh thanks, if anyone wants to add on, feel free and ill include it!