View Full Version : who wants a 1000 dollar spyder

The Action Figure
06-03-2004, 02:00 PM

I mean its nice but I could get a near new dm4 or a4 for that

06-03-2004, 02:03 PM
:eek: wha wha what :eek:
$1000 Spyder, I never thought I would see the day. The apocalypse is close.

06-03-2004, 02:19 PM
i have, convert a spyder to a pneu operated gun, and then thats worth about 1 grand, but thats just stupid...

The Action Figure
06-03-2004, 02:22 PM
que ridiculo eh?

06-03-2004, 02:42 PM
wow.... time for a spazm *twitch*

06-03-2004, 02:45 PM
its still a spyder. i wouldnt pay 200 for it, especially after my experiences with an AMG. what a peice.

06-03-2004, 02:53 PM
Well I just posted my thoughts.

I think its great that someone took the time to work with their spyder and make it hum. Wheres shivors when you need him...

The Action Figure
06-03-2004, 03:00 PM
oysterboy make a terrific point, but the obvious still stands that this guy wnat 1000 dollars for a spyder

06-03-2004, 03:02 PM
Considering what he payed? I can say, without hesitation that if I were faced with an angel or this spyder, Id take the spyder. But thats just me..

06-03-2004, 03:11 PM
I really dont see how that much could be put into an AMG..maybe if he bought like..3 Conquests to go with it, but im not real good with Spyder prices though so I could be wrong. Anyways..nobody told him to upgrade it, lol, so really if he wants what he thinks it worth ( at least a 1000), on PBN nonetheless, where LCD Angel value has gone to 400 and below..then..wow.just wow. Bad Company's old AMGs ripped pretty well, with no eyes whereas this one has eyes..but I wouldnt even give Tom Cole 400 for his AMG., even if it had eyes. Well, still be awesome if he sells this thing for a grand. Kudos to him for having such er..confidence.

06-03-2004, 03:35 PM
Thats worth at least a 3-day ban. :)

thanks for your vote of support....

06-03-2004, 03:38 PM
Just an estimation of what everything costs:

Spyder AMG Classic - 200
IS Board w/Eyes - 120
Custom Products Pro Barrel Kit - 150
Spudnukl LP Bolt - 30
Dark Horizon Otterized Striker - no idea, not more than 30
Maddmad Rocket Valve - 25-30
32 Degrees Medium Green Spring with 6 coils cut off - 10 for kit
Halo B - 120
Check It Products Feedneck Adapter - 15
Low Rise Check It Products Impulse Feedneck - 20
MacDev '04 Gladiator - 80???
Phat 3D Flame Drop - 20
Phat On/Off - 10
Zap Mirror Acrylic Grips - 20
SV AMG V/A - 30
Check It Products Sweet Spot Trigger - 20
50 gram Microswitch - 10
Crossfire Carbon Fiber 68/3000 Tank - 120
Dye Tank Cover - 15

All together new, approx. 1020. I can't imagion whay he would pay 1400 new for all of that. For 1000 bucks thats not something I would consider a deal, you could get everything new for around that. Plus, you could have a really sexy marker for 1k... ebladed cockers, angels, matrixes, timmys... pretty much anything except DM4s, alias', stuff like that. Ridiculous.

06-03-2004, 03:39 PM
Even Nero couldn't get $1000 for his Spyder, and its the most ridiculous Spyder I've ever seen.

06-03-2004, 03:40 PM
/me would have to agree with thor.

06-03-2004, 03:45 PM
Well as people have said you can get a timmy for cheaper. OH speaking of timmy look in my sig.

06-03-2004, 03:47 PM
I really dont see how that much could be put into an AMG..maybe if he bought like..3 Conquests to go with it, but im not real good with Spyder prices though so I could be wrong. Anyways..nobody told him to upgrade it, lol, so really if he wants what he thinks it worth ( at least a 1000), on PBN nonetheless, where LCD Angel value has gone to 400 and below..then..wow.just wow. Bad Company's old AMGs ripped pretty well, with no eyes whereas this one has eyes..but I wouldnt even give Tom Cole 400 for his AMG., even if it had eyes. Well, still be awesome if he sells this thing for a grand. Kudos to him for having such er..confidence.

whytrash's AMG is a real piece. I'm surprised he's selling it. I'm not quite sure if it's worth the asking price, but that's what asking prices are for. He did a great job modifying that Spyder, and it has some rare pieces on its spec sheet.

Now, I really hope that this thread wasn't started to try and spark up and send 'the hord' to flame mr. whytrash on PBNation. I mean, ignorance is one thing to laugh at, but performance and creativity should be prized. :D

06-03-2004, 03:49 PM
...i sure as hell don't want one...

...I want 50 so i can sell them and get a full backup with acessories...

06-03-2004, 03:52 PM
...i sure as hell don't want one...

...I want 50 so i can sell them and get a full backup with acessories...

Nice reply to his F/S thread. You of all people. :mad:

06-03-2004, 04:03 PM
That guy is just silly!

I know, I know....but Shivors your are the Spyder guy... :eek:

Spyders are what they are. I personally think it was foolish to spend all that flow on a Spyder. 1400 would buy you the uber rig of your dreams. <sigh> :(

That said...do not think for a second that that marker will not rip it up. :cool: Also, that marker is VERY simple to maintain and will last a very long time. I would love tot see a video of him walking that blade trigger.

One of the things you will see on my Spyder is that most of my upgrades either transferable or easily sold parted out. I have no grand delusions about my markers ability. Now...I do have delusions on MY ability. Feel free to bow before my rec skills. MUWHAHAHAHAHA

06-03-2004, 04:42 PM
actually, shivors, i was concidering one of whatever spyder was in your sig, i needed a backup, and that thing was preety hot, but......1400 for anything is out there, ESPICIALLY a $200 base marker

06-03-2004, 05:02 PM
btw the hammer in there, dark horizons, is one of the nicest, if not the nicest hammer, EVER

its so light but durable, rare, and when otterized, it weighs less(ibelieve), and it works with electro

its about 60, but it is the best hammer

06-03-2004, 06:00 PM
325 psi aint that low for a spyder..... New stock Piranha's operate at 300-400 psi (models with reg obviously). If it ran at like 200 then I would be impressed.

06-03-2004, 06:14 PM
pfft i know i would rather pay 1000 dollars for a spyder then saving another 200 and buying an xmag.... :rolleyes: :p

paint magnet
06-03-2004, 06:14 PM
If you want a $1000 Spyder, buy an Intimidator :D

Sorry, I couldn't resist. All Timmy bashing jokes aside, I find it amusing that he would likely get more for selling the Halo and tank than he would for selling the entire package :) I don't see why anyone would spend that much money on a Spyder, I mean no matter how much you do to it, the fact still remains that it's a stacked tube blowback gun assembled by a 7 year old in a rice paddy in Taiwan.

I've seen some 'nice' Spyders, and yes, they can be made to shoot quite nicely, but if you really want to spend that much money you'd be better off buying a used Spyder for 50 bucks off Ebay, putting a Hyperframe on it and dumping in some AKA internals.

06-03-2004, 06:21 PM
think about this guys. it only takes one shot and your out. so he spent a little ...much... money on his spyder but i bet if its in the right persons hand you would get wasted. because in the end its all about the game not the money you put into it. i mean i ran out of nitro last weekend and i used my old spyder... about 10 years old and all it has is a J&J ceramic and i was taking some people out still. sure its harder to move but it only takes one shot. so think about that... plus everybody will be like ooooooo thats some ****ty gun ...its just a spyder.... but wait until you get shot at like 18 bps by it. thats my 2 cents on this thread i dont care what all of you people think

06-03-2004, 06:34 PM
See, when I first read the thread title I was honestly expecting to read something about a Timmy.... go figure..

06-03-2004, 06:43 PM
sure hes not going to get anywhere near 1k but its just a fugly intimidator if you look at it... i say 550 - 600 it goes for

06-03-2004, 06:54 PM
Spyders were meant to be low end, cost effective guns. I think that is just a waste of money. If I ever spent that much time and money on something like that, I'd NEVER sell it.

06-03-2004, 06:57 PM
In the long run the marker will run very well for him but I totally agree that that is something you just keep.

Would still like to see it run. I am a fan after all.

06-03-2004, 07:07 PM
Its something you keep, because its not worth half of what he payed for it all to anyone but himself.

The Spanish Inquisition
06-03-2004, 07:22 PM
I guess I might as well point out what sight that was posted on. Nothing supprises me when I click on a link to PBN anymore.

06-03-2004, 07:25 PM
Um, ignorant people who are calling it just an ugly Timmy... it's not...

It has no pneumatics. It still works like and old Spyder... striker, springs, everything. No ram/poppet/etc.

06-03-2004, 07:30 PM
i used to have a 1 g spyder... but that was back in the day.. i know a few people that had 1g spyders... but i mean hey. he did spend alot on it... he just doesn't know resale

06-03-2004, 07:33 PM
i used to have a 1 g spyder... but that was back in the day.. i know a few people that had 1g spyders... but i mean hey. he did spend alot on it... he just doesn't know resale
we've all been there at some time, it was fun i must say
i wouldnt mind having another "cool looking pimped out spyder" right now either

back in those days we never realized that we couldnt sell our "junk guns" for more than 200 :(

the poor kid must be 13 like i used to be

06-03-2004, 07:38 PM
why the f@*& do you keep on about thsi subject? i mean its his money and there are a lot of stupid people out htere so someone will buy it for 1000 trust me. ive sold a 98 for 500...that shows how stupid some rich kids are..."wow thats looks cool lets see how it shoots... wow that sraight ill buy it how much o you want???...ummm 500 :confused: ..."O ok".... :cool: stupid people are my friends...

just for an example

06-03-2004, 08:02 PM
Also, i mean yeah its strange, but its neat in a way..

if im able to make it to IAO this year, i will be playing with more than a 1000 $ spyder well "the one" which uses a ram and stuff. (with custom electronics and milling nd so much upgrades, it drives timmys wild)...

i mean, yeah its strange, but you know what i sat there building, programming, doing so many mods

ive got it running at 240 or so, but it couldnt handle anything over 2 bps :(

i know how he feels, and ive seen this on the sz forum

06-03-2004, 08:31 PM
I once built a Bob Long Milly that ran nearly a grand , maybe even more after all the parts I went through.
It was running on a Mako frame with AKA internals and a Palmer reg(that I still own). Had it running about 280PSI. Worked great on CO2 year round. Shot really quick and would put them out like darts before it chopped , which it always did.
Thats another bit of my learning curve towards using Lvl 10......(plug) :D

06-03-2004, 08:50 PM
u do realize that that gun is a timmy right because all a timmy is is an upgraded spyder so all this talk of being able to buy a timmy for that much is cool but this thing is uncapped so it can out shoot a timmy
just thought id give my 2 cents

06-03-2004, 08:55 PM
u do realize that that gun is a timmy right because all a timmy is is an upgraded spyder so all this talk of being able to buy a timmy for that much is cool but this thing is uncapped so it can out shoot a timmy
just thought id give my 2 cents
thats the most uneducated response ever...

have you compared the 2? sure they look alike, but the internals are completely different, from front to back, nothing the same

do your research before you speak, i went easy on you, others would chew you up and spit you out

06-03-2004, 08:57 PM
hahaha. couldent agree more, I think vendivich is some guy on the local paintball field forum that leeched over from when i posted the hair trigger vid.

06-03-2004, 09:21 PM
With the switch setup on a spyder, I doubt anyone could pull 16 on it.

paint magnet
06-07-2004, 03:59 PM
Yes, but with all that on it, surely he's replaced the switch...if I was upgrading an E Spyder, the switch would be one of the first things to go.

06-07-2004, 05:30 PM
Just an estimation of what everything costs:

Spyder AMG Classic - 200
IS Board w/Eyes - 120
Custom Products Pro Barrel Kit - 150
Spudnukl LP Bolt - 30
Dark Horizon Otterized Striker - no idea, not more than 30
Maddmad Rocket Valve - 25-30
32 Degrees Medium Green Spring with 6 coils cut off - 10 for kit
Halo B - 120
Check It Products Feedneck Adapter - 15
Low Rise Check It Products Impulse Feedneck - 20
MacDev '04 Gladiator - 80???
Phat 3D Flame Drop - 20
Phat On/Off - 10
Zap Mirror Acrylic Grips - 20
SV AMG V/A - 30
Check It Products Sweet Spot Trigger - 20
50 gram Microswitch - 10
Crossfire Carbon Fiber 68/3000 Tank - 120
Dye Tank Cover - 15

All together new, approx. 1020. I can't imagion whay he would pay 1400 new for all of that. For 1000 bucks thats not something I would consider a deal, you could get everything new for around that. Plus, you could have a really sexy marker for 1k... ebladed cockers, angels, matrixes, timmys... pretty much anything except DM4s, alias', stuff like that. Ridiculous.

No, wrong on almost all the prices.
Feedneck is 25 dif of 5
Drop- 30 dif of 10
On/off- 30 dif of 20
Tank-150 dif of 30
Tank cover-25 dif of 10
DH Titanium hammer- 55- dif of 25
A full CP Kit- 200 dif of 50
Gun- 270 dif of 70
Just pointing out that you are wrong on the prices.

I agree with you on the other part though, upgrading spyders are stupid.

06-07-2004, 10:25 PM
Spyders were meant to be low end, cost effective guns. I think that is just a waste of money. If I ever spent that much time and money on something like that, I'd NEVER sell it.

Well, Honda Civics are meant to be cost effective econoboxes, but I see most guys these days spending more on them than what they paid for it initially. Then they sell it for more than it was (is) worth. Its all about preferences. Personally I never understood people upgrading basic markers, or cars for that matter, but as time has gone on I see the satisfaction it brings. Selling it though, you won't get what you think it deserves. I know what I spent on my Mag, but I don't think I coulc ever get even half of that. Life goes on.

06-07-2004, 10:43 PM
upgrading isnt meant to be a "dumb move" to other peoples view
its just instinct, some people can't help it.
i know for a fact that all my friends couldn't keep their gun stock, even if the reg was "great" or the barrel was "good enough" they just had to find something new to slap on. soon screw in tanks got boring, 12 inchers were boring, the cool bolt knob was boring, etc, you just do it cus you want something new.

its all understandable, just seems dumb when you look back at it

anywho i love these new faces :cheers: :clap:

06-08-2004, 01:27 AM
upgrading isnt meant to be a "dumb move" to other peoples view
its just instinct, some people can't help it.
i know for a fact that all my friends couldn't keep their gun stock, even if the reg was "great" or the barrel was "good enough" they just had to find something new to slap on. soon screw in tanks got boring, 12 inchers were boring, the cool bolt knob was boring, etc, you just do it cus you want something new.

its all understandable, just seems dumb when you look back at it

anywho i love these new faces :cheers: :clap:

So true. I personally fell for the upgrading my spyder and like you said now that i look back on it i regret it so much,

06-08-2004, 06:22 AM
I have upgraded my Spyder and feel great about it.

Barrel, regulator, drop, sticky grips, macro line, feedneck and the last and possibly last upgrade for a long time.....a 50g switch.

Basically these are upgrades I would do for ANY marker I bought so I cant see what the deal is. The only true performance upgrade was the switch and it was more of a lark at 5.00.

06-08-2004, 08:20 AM
Its something you keep, because its not worth half of what he payed for it all to anyone but himself.

That marker wil DROP any stock 1000 dollar marker in a HEARTBEAT. Shivors isn't the only Spyder shooter here... We get noe respect cause you all don't wanna believe that we can rule with our markers.

It's a simple fact in paintball.... and people hate to admit it, but a marker is basically a marker no matter what name is on it...

Props to that guy for making a rig that'll blow a dm4 away.

BTW shivors i saw your second marker had a 3-a barrel, I love my barrel kit i was just wondering how you liked yours?


06-08-2004, 09:41 AM
-i do believe,that in some of the first timmy instruction booklets,it said "this marker is based off of the Kingman Spyders functional design"

06-08-2004, 09:59 AM
Well, Honda Civics are meant to be cost effective econoboxes, but I see most guys these days spending more on them than what they paid for it initially. Then they sell it for more than it was (is) worth. Its all about preferences. Personally I never understood people upgrading basic markers, or cars for that matter, but as time has gone on I see the satisfaction it brings. Selling it though, you won't get what you think it deserves. I know what I spent on my Mag, but I don't think I coulc ever get even half of that. Life goes on.

Then again, I think upgrading civics and dodge neons is possibly the stupidest thing ever. Civics were meant to be low cost, decent car. They aren't meant to be fast, loud, racer cars. IMO, act what you are like, if you are a dog, you should bark, not moo. If you are a civic you should be made for getting around, if you are a ferrari you are made to be fast. Same thing with this spyder, but then again this is all of my opinion.

06-08-2004, 04:01 PM
Oh..I forgot that I bought a Shocktech trigger.

BTW shivors i saw your second marker had a 3-a barrel, I love my barrel kit i was just wondering how you liked yours?
I just tried it out this past Sat and it performed just as well as my boomstick. The only hangup was they didnt clean off the excess anno int he porting and it kept snaging on my old swab. Cleaned them out with a microfile and I am all set for DDay.

12-27-2004, 02:40 PM
isaid goddaaaaaang!

12-27-2004, 03:07 PM

You brought this thread back JUST to say that?! :rolleyes:

12-27-2004, 05:45 PM

oops, this is a REALLY old thread. Shame, shame!

12-27-2004, 05:58 PM
Here we come, back from the dead!

- Goro