View Full Version : Warp feed question

06-03-2004, 09:50 PM
I was considering buying a warp feed(with 20 bps wiring), an egg or that Ricochet Apache LCD. What would you buy if it was you? I usualy shoot at about 14-16 bps (no paint) on my ir3, but I have a revy, so I am obviously slowed down to about 10-12 with it. So heres my question about the warp.

Lets say I am shooting a stream of 15bps
and my revy is feeding at 10bps

I shoot for exacly 1 Second using 15 balls, but the revy only replaces 10, what happens to the gap in balls? Do the balls fall into the bottom of the wheel to replace the gap while the motor is not spining?

06-03-2004, 11:31 PM
the wheel continues spinning until it is stopped by the pressure on the ball stack. if there is a gap in balls. the wheel will slip on the balls that are as far as they can go up the tube. if tha tmakes sense. neway it spins and feeds and slips until its caught up.

Duck Hunt
06-03-2004, 11:44 PM
I'm pretty sure the stock warp will feed at about 20 BPS. IF you have a nice straight (somewhat) short ballstack. If you have a WARP body I wouldn't suggest that 90 degree elbow I found it slows it down somewhat.

ALOT of people have nooooo problems using a Revy with the warp. I would rather have a "force fed" loader like the Egg (which I use) or Halo. The reason being is they keep up with your shooting and the warp, PLUS, you can shoot much MORE balls when you tilt the gun to extreme right or left, giving you alot of crazy shooting positions.

If you like shooting streams of paint, then get a force feed loader. If not then a revy will do fine, but you may have to drill the shell to get a tight profile, which you won't need to do with the egg or halo.


06-04-2004, 09:31 AM
I have used my warp and revie for almost 2 years now. When I had a warp body on my emag with a really short hose I couldnt out-shoot it (keep fresh batteries in the warp and revie). When I got a karta body and had the use the 90* elbo and a much longer hose I out-shot the warp/revie combo only on fast stings held for a few seconds.

Basically with the right setup a revie is enough.

06-04-2004, 11:14 AM
An Xboard 12v revy is what most people use, and is what I use, and I highly reccommend it. If you're going to be shooting consistantly at like 18 bps though if you're like a back man or something, then you might want an apache or halo or egg or something. But the warp is usually pretty good about keeping balls ready to fire.

06-04-2004, 12:09 PM
hhhmm, since they are about the same price, I wonder wich one would keep chops down? I imagine the egg would, but ive heard so many people complain about them cracking or snaping off the the feed neck. One good thing about the warp, is that if it brakes, I can just use the revy, or if the revy brakes, I can just put a gravity feed hopper on, so theres a backup for both of them.

How fast will the warp feed if I only use a 9volt?

06-04-2004, 12:29 PM
I am a few days away from getting my warp feed. Only cost me 35.00 oah yeah.
I am going to use my Evo 2 on it but If you havent bought either yet I wouldnt recomend the evo. My feed neck has tons of stress cracks and Ive already had to replace a few of the plastic parts.
I miss the old viewloader.

As far as speed Ive been testing my evo and unless the batteries are fresh I only get 15 per second from it. Just to let you know mine has the Y board.

The other thing with the evo is that since the feedneck is up front it will put the hopper farther back. Someone has a thread about that and it dosent look like its too bad but then again personal preference see what works for you.

Id recomend either a revolution with x board or a halo.

You only complain about high cost high quality once, when you buy it. But how often do you complain about low cost low quality, every time you use it.

06-04-2004, 07:29 PM
thats just what im thinking m20power, you must be my twin?

06-04-2004, 07:49 PM
Have any of you used the Ricochet Apache LCD on the warp feed? Does it sit balanced?

06-04-2004, 09:23 PM
thats just what im thinking m20power, you must be my twin?

Only if your 6 feet 6 inches tall :D
Im told girls dig tall guys, let me know when you find that girl.

06-04-2004, 09:33 PM
I use a Halo with my Warp on my X-mag. I experimented with a Richo AK and experianced big time gaps! When i switched back to the Halo...problem fixed.

Force feed loader + Warp + high BPS gun = :D

06-04-2004, 10:27 PM
The Ricochet AK and Apache are 2 different loaders. The Apache has a confirmed feed rate of 17 or 18 bps(can't remember which), faster than I can shoot, as far as I know I've never gotten higher than 16. Anyway, I was just wondering if it balances good or if it sticks too far back(like the egg imo) or whatever. Thanks.

EDIT: I don't want to use a Halo because they are heavier and I'm trying to keep my set up light, halo is heavier than most loaders(maybe all?).