View Full Version : Wat does cps mean as oppose to bps? ( a noob question) i kno

Cool fool!
06-03-2004, 10:00 PM
Wat does cps mean? :confused:

06-03-2004, 10:01 PM
cycles per second.

06-03-2004, 10:06 PM
^ what he said.
Basically cycles per second is how many times the gun can actually cycle, ie dryfiring.. just because a gun can shoot 45 cps doesnt nessicarily mean that it can fire 45 BALLS per second. Mostly because no loader can go that fast.. even though the Q loader gets pretty close. Some times they arent even full cycles though.

06-03-2004, 11:27 PM
i thought it meant clicks/s...it made sense. the person was dryfiring. it clicked. no balls. w/e could i still be a little right? plz. i need this, dont make me feel insignifigant...you always do this TELL ME IM RIGHT!!! and that you appreciate me. thas important too. why wont someone love me for who i am. its always gee sam you're so beautiful. well you konw what GOSHDARN IT i want to be more than just gorgeous. WHYYYYY was i cursed with being so beautiful.

06-03-2004, 11:30 PM

06-03-2004, 11:30 PM
Well, technically it does not mean clicks, but If he was dryfiring then yea it would be CPS. I LOVE YOU DUDE!!
I appreciate you so much man my life wouldn't be the same without you!

06-04-2004, 05:22 PM
Cycles per second is all it can me



06-04-2004, 07:10 PM
I guess he thought clicks because on some guns, they click/chirp when you pull the trigger.

06-04-2004, 08:01 PM
I thought it was chops per second? :p :rolleyes: Isn't that what most guns do at their claimed BPS rates? :D

06-04-2004, 08:06 PM
I thought it was chops per second? :p :rolleyes: Isn't that what most guns do at their claimed BPS rates? :D

Haha, couldn't agree more. Thats actually sigworthy for me.

06-04-2004, 09:14 PM
I thought it was 'chops per second' too.

06-04-2004, 10:05 PM
Sweet Jeebus! I've been quoted in a sig!!! :eek:

I feel as though I truly belong, now... :D

Cool fool!
06-05-2004, 10:20 AM
so Like lets say deadlywind's trigger on the vid it says 20cps( which it does)
does that mean if i had a hopper that could feed that fast, it would give me 20 bps?

06-05-2004, 01:25 PM
Only if you can pull it off. It's more a question of:

1-is the marker mechanically capable of 20bps? Yes it is as my many videos show (http://www.zakvetter.com/Pages/Paintball/Z-mans_AO_Corner/Z-mans_corner_main.html) (scrole down to see the old rapid-fire video)

2- Are you capable of setting the marker up to fire that fast or can you pull the trigger 20 times a second? The Z-Code Halo B will sustain 22-23bps and from my initial testing of the Victory board I borrowed I looks very much like I can get 26+. So then it comes down to, can [i]you[/] pull the trigger that fast? Not likely on a mechanical trigger with no bounce. I am lucky so squeeze off 16bps.

06-05-2004, 02:22 PM
I put 20 CPS in the video because on the testbench we had a computer physically pulling the trigger via an air ram/noid, and the entire trigger/hAir/sear/Xvalve mag would fire at up to 20.4 times per second. It wasn't shooting paint, so I couldnt legally put BPS there. If I had had a Halo on there, it would have been BPS, because the Xvalve *should* easily keep up at 20.4BPS.

Altough CPS is "Cycles per second" and BPS is "Balls per second", I typically see max CPS as the fastest the marker is physically capable of compleating "cycles" in a second, given its mechanical attributes. If the marker is told to cycled faster than this, it will not complete its cycle.
I see BPS as how many balls a human can shoot in one second at full velocity (300fps) with that marker.

Because of the markers design, it might have some blow-back up the ball feed stack, preventing faster ball feed rates. It may keep the bolt open for a shorter period of time during the cycle and take a little extra time for a ball to drop in. It may have low air flow and will starve off at higher recharge (firing) rates causeing dropoff. And ofcourse the biggest two are usually how fast the loader can push the balls in per second, and how fast the human can pull the trigger per second (altough a computer could be firing for you and it would still be BPS). All of these attributes contribute to the BPS almost always being lower than the CPS of a marker.


Cool fool!
06-09-2004, 09:11 PM
:wow:! DUDE NICAD YOU ARE LIKE THE GENIUS OF PAINTBALL! (but don't forget about Tom Kaye :hail: ) lol. Thanks guys for the great info, I understand now! Nicad i cant wait for you hair trigger to come out! This is sucha great site!

Thanks guys!
