View Full Version : Paintball and the World

10-10-2001, 03:37 PM
People fear what they do not understand. Ignorance is keeping paintball from where it should be. I want to know what I can do to spread the TRUTH about paintball. I have informed almost every person about the safety and fun of paintball that I know. That includes my family, friends, aquantices, and even school teachers. I feel that I can do more and I should do more. It just tears me up inside when I hear someone say that paintball is violent and that it is pointless. Instead of fighting back with that person, I simply educate them about paintball. Anyway, fellow paintballers, give me some ideas to make a change... a signifigant change.

10-10-2001, 03:43 PM
Maybe invite them to play or just watch. Then they will see how much fun we have and how many different age groups are involved. We have several younger players that play with us, that save all their money for pb instead of other "bad" habits.

10-10-2001, 04:09 PM
Sit around the family dinner table and make them watch the "Push" Video.

Heck, invite the hole block over and tell them you are going to BBQ, then little by little bring them near the TV set to watch the movie. Just make sure you BBQ :D