View Full Version : Paintball Drawing(s)

06-04-2004, 05:33 PM
Ok, I decided to post up one of my drawings. Its fairly straight forward, not finished tweeking the 'spyder'/'timmy' on the 'bunkette'. Any comments are apreciated. The first link is the white and black one (hard to see), the second one is solarized / inverted, which is easier to see..




06-04-2004, 05:55 PM
:claps: yay good job pretty good...atleast better than me it seems u could color them or maybe add a bit mroe detail and btw they appear to be more sketches than drawings :p

06-04-2004, 06:09 PM
heh thanks. I plan to go the whole nine yards; background, colors, shade, 3D paintball hit effects...

06-04-2004, 06:20 PM
Very nice. Look forward to seein the finished product.

06-04-2004, 06:23 PM
thanks guys. Bear in mind im 14.. heh :D

The Frymarker
06-04-2004, 06:27 PM
Great job, you're on a roll!!! :D

06-04-2004, 06:28 PM

06-04-2004, 06:28 PM
wow, that means quite a bit coming from you heather..

The Frymarker
06-04-2004, 06:33 PM
You're welcome, everyone has to start some where, and your work looks great, keep pluggin away.

The more you practice the better you get, take from me and 20 years worth of experience!!!

Never give up, no matter what anyone says.

People, would say my artwork, was well lets just say, it needed a lot of help!

So keep at it, your doing a great job! :)

I just wanted to add a true story....

About 10 years ago I had gone to a Marvel Comic Book convention, in New York.

I had brought my portfolio with me. I really wanted to work for Disney Studios and animation.

A few cartoonists look at it, and critqued it. Some were a little harsh than others.

I came up to a table that had Greg and Tim Hildebrandt, famous illustration/cartoon artists. First I asked them to sign my shirt...which I still have that t-shirt today.

I asked if they could look at my portfolio, Greg just ignored me, he had probably had his full of portfolio presentations. So I walked away.

Tim Hildebrandt fought through the crowd of people and ask "May I see your portfolio". He then brought me back to his table. He looked over my work and said, "You're on your way! Someday you will be famous, never give up on your dreams, in life that is all you have.

At that moment I felt so honored that he would spend the time to lift my spirits, and I never forgot that.

And I hope that one day.....maybe I will be famous.

06-04-2004, 07:12 PM
Hmm, someone just approached me about buying it ($20 cdn). Awesome.. :D

Thanks everyone for your comments, especially heather.

That story sounds quite 'inspirationa;', I feel somewhat like you must have, only to a much lesser extent (I'm assuming). I also have a few cartoons I've made (15 seconds) that I could probably post, they aren't very good (I forget the 'story' by the 355th frame.. lol)

06-04-2004, 07:17 PM
...maybe I will be famous.

Well, I think you are good enough! When you're famous my "sketch" will be worth millions! ;) Seriously, I think you do great work.

OysterBoy's not bad either. :D

06-04-2004, 07:49 PM
The teacher at my school that does Jr High art used to work for Marvel Comics as an artist, he does amazing stuff. And I will get to have him next year :D .

06-04-2004, 07:54 PM
And I hope that one day.....maybe I will be famous.

You already are in my books, and your work in marvelous. Well done and the best of luck in your future Heather.

As well to you Oysterboy, have a fun time and enjoy, no matter what troubles come your way.

06-04-2004, 08:04 PM
those are cool..but..the shoes..wow..big..heh

06-04-2004, 08:11 PM
dang i was about to post about that but ya beat me to it, are we the only ones that noticed the mutant sized feet?

06-04-2004, 11:17 PM
Good luck with the contiuation of that picture, I agree that the feet are a little on the large side, and you might wanna shrink them up a little bit, also the barrel on the marker of the person doing the bunkering is a little bent upwards , but that could just be do to the fact that its a picture of a picture. other than that it looks pretty good and I can't wait to see the final product.

Also with selling your pictures I definitly would say to sell all but your first one I'm selling a few of mine in the for sale thread linked in my sig (plug, plug) but there is no way I will ever sell my first drawing. It just seems like that is the one that is most significant to me.

06-05-2004, 04:02 AM
what heather said, is a really good way to get your name out there. My good friend whom just graduated with me, named Tom Ryan has been approaching many comic book artists lately. After drawing for marvel, and giving ideas towards their ultimate series, he is well on his way. He just went to Wizards comic con. in philly and he set up his own table, and handed out copies of his own, short comic book.

by doing this, he has attracted the likely hood of artists like Michael Avon Oeming( artist for Powers) Humberto Ramos, Jim lee, and others.

In the fall he is attending minneapolis college of art and design to refine his comic book skills.

He draws in the DC comic style, like in the television shows, squared off. Also as i said, one of his influences is Michael Avon Oeming, who draws much in the same style. Jim lee commented on his style being not unlike his own as a young inspiring artist.

my words of advice after watching tom, are to get yourself a portfolio, start now. just draw what ever you like, and accumulate your best pictures. Remember to sign and date everything.

Go to comic conventions, and submit your portfolio to artists that have their own booths setup. Do not hassle them if they are busy, but get your name out there.

I will have to scan toms book for you all to read, it really is good, and it has a good little story line :)

just keep up the good work man

The Frymarker
06-05-2004, 05:15 AM
Thanks guys,

And your very welcome Oyster, keep up the good work!