View Full Version : Newbie Gun

06-04-2004, 05:48 PM
I found out today that my cousin is starting to feel the call to paintball. My aunt asked me if I would take him out one of these weekends and I'm pumped for it. If he likes it, she'll let him buy a marker (most likely), but I know that I'll be the one they will consult so I want to suggest something he's going to like. Here's where all of you come in: I need suggestions on what I should suggest, this marker shouldn't be too complicated, must be reliable, no necessary upgrades, and a good performer. This is of course an age-old question that usaully results in flaming etc, but go ahead and speak your piece because I'm open to it all. Thanks a lot.

Edit: Price, forgot about that. For now I'm going to say "Don't worry about it". Because I only found out a few minutes ago about this (like I said I'm pumped to get him started), I don't know what he and my aunt and uncle have in mind.

06-04-2004, 05:51 PM
no upgrades wanted and a newbie hmm... i would have to say something like an electronic spyder or something. i dont know your price range but i think that will be a good starter gun maybe buy one with a stock drop to see if he likes that or not, the barrel isnt all that bad but i mean it has its lows.


06-04-2004, 05:53 PM
uhm stock ,reliable,etc tippman is a MUST there cheaper than most if not all spyders and there great guns that require no ups other than that u can go cheap e-spyder those are about your only choices im sorry to say unles u can convince them on getting a used calssic or rt mag

06-04-2004, 06:02 PM
definately go for the tippy over the e spyder as the first gun. Tippy is more straight forward with less to worry about.

06-04-2004, 06:05 PM
Why not a mag??? Best gun i can think of.

06-04-2004, 06:10 PM
Anything by PMI is USUALLY annoed gold, in my books. The only exception is one of the regs... again, my opinion

06-04-2004, 06:14 PM
I'm thinking more-so no on the mag, mostly because of the fact that he should use Air with it, but he probably won't because that is more hassle for him and everyone else. But assuming he did get a mag, he'd have to get an X chamber and that's also another hassle for a beginner who doesn't even know what this stuff does. I think it would be better to get him something that will let him learn about the sport at a comfortable pace.

06-04-2004, 06:16 PM
A mag is perfect. Just buy the gun for him and explain it to him. Any other gun hell get is gonna have to use an expansion chamber to so that shouldnt be a prob. Other than a mag i would have to sayget him a spyder. I still think a mag would be the best option. All you have to do is explain to him how it works just like any other gun.

06-04-2004, 06:17 PM
Get a E-Spyder or a TES. If he gets a Spyder you can be as cool as me. :D

06-04-2004, 06:19 PM
Okay, you've swayed me. A mag would be a good marker for him. Anyone else? Something other than a spyder, tippmann, or mag? Throw your opinion out there.

06-04-2004, 06:19 PM
Piranha... lol

06-04-2004, 06:21 PM
No no...an Icon....or a Mongoose. :D

06-04-2004, 06:22 PM
Come on guys someone try and give him some help. He's trying to bring someone to the sport.

P.S. I Still Say Go With The Mag!!!

06-04-2004, 06:30 PM
I still say the tippy is the better choice. A mag is too much of a hassle to run on CO2, running on Compressed air is going to add a bit of cost, then getting a good amount of shots on one compressed air fill could be a problem.

the tippy does not need an expansion chamber, runs well on CO2 without it. You really do not need to add anything to it for it to work well, which is kinda the point with a newbie gun, isnt it?

06-04-2004, 06:52 PM
something different... ans gx3, not to shaby for a stock gun and also for the price its well worth it

Chicago Pb 7
06-04-2004, 06:57 PM
You should make sure he really wants to paintball, and if he does let him choose his own marker thats a little better than a spyder or tippmann because in a few months he will figure out that he wants a better gun so I say let him get something better and it will be cheaper in the long run.

06-04-2004, 06:59 PM
something different... ans gx3, not to shaby for a stock gun and also for the price its well worth it
seems a bit to complicated for someone just getting into the sport though

oh and hey mike :D

06-04-2004, 07:02 PM
hey nate im sure the kid isnt stupid, i dont mess with my cocker and it hasnt had a problem for a couple months now and the only problems i did have was the winter and the paint so im sure he can learn from his mistakes like i did

06-04-2004, 07:03 PM
The kids a noob, i wouldnt get him a cocker.

06-04-2004, 07:05 PM
I would just say a mag or a Tippy. But, make sure to tell him not to take off the black thing at the end of the steel braided hose (Turned into n00b speak). My friend did that and it is still leaking.

06-04-2004, 07:07 PM
hey nate im sure the kid isnt stupid, i dont mess with my cocker and it hasnt had a problem for a couple months now and the only problems i did have was the winter and the paint so im sure he can learn from his mistakes like i did

yeah but for newer players, its better to have a gun that can go through hell and still work. I think an imagine or some other cheaper e-spyder would be perfect. Noob guns should be able to take whatever beating an inexperience player might dish out on it. Its not that cockers are that hard to maintain, but newbs tend to be a bit careless with the marker there first time and a cocker just seems like a lot of parts to get clogged with dirt or whatnot.

06-04-2004, 07:14 PM
meh. i was just thinking of something different cuz the guy said something other then a mag spyder or tippman. so i thought autococker. and ans are pretty nicley upgraded cuz he didnt want to have to upgrade anything

06-04-2004, 07:27 PM
Ive said it about a million times if Ive said it once. Get a TES. They have eyes and cost 150-200. Hell be happy with it and wont get discuraged when he brakes balls. They are fast enough that it gives him room to grow into it and they only require a few drops in the asa to keep emm going. They also work well on co2!

06-04-2004, 07:41 PM
yeah the tes sounds good... basically its a e-spyder with an eye to top it off. anyone know anything bad about that gun?

06-04-2004, 08:01 PM
I think the TES or A-5 would both be great starter guns that would last him a while. Both pretty quick for a starter gun(my first was an original mech spyder, freaking 20lb trigger pull, ok, that's exaggerating) and both durable, especially the A-5. My .02

06-04-2004, 08:02 PM
The few times I used one, the trigger was set to far back, so you had to grab the side of the trigger and manualy return it forward. It was an easy fix, but it wasnt my gun so I wasnt about to change anything on it. Its an easy fix anyway. I was able to get 14bps on it too, and that was with co2. The exspantion chamber was an ice cube, but it still worked great.

06-04-2004, 08:22 PM
i agree with the tes, i kno someone that will install brighter sensors so the eyes are better, and on pbgear, they sell antisiphoned c02 tanks for 35 bucks, dont know theyre reliablitlty (tank unscrews from valve) but its a good dedal nonetheless

06-04-2004, 08:29 PM
I had heard A LOT of complaints about the Dragun T.E.S.'s overall quality. They perform well...when they are working.

06-04-2004, 08:36 PM
yeah my teamate tes has given him some problems in the past. like eye not workin, choping u know. i would go with a tippmann or a mech spyder. i never ran into problems with them.

06-05-2004, 06:01 AM
Well, id say, take him to ur local and get him to play some games. As Ive had friends that were all pumped up to play paintball, played it, never played it since cos it wasn't their thing.

After a couple of games if he still wants to play, like introduce him to ur friends and show him what they use and explain the differences between each marker. And help him make an informed decision on what he wants, rather than doing what i did since i had no-one to help me. Base what I wanted by how they looked.

But anyhow, id recommend a decent pump like a sl-68ii or similar.
Or, something like an A-5, works well by itself, he doesnt have to worry about out shooting his hopper, can run bottom line or vert. works great with co2.

Well theres my $0.02

06-05-2004, 06:37 AM
My first gun as a noob was a brass eagle Stingray 2, it cost about 80$ for my package deal that had everything I needed, but it broke in 4 months, so if he says he's not sure if this is something he wants to keep doing I would go with that just to get him use to the game, and to see if he continues, or a Tipp, can't go wrong with a Tipp fun a beginner, very reliable, I loved mine as my second gun after my stingray broke, and you can just upgradeing them, so that could turn out to be a gun he wants to stay with and just add stuff onto it with his money instead of buying a new gun, and then there an automag, wich is just as good if not better than a tippman but I think personally, a tippman would be a better gun to go with, for a noob, if he wants to persue the sport of paintball.

that would be my 3 cents (yes thats right I said 3)

06-05-2004, 08:12 AM
Just wanted to say, Spyder mop the floor with Tippmanns. I've owned both. Spyders are are easier to take apart and clean, shoot faster, abd look better.

06-05-2004, 02:54 PM
Ok, he still has to go and figure out if he even wants a gun, but aside from that... I'm pretty sure now that I'll advise against a mag at first, so as to let him get a gun he can learn the ropes with. The TES is sounding pretty sweet, but we'll see how much money he has for it, if it's not very much I'll probably show him a spyder package or something similar. Thanks for all of the suggestions guys.

06-05-2004, 04:48 PM
You should ask him what his price range is, and let him play speedball and woodsball to find out which style he likes more. Then get him a marker based on those choices.
For speed ball
A Spyder Imagine, a PE 16oz or 68/3000 tank (dpending on his price range), and a 12v Revy /w Xboard, and a CP one-piece
For Woodsball
A Tippmann A-5, same tank and barrel as above.
As for a mask, he should get either a Proflex or a v-force morph, and a good 3+2 harness (that should let him play most postions).

06-05-2004, 05:06 PM
the one is great...
get the one, it will last, has eyes...man its great

the larch
06-05-2004, 05:24 PM
Let him borrow your back up until he has played enough not to waste his money and quit. Then, help him make an informed decision. It's like buying a car, there are about 3 gajillion choices and everyone has a different idea about what is cool. Also, I have found that HPA is alot easier to deal with overall than C02 as long as it is available.
I myself, was quite taken by a BK4 I shot last week.
My thoughts have always been that you should let relatives use your equipment if they want so that they can skip that whole "first gun" experience. Who knows, you might have someone to split paint cost with :D

06-06-2004, 03:14 AM
ok first gun i would definetly go with either piranah(sp?) or a tippman 98 custom.. the 98 is hard as a rock and weve used them as rentals for years never had any major problems and unlike the piranahs this work even when the internals are caked in slimy goo.. also the inevitable upgrade stage will come and the 98 has tons of ups out there.. also i see less busted 98s than spyders and the 98s ripp.. easy first mod would be double trigger. also the 98s teardown is more difficult but more involving than the spyders and that will help him learn the ropes of more complicated guns.. but when you get good at taking them apart they are easy and can be completly stripped faster than any spyder out there..my opinon best low end gun out there and ive used close to every low end gun you can imagine..mag would be great too but running on co2 is a hassle with mags so take that into consideration!!

06-06-2004, 05:33 AM
first i would say get a used mag, because it would most likely be upgradedd already and mags rock, second i would say a spyde, becasue they are pretty good and reliable, easy to learn about and a spyder was my fist gun when i was poor, i didnt say tippman frankly because i have no experience with them, they may be better than a spyer or not, but all i know is that my spyder was a good guun and now my mag is a great gun.

06-06-2004, 11:18 AM
Well, id say, take him to ur local and get him to play some games. As Ive had friends that were all pumped up to play paintball, played it, never played it since cos it wasn't their thing.

After a couple of games if he still wants to play, like introduce him to ur friends and show him what they use and explain the differences between each marker. And help him make an informed decision on what he wants, rather than doing what i did since i had no-one to help me. Base what I wanted by how they looked.


Now that's good advice. Also, a good, comfortable mask of his own will make his day. If he likes the game, he'll probably go through several guns. I started with a pump Pirahna,then Carter Comp, won and gave away an NW '89, bought a Tippman Custom 98 RT, and now happily play with an Automag RT ULE Pro.

06-06-2004, 12:29 PM
I say go with the mag. very easy to clean, easy to work and take apart, just one screw to take off and the bolt slides right out. it is a pretty basic gun. If he likes the sport a lot then there are tons of upgrades he can get for it to like a x-valve, warp feed, barrels, intelleframe, triggers and a hell of a lot more stuff. GO WITH THE MAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. for a mask get an invision, it will make his game a lot more enjoyable(no fog, and very comfy, i have one myself)