View Full Version : Removing loctite - Need help ASAP

06-05-2004, 09:27 AM
Well, as many know I bought a conquest reg, and couldnt get the crossfire one off my bottle.

Because jesus hates me, upon removal of the other reg, it SNAPS IN HALF. So now there is this stub stuck in my bottle.

Loctite EVERWHERE in there. So, I have a friend who can get it out... but how do I get the loctite out? I cant apply an open flame to the bottle, and im not sure what my other options are.

Save the, "You could have prevented that by doing so and so" remarks, and please just help me. Im frusterated enough as it is.

06-05-2004, 09:31 AM
id suggest taking it to a professional

the electrician
06-05-2004, 09:38 AM
is there anything left of the reg sticking out of the tank, that you can get a hold of with large pair of channel locks or a pipe wrench?

you need to heat up the reg a bit where it goes into the tank. that's how you get them off when somebody puts a ton of loctite on them.

sounds like you should have somebody else do it. if not a good airsmith, perhaps a scuba repair shop would be able to do it for you with out causing tank damage.

06-05-2004, 09:38 AM
It doesnt make a difference whether the tank is fiber or steel, the reg will always seat on metal. That mean that if you have a tap big enough, or have access to one, then gently run it through. The idea is to clean the threads, not cut new ones. Just drawing a little on my auto experience :cool: :)

If not, airsmith all the way.

Whoops, thought you had gotten the stub out already....

06-05-2004, 09:44 AM
No.. nothing is protruding. Friends DAD is, who runs a machine shop ;)

But I need to know how to REMOVE THE LOCTITE. That is all :)

06-05-2004, 09:45 AM
Loctite EVERWHERE in there. So, I have a friend who can get it out... but how do I get the loctite out? I cant apply an open flame to the bottle, and im not sure what my other options are.

Direct heat is the option either that or extreme brute force and a very large pair of Stillsons (locking grips) the odds on you trashing the threads are high so if you don't want to cry when it happens and blame yourself then give it to a shop and let them break it...you might get lucky.

*edit* Re-reading your post above, if it is all flush then a stud removal tool like they use on cylinder heads will have to be used.

06-05-2004, 10:41 AM
Well, hes got the tools to remove it... but I need to figgure out what to do with the loctite. Im just not sure how to get the loctite off. No flame. What type of heat? From what? I would like to just take a torch to the top of it where there is no resin; but that would be bad, right?

06-05-2004, 11:02 AM
So i guess you didnt follow #3 in my thread? http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=118547

well your going to have to now, set that tank under dam near boiling water, use whatever tool you can to get it out.

To be perfectly honest if you screw up the tank/tank threads or the reg seat area you are going to need to buy a new tank.

I am not trying to sound like and *** but, if you want some Jr. Airsmithing advice, a key asset is the ability to know when you are over your head and need professional help. Now would be that time....

06-05-2004, 02:13 PM
wait, I'm confused.... do you, or do you not, have the reg stub out of the tank?

06-05-2004, 02:36 PM
Reg stub is still in tank.

I followed step three.

It shouldnt have happened; It shouldnt be on so tight that the reg breaks in half.

Im taking it to a machine shop. Jayme is going to put a blow torch on it to soften the loctite, and bore it and pull it out. He knows what hes doing; he says he can fix it. I will update in the morning.