View Full Version : trading my viking for a lasoya timmy?

06-05-2004, 09:28 AM
Pretty straight forward... basically, a guy offers me a grey/black fade Lasoya, like new condition, black accents, with a few upgrades, for my loaded 04 viking. How are lasoyas in resale? Will they hold that resale very long? Hes ready to ship even... I just need the AO go ahead. And DK1, keep out ;)


06-05-2004, 09:38 AM
Does it have clamshell? I dont know a whole lot about timmies, but all my friends said to make sure it has clamshell. I think the resale should hold for aleast a little while. The lower end timmies resale has dropped a lot. You can get a bare gz for 600. I have shot a few timmies (GZ's, Alias) and they are really sweet guns. I would say go for it if it were me. Do have pictures of both gun?

06-05-2004, 09:43 AM
This is one of the higher ends. Was, clamshell etc, I just wanna know if the resale will hold well compared to the viking, and about what they are worth now.

06-05-2004, 09:45 AM
I might trad just because i've always really liked timmies, but I don't think I would. Timmies seem to have too many problems (which AKA guns dont :p ), and even though they have a high resale vikings have about the same. I would keep the viking if I were you.

06-05-2004, 09:48 AM
yea man, keep the vike.

06-05-2004, 10:00 AM
ehhhnnn :(

What problems do timmys have? I wasnt aware people had big problems with them.

Can you put it on debounce 1 without anything other than the gun with WAS on a timmy?

You see... I just dont want a gun out of production, and a lasoya timmy is right up my alley.

06-05-2004, 10:03 AM
resale of lasoyas is good. For the most part its like 900-1000 for a stock gun. of course stock for a lasoya is still pretty sweet. basically as far as maintainance goes, just keep is greased. I grease the ram about every 3 cases, and the regs after about 5 or 6. From there, dont mess with stuff that doesnt need fixing. I guess the decision for you is wether or not you like the feel, etc.

edit: people start having problems when they mess with things that dont need messing with, like some of the setting, or trying to run the lpr really low. As for deb. 1, you can put was 2.7 in it, but its kind of a pain. You can do it with just the gun though, look in the stickys in the intimidator forum on pbn Depending on the gun, it might bounce horribly at say...15. Others might not bounce at all, even on 2. Just get it to where it wont bounce a ton, whatever setting that is.

06-05-2004, 10:06 AM
The lasoya is not going to be a better marker than the viking. A friend of mine has a lasoya that has never worked right, whereas the only problem I ever had with a viking was with the 04 detents when they first came out.

As far as value, I would think they are comparable, but don't do it because you think you will be getting a better marker.

06-05-2004, 10:39 AM
I wouldnt bother, I would trade for an alais or empire...

06-05-2004, 10:57 AM
thought about those guns, but I dont feel like putting money down right now.

06-05-2004, 11:04 AM
thought about those guns, but I dont feel like putting money down right now.

stay with the viking, besdies all that crap will be worth 1/3 less in a year..

06-05-2004, 11:08 AM
Only input i have is that you know you will be able to get get timmy parts for a while... who knows about AKA?

06-05-2004, 11:12 AM
Only input i have is that you know you will be able to get get timmy parts for a while... who knows about AKA?

considering that AKA was there before the viking/excal and they make non-paintball items.....

Timmy parts will always be around, becuase they are needed, frequently.

06-05-2004, 11:14 AM
AKA will be around just as long as Bob Long crazy... They will continue supporting there products.

I dont think that timmys will lose there resale... hell, a clamshell/WAS classic can be sold for over 600.

06-05-2004, 11:21 AM
hey.. i can always dream can't i... :(

06-05-2004, 11:36 AM
What are common problems people have with timmys? What stuff do I need to have around as spares or tools to work on them?

06-05-2004, 11:43 AM
keep them greased and get a shocktech ram kit, you will never have to buy ram bumpers again. And i agree with torbo, best intimidators i've seen are the ones people don't mess around with.

06-05-2004, 12:05 PM
AKA will be around just as long as Bob Long crazy... They will continue supporting there products.

I dont think that timmys will lose there resale... hell, a clamshell/WAS classic can be sold for over 600.

I agree that they will hold their resale. I was saying a bare stock (non was or clamshell) could get like 600.

The only real problems I have heard of is that the stock detents wear out pretty quickly. My friend just got rid of his for a DM4 (lil rich kid that has to have the best). The gun always ripped. Its up to you on what gun you choice. I think the Viking might hold more of a resale, but I think it would take longer for you to sell it. Not many people are looking for vikings, but everyone is looking for a nice timmy. Basically what I am saying is say a year from now you tried to sell it, you may have to wait longer to sell the viking, but the timmy would sell pretty quick.

06-05-2004, 12:23 PM
This can be solved with either a) a slotted bolt, or b) harder detents. I believe pirhana detents fit intimidators and are much harder.

06-05-2004, 12:57 PM
I'd keep the Viking, AKA isn't going anywhere, They were around before the Viking and Excaliber, they'll be around for a while. I guess if you don't mind having a gun that everyone else has it's not a big deal. I don't see the point in trading, the Viking can keep up with a Timmy and you have rare gun coolness factor. :)

06-05-2004, 01:02 PM
I shouldnt have made this thread :(

I dont know what to do!

06-05-2004, 01:07 PM
I'd go with the timmy. I like the feel of them more and ablity to get parts for them is nice. Most shops carry timmy parts, not many carry viking parts. What if you gun is messing up at the field? Not many people will be able to fix a viking, lots of people will be able to fix a timmy. The timmy is worth more money. A stock lasoya is worth 900, with upgrades 1k. It's not hard to sell the timmy if you need to.

Mantainence wise, timmys are simple if you don't mess with them. I know a kid thats never lubed his in 6 months play and it still works great, I was breaking down my whole gun after 1 day of play and I messed it up. If it isn't broken DON'T fix it.

Go for the timmy, you won't be dissappointed.

06-05-2004, 01:25 PM
Timmy it is. Thanks for the advice all.

Any good upgrades?

This one comes with a shocktech ram and ram cap. What else is recommended?

06-05-2004, 01:31 PM
I had a lasoya and loved it. The only thing i did is put an adjustable ram cap, and shocktech bolt. I miss that thing and wish i would have never sold it. But one day i will get another timmy. Go with the timmy. There so light and reliable. I dont know of the problems these people are talking about but the only thing i had to do to mine is put detents in them. Just keep some extra spyder detents and youll be fine.

06-05-2004, 01:31 PM
A Viking won't mess up(or very rarely) and if it does send it to AKA they'll fix it. Plus, you don't need to upgrade them to make them perform. Vikings are not hard to sell either, they aren't on the b/s/t forums for very long when they do go up. It's your money and it's mostly preference, if you like the way the Timmy shoots go for it. Timmys are sweet but I like Vikings better for the most part.

06-05-2004, 01:55 PM
I'd keep the Viking also. Having one is now almost a collector's item, like an xmag. They aren't going to be made again, and since they can't be bought new anymore (unless you want a havily milled, custom and very expensive gun) the price isn't going to go down on resale. The timmies will, and besides, vikings look so much better than a chromed out spyder...

06-05-2004, 02:04 PM
Id keep the Viking. If you want i have an E-Mag with Angel Air I can trade you for the viking :D . LOL The Viking is a way better gun IMO.

06-05-2004, 02:36 PM
I would say..good choice with the Lasoya, Timmy's are great markers. Just one question, did you have an 03 Viking? Or even an 04..if either was unmilled then you definately made out, the Lasoya will definately be lighter, haha. It wont be as efficient..just because Vikings are sickening on efficiency, but it will be around there, Timmys do pretty well on air. As far as upgrades..you have the most important, the ram cap already done, and you even have a shocktech ram, even better. You can always get things like slotted bolts..or slot them your own which is very easy, but I personally have used my stock detents, and non-slotted bolt forever with no problems, just check the detents occasionally, bend em back, etc. If theres anything else to upgrade it might be the trigger..the stock Lasoya trigger is very nice, but believe me...a CP roller or a Techna anything..your gonna forget what a Viking is. I would also keep the Lasoya trigger guard if you decide to do some changing, the trigger guard is pretty big, and great for keeping your fingers away from the trigger if your running to the 50 or so. Im sure youll be very happy.

06-05-2004, 02:39 PM
Its final. Were trading.

I imagine if for some reason I dont like it I shouldnt have trouble getting a viking again.

06-05-2004, 02:47 PM
Yeah, it wouldn't be hard to get another viking. Have fun with your new gun, you'll love it.

06-05-2004, 05:48 PM
as for upgrades: you said it has a shocktech ram/ram cap.....nice, they dont wear out bumpers so youve got that taken care of, and the ram cap is adjustable. Next id say slot your stock bolt. Most people agree that the stock bolt is the best available, and i agree. Cut detent slots into it, theres info on PBN about that. Only other upgrade i can think of is a techna trigger. Yes theyre pricey, but theyre worth it. They definatly increase your ROF, and lesssen bounce.

06-05-2004, 06:37 PM
keep the viking ;)

06-05-2004, 06:51 PM
I would keep the viking too, unless youve shot one and like it? I personaly wasnt too impressed

06-05-2004, 06:58 PM
You made the right choice with the timmy. I didnt like the feel of the viking and excals i shot. But youll love the timmy

06-05-2004, 07:05 PM
Purely based on resale, say a year from now, the viking will whip the timmy. Those prices are already sinking in the toilet, especially with more and more af the second generation showing up at stores. Viking all the way, and made way better.

06-05-2004, 08:26 PM
considering that AKA was there before the viking/excal and they make non-paintball items.....

Timmy parts will always be around, becuase they are needed, frequently.

aka still respects all warrentys soo dont think that by keeping the vike ur goin to have probelms gettin parts i myself would keep it b/c timmys suck

06-05-2004, 08:54 PM
got to use 1 today...and be lit up by one, performance wise, there sweet, resale...no idea

06-05-2004, 09:50 PM
Purely based on resale, say a year from now, the viking will whip the timmy. Those prices are already sinking in the toilet, especially with more and more af the second generation showing up at stores. Viking all the way, and made way better.

Totally agreed. The viking is going to be pretty rare, I think that will drive it's value up. The Timmy, however, won't have that. First, theres a TON of them around. Second, there are a couple Timmy clones out or about to come out that are supposedly equal in performance but cheaper.

06-05-2004, 10:32 PM
Most people don't like old guns that aren't being made anymore. I think it will be the same case with vikings.

06-05-2004, 10:56 PM
Most people don't like old guns that aren't being made anymore. I think it will be the same case with vikings.

I don't thinks so. Look at the Typhoon, even though it's still being made, it's considered old technology by a lot, those things sell for premium prices used. Some guns go down the drain, others don't.

06-05-2004, 11:05 PM
Timmys suck.

AKA All teh way.

When timmys work, they're awesome... but that is a rare ocasion.

06-05-2004, 11:13 PM
Timmys suck.

AKA All teh way.

When timmys work, they're awesome... but that is a rare ocasion.

I have seen very few people have problems with their Timmys(at the fields I play at), maybe it's just me, but I thought they were pretty reliable guns as long as you don't mess with them if you don't know what you are doing. Not sure though.

06-06-2004, 12:16 AM
No we got real gun techs here and have timmys down all the time, having problems and being overall ghey.

9/10 people here have timmys... other 1/10 have 03 shockers.... I'm the only person with a mech gun excluding the rental's... *sniff*

Even my friend who used to shoot a sweet black magic got it ebladed... and these guys that used to have revenges like me... went and got a lasoya and dm4... WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO... oh yah... my rich buddy's dad bought him a Dm4 on top of his 03 WASed Viking... *stab*

AKA/AGD are like the only companies I support... and PMI... cause they rox...

06-06-2004, 10:18 AM
The great irony here is the viking is probally, err was, the best gun on the market. around 3 lbs, effiencent, very smooth, extremely relible, and sold by a good company.

You can trade for a timmy now and pay more for your next viking or you can keep your viking. Remeber that the classic timmys dont shoot all that differently than the latest and greatest timmy. so keep in mind that you are trading your viking for a fancy milled gun you can buy on the used market for less than 500 bucks.

06-06-2004, 11:01 AM
Dude squid seriously man you'll regret this. I could trade my gun for a timmy to anyone at my field. They are always breaking down. But when they are up and running they are nice but still aren't as fast as our vikings. They break more paint then what I've noticed also. The only reason I would trade my gun for a timmy is for the weight factor. Our gun weight 2.11 pounds which isn't that much. I would wait like 3 more months before u traded it or sold it. See how the market goes.

06-06-2004, 11:14 AM
AKA All the way man... AKA all the way...

I've never seen such consistent/efficient guns in AKA ever. (That sentence made no sense.)

Shockers are proud of getting 1000 shots off a 68/4500, we're getting 2200+ (I'm scared to know how many we get off a 114/4500)

I went to shoot my used revenge, without tuning it at all, took it to the chrono with really ****ty paint, 299 297 298 300 299 296 298, something like that, but it did not bounce around at all, my friends were taking their timmies to the chrony watch it bouncing around every where. 280 305 290 270, just insane man.

If I ever get an electro, it's eblading my revenge or getting a viking.

06-06-2004, 07:19 PM
Keeping the viking. I REALLY wanted that timmy, but yall talked me out of it.

I better get ahold of this guy before tomorrow because he is shipping tomorrow. To bad; told him to get online to give him the go ahead before I ship. Damn.

06-06-2004, 07:34 PM
good choice That was a close one.

06-06-2004, 07:58 PM
yes it was... I just talked to him.

Hes cool with it; good thing because I hate pulling out of for-sure trades. Makes me look bad.

06-06-2004, 08:31 PM
yeah I know how you feeel

06-06-2004, 08:50 PM
Booo! Oh well.

06-06-2004, 09:38 PM
I WILL own a timmy someday, but that time is just not now ;)

I would be an IDIOT to ditch the only gun ive owned that has NEVER given me a problem.

06-07-2004, 12:06 AM
Goooood freaking move :D

06-08-2004, 04:18 PM
Keeping the viking. I REALLY wanted that timmy, but yall talked me out of it.

I better get ahold of this guy before tomorrow because he is shipping tomorrow. To bad; told him to get online to give him the go ahead before I ship. Damn.

**Wipes sweat off brow**

That was a close one.

06-08-2004, 04:26 PM
**Wipes sweat off brow**

That was a close one.
Yes it was... I think I need to bolt my viking to my arm or something so I dont accidentally do something like that again.