View Full Version : AGD When Are You, If that, Going to Release the Long Stroke Bolt and Valve Assembly

a person
10-10-2001, 05:52 PM
AGD When Are You, If that, Going to Release the Long Stroke Bolt and Valve Assembly? Details please.(If any you could give away)

Just wondering. Because I'm thinking about buying a mag and I don't want to buy something that I will have to upgrade later.

10-10-2001, 07:00 PM
The long stroke bolt is NOT a retrofit. It has to have the whole gun built around it or at least the valve, bolt and mainbody. Don't expect a nice little parts kit, it's not like that. The poll we are doing here shows a definite split on the idea. We don't like to make things that don't get a 90% good response here on AO. I'd say that for right now the system is on hold.

While it's on hold we are working hard on the vert feed to reduce blowback and eliminate any feeding issues. We have made a lot of progress but there is still the possibility of chopping when the Rev. doesn't react fast enough. So now THAT is on hold until we get the HALO in.

We talked to Chris at HALO today and they are sending up one of the few coveted prototypes for us to have. In appreciation of our help on the project he is getting me a custom lizard face on the housing :D

So everything is backed up waiting for the HALO so we can figure out if we have to do any more to it or not.


a person
10-10-2001, 07:33 PM
HALO is something really big, huh(understatement). This HALO seems that it is going to change AGD forever(another understatement). Are you going to display a Emag w/4500psi Flatline and HALO? A whole lot of people want to see this excellent hopper system with a great gun and fabulous nitro system in unison so they can be in awe once again, once in movie, another in person, of a spectacle in the paintball world(that HALO video with the Emag made me cry, just beautiful, needs an emmy, and pleasing to the ear!)
What is weird is, a gun based in the early 90's has to have a modern hopper to keep up with it.

Lizard face? Being famous in the paintball world gets its awards.

10-11-2001, 11:12 AM
I think 11 bps would be fine except when you have emags and angels shooting in the 15 bps range, it's a disadvantage. Yes you don't need a gun to through that muchs paint, but it helps. The problem with most is that they short stroke the gun, not outshoot it. Or the PT oring is so worn out that it chops. To me a longer stroke valve is pointless.