View Full Version : Respect for woods?

06-05-2004, 03:46 PM
Hi guys. I dunno if this has been posted before but I was just wodering: I know that the majority of experienced paintballers are tourney or speedballers (correct me if I'm wrong please), and I have noticed that at places such as PBN, woodsballers are made fun of and dismissed as idiots, and so I was wondering what you guys think of them. I was just curious about this because I recently decided that instead of spending tons of money on fields and speedball gear and guns, I would just rather play in my friends woods and homeade speedball field (same woods I started out in). Peace!

06-05-2004, 03:53 PM
Hi guys. I dunno if this has been posted before but I was just wodering: I know that the majority of experienced paintballers are tourney or speedballers (correct me if I'm wrong please), and I have noticed that at places such as PBN, woodsballers are made fun of and dismissed as idiots, and so I was wondering what you guys think of them. I was just curious about this because I recently decided that instead of spending tons of money on fields and speedball gear and guns, I would just rather play in my friends woods and homeade speedball field (same woods I started out in). Peace!
I would have to say that since the majority of paintball players still play woodsball/recball, that the majority of “experienced paintballers” are NOT tourney or speedballers. The number of speedball and tournament players has grown greatly, and they tend to get the most publicity, but they are not the majority of players. They tend however to be the majority of players who type on internet forums…. which is quite a different thing… ;)

And don’t confuse what you read on internet forums as being the true face of paintball. Far too often it is quite the opposite. Just like the one who yells the loudest is often not the one who is speaking for the majority, nor has the majority view. Internet paintball is a world unto itself.

06-05-2004, 03:55 PM
Iam an older guy (31) so I started out in the woods, and have played in tournies,scenerio games, woods games, air ball etc. still need to do a 24 hr game to say Ive tried em all. I enjoy all types of paintball but I seem to play woods more often, Why? here are a few reasons. (1.) the woods field is 5 mins from my house the speedball field is 30 mins away. (2.) woods players are generally more laid back and since iam getting to be an old fart with bad ankles and knees laid back seems more logical. I really think every player should try and experience as many types of fields set ups as they can, being more rounded helps your game and doesnt allow things to get boring and predictable. A lot of peeps will say they never play woods or never play speedball cause its "gay" how the hell can you judge something you have never tried? As long as your out there having fun who cares what type of field your playing.

06-05-2004, 04:49 PM
dont listen if anyone tells you that a certain thing is stupid (especially if its on pbn). if you want to play a different style of paintball, go for it. and as for playing in a home-built field with your friends, make sure its on private property. i built a field with some of my friends in town-owned woods where almost no one went and spent almost a year on it. then one day a person from park and rec showed up when we were playing and told us that we had a week to destroy all the bunkers, since we were "disturbing the understory" where endangered salamanders lived. im sure that it had to do more with the fact that we were playing paintball than endangered salamanders... and even if it is on private property, you still have to be careful because your neighbors could probably report you if they dont like you playing, and in massachusetts (dont know where you live) they are trying to make outlaw ball illegal (even on private property).

06-05-2004, 07:04 PM
all I know is that paintball is paintball, who cares were you play it, its fun no matter what

06-06-2004, 09:55 AM
pbn's opinions dont count...
its a bunch of 13 year olds who agree on the next coolest things
they hate on spyders, tippmanns, smart parts and woodsball, soon they ll hate people who dont wear jerseys
06-06-2004, 12:21 PM
pbn's opinions dont count...
its a bunch of 13 year olds who agree on the next coolest things
they hate on spyders, tippmanns, smart parts and woodsball, soon they ll hate people who dont wear jerseys

I respect GOOD woodsballers.

06-06-2004, 12:58 PM
LOL, I agree with that. PBN is nothing but rich little 13 year old kids. - BTW, I'm willing to bet they will talk crap if you don' wear a jersey.

Why is that most speed ballers use online forums? Probably because most woodballers don't have computers.

06-06-2004, 01:10 PM
Why is that most speed ballers use online forums? Probably because most woodballers don't have computers.

No, we just know the better places to hang out online.

I had a who9le rant about the "Speedballers" and "Tourney players", but I nixed it. I don't see a reason to start a flame war over the truth of a situation.

06-06-2004, 02:38 PM
Like I said, I respect GOOD woodsballers.

The problem is that almost all of the people I know (incl. me!) started playing paintball in the woods, then swayed to speedball for faster fun... Hence you will meet a lot more naabs in the woods than speedball.

06-06-2004, 02:42 PM
No, we just know the better places to hang out online.

I had a who9le rant about the "Speedballers" and "Tourney players", but I nixed it. I don't see a reason to start a flame war over the truth of a situation.


I'd love to read it. PM it to me. If it's no trouble.

06-11-2004, 08:08 PM
I play both ad pity the one who slams either.

There is a time for both and those that can't see it are missing out. Oh well, their loss.

06-11-2004, 08:17 PM
Lot of intelligence in this thread, and I just skimmed it.

Like shartley said, majority DO play recball.

Neither is better; its all opinnion. I think if you play recball this is the forum to post on... there is a nice mix of both types of players here. Just dont go to that thread of tygers if your looking for help on either...

If you would rather play recball like you say, do it. There is no better enjoyment your going to get out of it than playing your own style.

06-11-2004, 08:22 PM
I would have to say that since the majority of paintball players still play woodsball/recball, that the majority of “experienced paintballers” are NOT tourney or speedballers. The number of speedball and tournament players has grown greatly, and they tend to get the most publicity, but they are not the majority of players.

Very true. :headbang:

06-11-2004, 08:48 PM
As to why most woods ball players aren't in forums?

My guess is recreational players don't take this as seriously

06-11-2004, 08:55 PM
I have respect for woods players, i grew up playin speedball and occasionally still think woodsball is fun. woodsball isn't bad when your low on paint or just need a little brake from tourneys and stuff.

06-11-2004, 09:16 PM
I'll tell ya, my big turn off to non-scenario woods ball these days is most renters play woodsball, which means i stand a very good chance of ruining somebody's day their first time playing paintball. And that just doesn't sit right with me.

I'll play it, but given the choice I'd prefer not to.

06-11-2004, 09:35 PM
personally, i prefer woodsball over speedball.............
i think it takes some skill, to say the least.... to place shots into dense shrubbery and land shots, where as, shooting as fast as you can, at someone to try and score a hit.....i just don't see it.....don't get me wrong, i'll paly speedball all day, but i'm a woodsballer at heart....

long live the woods

06-11-2004, 09:40 PM
personally, i prefer woodsball over speedball.............
i think it takes some skill, to say the least.... to place shots into dense shrubbery and land shots, where as, shooting as fast as you can, at someone to try and score a hit.....i just don't see it.....don't get me wrong, i'll paly speedball all day, but i'm a woodsballer at heart....

long live the woods

Let me tell you a secret I learned in woodsball. If you can shoot fast enough, you can use some of your balls to push shrubbery aside and allow one or two balls from a string to make it through and potentially hit your target. So a fast trigger finger is a definite asset in the woods as is the ability to snap shoot! :cool:

06-11-2004, 10:13 PM
I see another thread has been deleted...

06-11-2004, 10:15 PM
I see another thread has been deleted...
You would be correct.

Take my poll! (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=140774)

06-11-2004, 11:03 PM
would people please stop doing the whole woods/speed ball debate. You play what is fun. In my opinion I like speedball more because I know where everybody is. But so what, that makes it more fun for me, maybe you too. I honestly don't care!!!

06-11-2004, 11:18 PM
Hi guys. I dunno if this has been posted before but I was just wodering: I know that the majority of experienced paintballers are tourney or speedballers (correct me if I'm wrong please), and I have noticed that at places such as PBN, woodsballers are made fun of and dismissed as idiots, and so I was wondering what you guys think of them. I was just curious about this because I recently decided that instead of spending tons of money on fields and speedball gear and guns, I would just rather play in my friends woods and homeade speedball field (same woods I started out in). Peace!

I play woodsball onl at a commercial field (Arkenstone). Unfortunately, most of the natural cover is gone, so the fields aren't much more than speedball fields. At least they have shade and are cooler in the summer.

Speedball games are just too short to be enjoyable to me. I'd much rather spend 10-30 minutes in a game.

One field type that might be intersting is a random array of dirt mounds, about 6 feet around and whatever width is available. They'd all be firmly planted with grass or other vegitation to stabilize them, and enough mature trees to cover everything.

I suppose this could be done by gradually building up dirt around the bases of trees until they sprout roots into it. Still, it would take years. Add some heavy brush and thickets for varity.

In my opinion, speed/airball has become more popular because operators can set up a "field" on any handy half-acre lawn. Nice sections of woods are becoming increasing rare in the face of population growth and developer's bulldozers.

06-12-2004, 12:19 AM
woodsballers are respected just fine.

snipers, campers, leet commandos, and those who deck their tippmanns in BT-16 gear are not respected, as they don't qualify as ballers.

06-12-2004, 01:04 AM
sometimes when im just tired of all the tourny ppl ill whip out the ole phantom and go play some rec, i respect both and agree that there is a time for serious tourny ball and a time to just go out and mess around with ur friends...

Pyrate Jim
06-12-2004, 07:37 AM
In my opinion, speed/airball has become more popular because operators can set up a "field" on any handy half-acre lawn. Nice sections of woods are becoming increasing rare in the face of population growth and developer's bulldozers.

I'd agree with that. It's a matter of economics.
Paintball has become popular, and that opens a market for fields. However, starting a business is hard enough and expensive enough that entrepeneurs can't afford to purchase large parcels of land with all the taxes involved.
So they end up with smaller properties that are more suitable for speedball.

Since the majority of new fields are by nessessity smaller, the majority of newer players have little choice about the type of game they play. Especially the youngsters who rely on parents for transportation and funds to play.

Me? I prefer woods, and I'll travel 500 miles for a good weekend scenario. But I like to play locally(especially with rising gas prices!) so I play speedball and the occasional tourney with the home-town kids.

When I hear people putting down woodsball or pump play, I just smile and nod.

06-12-2004, 08:14 AM
I'll tell ya, my big turn off to non-scenario woods ball these days is most renters play woodsball, which means i stand a very good chance of ruining somebody's day their first time playing paintball. And that just doesn't sit right with me.

I'll play it, but given the choice I'd prefer not to.

Thats sad. If youre as good as you think you are you should be able to adjust or control your intensity.[not easy] I go out with just a hopper and try and spread the love. Promote the game so they might come back. Student, Player, Teacher.....................

06-12-2004, 10:28 AM
Thats sad. If youre as good as you think you are you should be able to adjust or control your intensity.[not easy] I go out with just a hopper and try and spread the love. Promote the game so they might come back. Student, Player, Teacher.....................

Why should I?

No really, why should I?

I pay to play like everyone else. I paid for my gear. I've played a long time, I'm pretty decent on the field, I unbalance the sides if everyone else is a renter. That being said, do hold back in rec ball and try not to unbalance things to much? Sure. But is that as much fun as playing tounrey or scenario ball where I can kick it up to whatever level i want? No it isn't. Which is why I prefer to play one of the two competitive forms of paintball and not as much recreational ball. What's sad about that? That when I pay for admission, paint, and air I'd prefer my money be spent on a competitive day rather then walking behind a bunch of rentals and not really participating? Doesn't sound so sad.

Plus even if I play relaxed and don't really push hard unless I intentionally don't shoot at anyone someone is eventually going to get hit out and could possibly get upset that they got beat by my equipment and it isn't fair. And I just prefer to avoid having the headache, or inflicting it.

06-12-2004, 12:38 PM
Why should I?

No really, why should I?

Cause it's good for the sport? Cause it might mean someone coming back again with friends, or someone leaving for ever and bad mouthing the sport for a loing time?

Do what I do, play with a pump, or play with a mechnical gun. Espcially against rentals. It's more fun (the pump is even more fun).

06-12-2004, 03:08 PM
Scaling down the level of play is hardly good for the sport. Does it make little kids feel good cuz they didn't get up? Yes. Does it become ingrained into regulars who always play at that level and therefore get bored with paintball? Yes. Do those players leave the sport? Not always, but enough.

06-12-2004, 05:29 PM
Cause it's good for the sport? Cause it might mean someone coming back again with friends, or someone leaving for ever and bad mouthing the sport for a loing time?

Do what I do, play with a pump, or play with a mechnical gun. Espcially against rentals. It's more fun (the pump is even more fun).

Again, why should i pay to play for the day and then force myself to play in a manner that isn't as much fun for me as scenario or tourney?

Given the option I'd rather play with other players that I know I can cut loose on. If I can't play a scenario or tounrey (or at least practice speedball) then I'll have to roll out in the woods, but I'd rather not. In order to try to make sure the other players are having fun I need to temper my play, and I'd rather not.

06-12-2004, 06:01 PM
"I'll play it, but given the choice I'd prefer not to."

You should change it to this then..... "I dont play it, but given the choice i wont play it"

Way back we all busted butt to promote the sport. Be nice and try to teach the new guys so they would want to come back and the game would grow. Who does that now???

You are right and have your points, its just a matter of how you see the big picture.

It truely has changed, some for the better some for the worse.

Student, Player, is easy, the teach part takes the effort but has its own satisfaction.

Anytime, anywhere, any game, with any gear with any Player = PaintBall & PaintBaller

Peace out


06-12-2004, 06:21 PM
"I'll play it, but given the choice I'd prefer not to."

You should change it to this then..... "I dont play it, but given the choice i wont play it"

Why should I change it to that? Three weeks ago I played straight up rec with Mango and some other guys (including my wife) and I had a good time. A few weeks before that I played straight up rec with Dayspring and some other people. A before that I played straight up rec with some other friends.

I do play. I typically enjoy it. However, I prefer to play an envirnment where I don't have to worry about stomping on Noobs and ruining their good time. Like I said, I will do it, but given the choice I'd prefer not to.

Way back we all busted butt to promote the sport. Be nice and try to teach the new guys so they would want to come back and the game would grow. Who does that now???

I still do. BUT, again, given the chance I'd rather play in an envirnment where i can just concentrate on my game.

06-12-2004, 06:49 PM
"I don't have to worry about stomping on Noobs and ruining their good time."

I bet you had the mind set when your wife played.[dont ruin the day] Maybe she'll like it and want to play again. That would be cool, thats what its all about.

Your last post conterdicted your previous posts. You prefer not to but yet you just mentioned 3 times you played and had a good time, there ya go.


06-12-2004, 07:10 PM
i agree with newt. if i paid my money, why is it my job to balance the teams? thats the fields job to make the sides even. sometimes that might be a 3-12 situation, but if its even then its fair. dont hate the player because he/she has been around for a while and has some skill, hate the field that doesnt put that skill into check somewhat. i dont know how it is in other areas, but the times i play rec i am not the only one there that has some level of skill and the refs seem to figure out how to make the teams.

06-12-2004, 08:24 PM
"I don't have to worry about stomping on Noobs and ruining their good time."

I bet you had the mind set when your wife played.[dont ruin the day] Maybe she'll like it and want to play again. That would be cool, thats what its all about.

I did have the same mindset, but with my wife on my team it's even harder. On one hand you want our friends to have good support so they can play, win, and have a good time. On the other hand you don't want to ruin the good time for the other team. With only a few exception everyone was a renter, so it's a tough balance.

Your last post conterdicted your previous posts. You prefer not to but yet you just mentioned 3 times you played and had a good time, there ya go.

No, they don't contradict each other at all. Of the three kinds of paintball available my least favorite is rec woods-ball. but it's still paintball and its still the game i love. I'll play the type of paintball that is available to me at the time. But all things being equal, i'd rather be playing speedball or a scenario.