View Full Version : Roller triggers

06-05-2004, 10:28 PM
What is the verdict on the roller triggers as far as tournament rules?...ones similar to the ones AGD made a short run of.

I probably read it but don't remember.

06-06-2004, 12:32 AM
Wondering too.......

06-06-2004, 10:28 AM
quick up

06-06-2004, 11:17 AM
Now don't take me to the bank on this but I believe they are 100% tourny legal because it is still a 1 pull 1 shot system. As long as no more than one ball fires every time the trigger depresses the switch you should be ok.

Thats my $.02. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

06-06-2004, 03:11 PM
yea doing a search for it turned up both Yes and No answers, but all seems to be speculation.

06-06-2004, 03:55 PM
why wouldent it be legal. It is onl one shot per pull. It just makes it easyier to pull.

06-06-2004, 03:58 PM
Well you can't exactly think of it like that, i bet those gatling gun crank thinks are not legal.

06-06-2004, 04:08 PM
Actally they are I was just looking at them down at my local pb shop and they are. However I found out just like fanning it is imposible to aim.

06-06-2004, 06:14 PM
nah, its easy to aim if you shoulder the tank..at least for me it is

06-06-2004, 06:33 PM
I think you personally have to pull the trigger. If a gatling crank was legal, why wouldnt a solinoid that pushes the actual trigger 20 times a second be legal also? I dont think you can manipulate the trigger with anything but your body

06-06-2004, 06:41 PM
I dont think you can manipulate the trigger with anything but your body
What about trigger stops that isnt body. What about rolling sears for cockers that improves the pull with out body. So.... who knows.

Don't quote me on that the crank is leagal, howver that seems to be what alot of people say.