View Full Version : HEY! What happened to the...

10-10-2001, 07:19 PM
What happened to the free AirGun Designs posters? HuH?
I got one RT poster a while back for free of a guy painting
a sil-o-wet (I don't know how to spell it...sound it out)
of an RT on his house. I was just wondering if AGD made any more?
Thanks CoFFeY

10-10-2001, 07:55 PM
as far as I know, the silhouette RT poster is the only one AGD has put out, and it was only a limited time offer type thing if I rember correctly....

10-10-2001, 07:57 PM
OOOOO...I thought they were supposed to make more or sumthing.

10-11-2001, 11:55 AM
I beleive Tom said at the AO Party that they have some more of the purple posters(Which I guess is the RT on cuz its mostly purple, I HAVE ONE TOO! THEY ROCK!) so if you want one give them a call I guess! YEH!


10-11-2001, 12:27 PM
Haha!! My friend has that RT poster on his wall. The one of the purple house and the white RT that the guy is painting! Haha that poster rules...I want it!