View Full Version : I Need Help

10-10-2001, 07:34 PM
hi there i am about to make a purchase that will effect me and my paintball career. I am about to purchase an automag. I would really appreciate if anyone could help me with my decision. I really want a minimag but im not sure.
i know some one that has a minimag and i really love it so if anyone has any reasons i should or shouldn't buy one please respond thanks

i would also appreciate a list of upgrades to a basic mag that i should buy i have an idea but if you can help thanks

10-10-2001, 08:36 PM
If you like the minimag, go for it. It is very easily upgradeable, as you can see from the other posts. Save yourself some money and only buy upgrades from AGD only, the products are built to the proper specs, and you will be more pleased with the results. Also, if your unsure about the upgrade, come here and post, someone will always give you their opinons. Good luck and welcome to AO.


10-10-2001, 08:43 PM
Well, the 68 AutomaG and the MinimaG are virtually EXACTLY the same gun, the real differences is, the vertical ASA, and the 'vented' front, which is just there for cosmetic reasons, the only other difference would be one valve says "68 AutomagG" and the other says "Minimag".

As for upgrades, stay away from ALL aftermarket internal valve parts and such, they often do very do nothing or at least very little to your guns performance, though you may already know this as its been posted many times before. If your going to upgrade, the valve, the ReTro Valve is really the best choice, and the only 'upgrade' to your guns performance that actually works. it also only runs off of Nitrogen/Compressed Air ONLY.

Other upgrades id suggest is the Z-Grip (if you can find one) I think its VERY comfy, though its something you'll either love or hate... the Intelliframe is probably teh best aftermakret manual trigger frame you can get for a mag, as its made with AGDs PRECICE specifications, then theres always the Warp Feed, it will change the way you play. The only other thing you will probably want, is an aftermarket barrel, though thats mostly just prefrence as the paint/barrel match is what makes or breaks a barrel.

Hope this helped.