View Full Version : New Mag owner

06-07-2004, 01:45 AM
I was given a minimag by my brother. I currently play with my 3 boys and there friends. My 2 sons have impulses and there friends have shockers. My brother told me that this gun is very reliable and can be upgrded very easily.

What can i do to it so that i can kick all of these youngsters butts with there expensive guns.

06-07-2004, 03:23 AM
Welcome to AO!

Well now there are several ways one could take that question. As far as slapping the silly children into place, that really comes down to using your head and nut just the marker. I mean unless you want go the rout of simply out shooting them hehehe... which is always fun but VERY expensive and not really "beating them" I suggest that you take some time to just play the game and learn the sport.

That being said there are some things in general a wise moves to take with an AGD marker. The first is the lvl 10 upgrade (if your MiniMag does not have it already). It really does an excellent job of stopping the chopping problems most of us experienced with our Mags

The other thing that makes ANY Mag happier is running an HPA system. Yes you can use CO2 but there are far less little annoyances to deal with when you run HPA. The prices have come down and a cheap little preset is far superior to a 20 oz IMO even discounting the price.

Beyond that, your personal preference and taste will dictate if you get a 2 finger/blade trigger, the ULE Trigger, the ULE Body or the X-Valve. Those kinda of upgrades are best to consider once you have spent some time playing and know a bit more about how you play and what you try to do in a game.

06-07-2004, 12:10 PM
Just remember that if the balls are all traveling at 300fps then they will all go the same distance. Paintball guns all do pretty much the same thing, some just shoot faster...Listen to Z-man ^ he knows how to make mags shoot insainely fast...

The minimag is a tank, that gun will never let you down, just keep the bolt and valve clean of paint and dirt, and get some paintball gun oil and put a few drops in the airlines & thats it. WHen those kids are busy fixing their guns because one of their bells or whistles isn't working, you'll be busy shooting them.

A good compressed air system is well worth the money, I could go on for hours about the advantages of Compressed air over Co2. Basically if you want the gun's shots to be consistent get a compressed air tank (nitro,nitrogen, N2, whatever you want to call it they are all the same) Also, I would suggest getting an good electronic hopper, maybe a Revolution, then you wont have to shake the gun to get the balls to fall into the feedneck.

It's not the gun, it's the brain! I only have part of a brain and I often use my backup mag (ule rt) in practice games against people shooting tournament guns, and I usually get just as many eliminations, but I shoot about 400 balls less...

good luck!

06-07-2004, 01:13 PM
Welcome to AO ...

Z-Man gave plenty of good advice... Learning, respeting, and enjoying the game will take you farther than the gear will

Upgrades: Level 10 then HPA ... after that a lot of prefernce and price ...

I am sure someone will say it...The search button is your friend... just be patient with it... and the sticky threads in the tech forum are very usefull to the new mag owner...

Enjoy your stay...