View Full Version : Need paint advice.

06-07-2004, 04:01 AM
Alright, as far as paintballs go I have 1 of 3 choices.

A - Buy field paint for 70 a case, way to expensive. (not sure which brand)

B - Order the paintballs, Alot of people recommend me NOT to order paintballs though.

C - Get Blue Streak paintballs from walmart, for 40 a case. I've heard a lot of bad things about blue streak.


Also, How does the whole "paint to barrel match" thing work? It's confusing.

Give me your opinions please!

06-07-2004, 05:52 AM
$70 for field paint is not a bad price.Keep in mind it's the primary way your local field stays in business,if you don't support them you'll be back playing outlaw ball in the woods.

As for the other 2,buying online is rarely a proble,

And don't waste you time on Walmart paint.

06-07-2004, 05:55 AM
I bought 2 cases off ebay. It came with one broken ball. It wasn't bad, just dumped the bag in a towel and cleaned it up. Could have been worse tho. At least the seller packaged it reasonably well.

06-07-2004, 10:42 AM
Don't do option C. I don't know how they can call that paint. It reminds me of big cold tablets like nyquil or something.

Is your field field paint only? If not just go with B. I haven't had any trouble buying paint online. Look around there are some stores that guarantee the condition of the paint.

If you are really uncomfortabel buying paint on line then just go with A and shoot less.

06-07-2004, 11:16 AM
i would say order it cause 70 a case is alot for paint..i pay like 50 a case were i play but do ne of the options but c . blue streak is the crappiest paint u will ever buy

06-07-2004, 12:00 PM
$70 for field paint is not a bad price.Keep in mind it's the primary way your local field stays in business,if you don't support them you'll be back playing outlaw ball in the woods.

As for the other 2,buying online is rarely a proble,

And don't waste you time on Walmart paint.

70 a case isn't bad? - I'm not even gonna reply to that.

Yeah, I don't mind Supporting my field by buying their paint, BUT when they nearly double the price of paint it's going to far.

Why does everyone say that bluestreak is so crappy? Personally I think that you are following a trend of "wallmart has crappy paint" that was started by some rich kids.

Have you personally used the paint? If not then you don't know. - Thanks

06-07-2004, 12:22 PM
I will tell you that nationwide,$70 a case is about average. Many fields charge upwards of $100 and I've seen paint as low as the $40s.

You can't get decent paint,even online,shipped to your house for half of $70.If you can,me and everyone else would like to know where. ;)

06-07-2004, 12:33 PM
No litterally half the price, but close to it.

Try these Feugo (http://http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/paintball-paintballs-and-paint-grenades-fuego-paintballs.html)

They have good reviews, and I've heard good things about them.

06-07-2004, 12:38 PM

Add $8-$10 shipping to that as well.

And I did say 'decent' paint, which I can't say whether or not "Fuego" is. :)

But if YOU think it is,then that sounds like your answer. :D

(And what I said about supporting local fields is true,even if you don't like it)


Staged na, but it's odd paint to say the least. very wet bags and translucent fill. Made in Ireland... I got 5 cases of it

Found that in another thread,sounds familiar.

06-07-2004, 12:50 PM
Supporting a local field and getting raped for 70 a case are two different things.

06-07-2004, 12:52 PM

Have fun. :)

06-07-2004, 01:04 PM
I'm such a bad apple.

$70 for a case of paint for just normal paintball is excessive.

I've ordered paint online and it came out just fine. Shipped in a timely fashion, no breaks, cheap, good quality, free shipping. (I ordered Zap Spank from pbgear.com, FYI). At the time it was roughly $30 a case; probably closer to $33 now I think.

I've also tried the blue bucket stuff from the local sporting goods store. $30 for a case; the label is "Zap Rec Series." It had a date stamp on it -- less than a week old. Cracked it open and looked at it. The paint shape looked great to me; no dimples, round, pretty regular. On-field performance matched what I expected from looking at the paint -- it worked great. I had no accuracy or breakage problems.

Quite frankly, at $30 a case, why are you listening to other people's opinions? Try forming your own opinion.

06-07-2004, 01:12 PM

Check out their 4 case of Zap Spank for 130 with shipping


Reviews on PBreview... looks pretty good! :cheers:

06-07-2004, 01:22 PM
I'm such a bad apple.

$70 for a case of paint for just normal paintball is excessive.

Buying paint at a field for play and walking into a store and buying paint are 2 different things. ;)

Major Jam
06-07-2004, 02:51 PM
That Blue stuff at Walmart is absolutely the worst paint you can put through your gun. (Or try to). If you buy at Walmart you have to buy the $27.77 for a 1000 paint. It ends up being $55 a case then. The paint isn't too bad. Sports Chalet sells 2000 rounds for $39.99 in a bucket and its not too bad either.

I get my paint for $34 a case free shipping online. I've order over 20 cases and not had a single break. I'm sure the day is coming. But I'm happy. :)

06-07-2004, 02:54 PM
your'e best bet would definitely be option B. However, buy in bulk from like E-bay though. You don't end up saving in money online when you buy from those .com paintball business's. They end up charging you like 20 bucks in shipping, so that awesome deal they're offering you on paint just went right out the window. Try and get like 8000 off of ebay.

06-07-2004, 03:56 PM
Supporting a local field and getting raped for 70 a case are two different things.
Stop acting like $70 a case is that much...For a good paint even down here in alabama i have to shell out atleast $65. He's only trying to answer your question, and giving him greif for his answer only makes him not want to help you in the future.
Id say A or B again $70 isnt bad at all but you can save a few for buying it online.

06-07-2004, 05:13 PM
.... Pay 280 for 4 cases of paint... pay 130 for 4 cases of paint...

What are you gonna do?

www.firstcallpaintball.com ROCKS

06-07-2004, 05:16 PM
i guess im lucky. i know members from a local div 2 team and i get Zap Tork for 35 a case

06-07-2004, 05:46 PM
$70 dollars a case is not bad at all for field paint. That is how fields make their money and stay open for you to play at.

The field I play at charges $75. Other local fields charge $88, $100, and even $120 :wow:

Bringing your own paint will only get you kicked out unless they allow it. Buying it online worked for me when I bought some marbalizer, but make sure you buy it from a good source.

Dont ever buy that blue streak crap :shooting:

06-07-2004, 05:52 PM
Why does everyone say that bluestreak is so crappy? Personally I think that you are following a trend of "wallmart has crappy paint" that was started by some rich kids.

Have you personally used the paint? If not then you don't know. - Thanks
have you ever personally SEEN the paint?? wall mart paint doesnt necessarily suck, ive seen marbs at wallmart. but bluestreak does suck... i saw some that my friend had and it was INSANELY misshapen. he gave it away to a friend because it wouldnt shoot through his cocker. the friend used it in a sling shot and im surprised that it even worked for that. dont waste your money on it, youd be better off buying slightly higher priced paint that is three times the quality.

06-07-2004, 06:15 PM
I have used that green swirl stuff from Wal-mart that looks like marbalizer but not. It was decent quality and shot fine but i still wouldn't buy it again... it wasn't any cheaper than ordering paint of the internet.

06-07-2004, 06:19 PM
you can easily whipe blue streak off anything. i love getting shot by it. err, wait......i don t cheat, i swear

06-07-2004, 06:42 PM
No litterally half the price, but close to it.

Try these Feugo (http://http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/paintball-paintballs-and-paint-grenades-fuego-paintballs.html)

They have good reviews, and I've heard good things about them.
OMG don't buy that stuff. That has to be the hardest paint ever made. They where selling that stuff a skirmish for a while (note field paint there is 105). One of the refs that work there got shot in the head about 10 feet away and it didn't break. I also got shot by that stuff while refing and it hurts. So yeah just stay away from it and don't bother with that the blue streak. If you going to get walmart paint get Dusk or Super Swirl. If not then just get paint online I have never had a problem doing that.

06-07-2004, 08:02 PM
Look on ebay, Ive seen 8,000 decent paintballs go for about 150 shipped. Thats a great price I think.

06-08-2004, 02:40 AM
Buying paint at a field for play and walking into a store and buying paint are 2 different things. ;)


Weird, I thought my FIELD FEE covered the difference.

Can you guys make a good explanation for how a greater than 2x multiplier on paint prices is justified, on TOP of a field and air fee? "Well, my local field gouges us the same way" doesn't count. Seriously, I just want to hear a rational breakdown, not snubbery. I'm not saying there might not be a good explanation, but I'd like to hear that instead of the usual unsubstantiated badmouthing from the crowd.

As far as the Walmart stuff, I guess I haven't experienced the Walmart blue stuff proper. Maybe I need to check it out.

06-08-2004, 06:30 AM

Weird, I thought my FIELD FEE covered the difference.

Can you guys make a good explanation for how a greater than 2x multiplier on paint prices is justified, on TOP of a field and air fee? "Well, my local field gouges us the same way" doesn't count. Seriously, I just want to hear a rational breakdown, not snubbery. I'm not saying there might not be a good explanation, but I'd like to hear that instead of the usual unsubstantiated badmouthing from the crowd.

As far as the Walmart stuff, I guess I haven't experienced the Walmart blue stuff proper. Maybe I need to check it out.

A) First off,I think we've established that it's NOT a 2X multiplier in most cases. 15-20% seems to be the average differential.I do agree that there is the occasional gouge out there,there is in every business and I don't think it's right when it happens.

B) Online retaillers buy paint at 10X the volume than local business',you think they pay the same wholesale cost?.......not even close.Most online retailler pricing is near,at or BELOW the wholesale cost of the avergage local business and they have no where near the overhead.

C) Do you honestly think $10-$15 per person 2 days a week covers the cost of insurance,taxes(which include,business,liability,land,and state),rent,leases or mortgages,electricity,water and waste management,field and building maintenance and upkeep,labor costs,phone bills,advertising and promotion,store stock and on and on?......not even close.

As a business owner and manager myself,I find it AMAZING in most cases the local fields stay in business AT ALL.The vast majority around the country do not last a single year.Those that do last at all usually do not depend on "field play" as thier primary source of revenue.

There,now you know. :)

06-08-2004, 08:06 AM
I used to order my paint from www.firstcallpaintball.com, always bought the cheap stuff, it was always well wrapped and free shipping to boot. Now with sponsership, there is no reason though :D.