View Full Version : JT Flex Mask Problems ??

06-07-2004, 12:29 PM
OK ... I hope I wasn't the only idiot who has done this... Here is what happend...

I left my back-up speedball mask in the car for a couple of days ... ( I stayed at my GF's house and didn't go home to unload the few things I had in my car )... and didn't think about the fact I left it parked out in the sun... and what might be worse it was in a black goggle bag... well needless to day it got hot... and it didn't look like it melted the flexable part... but it did disform it badly from the way it was sitting upright on my back seat... is there a good way to repair / reshape it or just buy a new bottom half ?

Thanks for the help ?? And of course pics to add to the humor of the situation...

06-07-2004, 12:36 PM
heat it up and pull it back into shape - thats what alot of people at my field did, but kind of the opposite, they folded the bottom part up to make it lower profile, and took a heat gun to it so that it would stay folded up

06-07-2004, 12:52 PM
Take a cheap, wire clothes hanger and cut out the bottom rod so that you have about 14 - 16" of straight metal. Bend the rod into a V or soft U shape with the center edge a little over 1" long, just the size of the lower chin portion on the Flex. Then, use baggy twist ties and tie the hanger to the inside of the mask along the jawline from ear to ear. Should only take about 3 or 4 days to form back into correct shape naturally, less time if you heat it (e.g. leave it in your car again for a couple hours on a sunny day).

I must say though, that your mask looks seriously fubar'ed, so I'm pessimistic that even this would work.

HINT: If you trim the edges of the coat hanger narrow enough or enlarge two holes in the ear pieces of your mask, you can actually feed it through the holes in the ear pieces of the JT Flex. With a little tinkering (creative bending) you can pop the hanger into the mask and pressure fit it to hold without any ties. I always store my back-up Flex in this way, so that it isn't deformed from sitting in the bottom of my gear box for years on end.

Don't have a pic on me, but if you need one I could probably post one later tonight.

06-07-2004, 02:28 PM
Mine pretty much shipped that way. I fixed it by getting the bottom part warm in boiling water and shaping it the way I wanted, then letting it cool. Worked just fine and it still holds its revised shape.

06-07-2004, 02:40 PM
Thanks for the advice all ... I planned on the hot water then something to hold shape with it... I'll see if some better options come along... but I don't think it is really that big of a deal... I am sure I'll survive... it is the 3rd mask anyway...

Thanks again...

06-07-2004, 03:03 PM
I say leave it and just wear a good scarf ;)

06-07-2004, 03:11 PM
That's what you get for wearing a red mask. :D


06-07-2004, 04:22 PM
Just hang it from the clothesline and heat it up with a hair dryer. It'll go back into shape.

06-07-2004, 04:52 PM
Thats sort of a common thing to happen down here. Let that be a lessen to store you flex soft part up in the air. The weight of the mask/heat caused it to fold in on itself. So just lay it down upside down so that part is in the air not touching anything.

As fo fixing it, others have already mentioned it, just fold it up and heat it in the sun for a while and leave it folded. You may be able to pop it back out right afterwards but it will have sort of a bend to it.

06-07-2004, 05:12 PM
oo this is good info I did this on "my" flex 7s They aren't mine but they are rentals and I use them because I got my invisions stolen. I ref there so it is no prob but I folded them funny so it is like that. OH and you think red looks funny "mine" is pruple.
Pete :spit_take