View Full Version : Future Marker - HX Revo

06-07-2004, 02:14 PM
Saw this posted on Doc's forums over the weekend: HX Revo (http://www.hxpaintball.com/revo/index.html)

Here's a few pics:





That grip frame sure looks familiar, doesn't it?

06-07-2004, 02:16 PM
mag with 2 LPR's...... :ninja:

06-07-2004, 02:16 PM
looks like a shocker/automag...

its a Shmag!

No sKiLLz
06-07-2004, 02:18 PM
Looks very maggish. Single tube design and trigger/frame. Have these guys ever made anything before or is this just a hypothetical/theoretical design?

06-07-2004, 03:21 PM
its a Shmag!

06-07-2004, 03:28 PM
Maybe TK is hiding somthing.

06-07-2004, 03:46 PM
omg what?? the new mag is gonna be LP?

06-07-2004, 03:51 PM
looks promesing.(sp anyone)

06-07-2004, 04:14 PM
that trigger is extremely reminiscant of an itelleframe

06-07-2004, 04:25 PM
I ain't biting. I think it's a hoax.(HX huh, real cute)

Obviously a Mag rip in picture form. No way is THAT trigger that adjustable,or room enough for electronics,battery and mechanicals in that grip frame.

Not to mention room for break beam eyes or a read out of some kind.

I guess we'll see if it makes it to W.C.

06-07-2004, 05:35 PM
maybe this is what tom was talking about a ne name :hail:

Concerning tournaments, we have not been able to change the minds of tourney players no matter what we did. The "mags suck" attitude would not go away. Well here is our secret plan..... If they think mags suck then we make the "mag" name go away, get it? Dump all the products that say "mag" and then lay low a while. The tournament kids turn over every 6 months to a year so if we evaporate the name and wait a bit, when we come back with a new name, PRESTO we are new gun on the block!

06-07-2004, 06:16 PM
Sounds like a hoax, but if it isn't, I'll get one :bounce:

06-07-2004, 06:25 PM
Very interesting.

Also interesting that the domain name record was created 4 days ago. More information can be had, but that's an exercise best left to the reader. ;)

06-07-2004, 06:25 PM
I'm guessing AGDE or Manike has something to do with this. Just a guess/feeling mind you.

06-07-2004, 06:28 PM
How many hoaxs are there in the paintball world? It doent seem like anyone would be motivated to make a hoax like this especialy a mag rip off. OH well we will find out late OCT.

06-07-2004, 06:30 PM
I look at it this way

That does look like an Intelli - we all know that the Intelli has a microswitch in it.

That microswitch could likely make electronics easier if we decided to add them.

That front block LPR thingy, well reminds me of the HAIR trigger system - and TK had said something about having something better.

What if that front block thing is a combination of an electro-cocker electro/pneumatics system and the Hair trigger?

High quality regulators included in the marker - where do we see that often.

My point here, is be on the lookout for feelers from AGD as a company on ideas, outside of AO who will instantly sa "yes Tom, I agree". BTW we already know my stance on this - TK tell me it is a step forward, tell me it is better than what you have currently given us, and tell me a price. I trust AGD enough to beleive that if they tell me it is better, it is.

This looks like a Mag to me - without the mag name and with some added things on it. Too bad so many colors are available, that tells me its not.

06-07-2004, 06:31 PM
Am I the only one who notices, on the site, that the back section which would normally be the valve is a darker coloring then the rest of the marker? This could also be an indication that AGD may be involved, as TK even said he will keep the valve-changeability...

Of course, it could not be related to AGD at all, thats a possibility.. :D

06-07-2004, 06:36 PM
and inability to chop paint, even with the ACE disabled.

hmm...level 10..

06-07-2004, 06:36 PM
on the site it says it uses a gemini system which is a 4-way that turtle makes. The site says that it has a 8-way so by inference we can say that those are just 2 4-way gemini systems.

06-07-2004, 06:37 PM
I'm guessing AGDE or Manike has something to do with this. Just a guess/feeling mind you.

It's nothing to do with me whatsoever. As far as I am aware, anyway. :)

06-07-2004, 06:40 PM
Ok, everyone shutup, TK doesnt want us blabbing 'HX PAINTBALL IS AGD!! THE REVO IS A MAG!!.....OYSTERBOY RULES!!'

No, we don't need any of that....or do we.....:D

lol jk. But seriously I think we should just keep it on the d/l.. lol...

06-07-2004, 06:40 PM
TK - if you have anything to do wtih this, actually let me rephrase this, if you are making the calls on this thing - I WANT ONE..

Oh, btw, even if this is not it, I want whatever your next flagship marker is, whenever it comes out, whatever it is, just let me know the price :). I'll put a deposit down now.

06-07-2004, 06:41 PM
It's nothing to do with me whatsoever. As far as I am aware, anyway. :)
maybe nicad :hail:

06-07-2004, 06:45 PM
Here's (http://www.network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=9013&messageid=1086421410) a link the thread on Doc's forums. Some interesting comments in there:

I can guarantee they're not ripping off AGD's design. They, as well as I, agree that AGD is the most upstanding citizen in the paintball industry today.

Even if the function is different, the form of the grip is IDENTICAL to the intelliframe.

Again...I can guarantee they're not ripping off AGD's design. Take that as you will.

06-07-2004, 06:52 PM
Looks awesome, can't wait to see how it turns out :bounce:

06-07-2004, 07:15 PM
Looks cool, but the Revo is a dumb name. The whole revolution/evolution theme of product names is so played out. If it is indeed connected to AGD (as the speculation seems to be pointing to) I would revive the Panther name, since it's a cool name, and it's still connected to AGD, but most people wouldn't know that.

06-07-2004, 07:20 PM
Actually after the spoof Doc posted in regard to the Angel ad,I'm going out on a limb and say it's another spoof to see how fired up people will get over pure Hype and a bad pic.

06-07-2004, 07:39 PM
[shamelesplug]use the carbon 0 body [/shamelsplug]

06-07-2004, 07:40 PM
The name is also a subtle indication that it could be related to AGD, they are trying to 'revolutionize' their company...


06-07-2004, 07:51 PM
can anyone else smell that???

It smells like BS to me!

06-07-2004, 08:40 PM
The name is also a subtle indication that it could be related to AGD, they are trying to 'revolutionize' their company...

I get it, but that whole theme of product names is almost as old and cliched as "Extreme" and it's variants. We already got a Revolution hopper, I have a Revolution lacrosse stick, I know there are more examples...

06-07-2004, 09:54 PM
Actually after the spoof Doc posted in regard to the Angel ad,I'm going out on a limb and say it's another spoof to see how fired up people will get over pure Hype and a bad pic.

Gotta be a spoof. Its worded to be something just at the threshhold of unbelieveable and physically impossible and then real technology.
The only thing that seemed missing was the fourteen user programmable modes of fire and ultra low pressure operation.

Its the electro-pneumatic Timmy clone everyone and their grandma is making to broadly paraphrase Tom.

06-07-2004, 10:18 PM
I'm not technically sound enough to be able to see if its a spoof or not, and it borders on teh edge of beleivable.

If that is an AGD gun, it appears someone else handled marketing - look its both closed and open bolt 32BPS, dual anti-chop, just over a pound??.

More computing power than early computers, sure I think most Angels already have that anyways, I don't think its hard.

I don't see anything along the lines of AGD's recently patented loading system,

Let me assume its real, and look at it for a moment

Six sensors, we discussed at one point the possibility of a chrono in the barrel, this barrel appears to be pretty firmly attached to the gun.

I am also curious to see AGD crusing the forums and not commenting on this - is this one of those, look how excited they can get by just rumors. This thing looks awesome though. I still say it can't be all AGD because there are way too many color choices - I can't decide between the lightning, blue, black, and spice colored one - hmmm..

06-07-2004, 10:25 PM
not going to be suprised if TK finaly realised "hey not many ppl are digging HP guns because of the gas eficency. So lets set out on a LP gun" but even though TK said the stuff bout giveing mags a new name, a mag is still a mag no matter what you do to it. and ya know what i'm not going to be suprised if TK is hideing stuff from us because hey he needs time to himself and the intire AO people have to get off his case about "hey TK make this " or "make that" let him do what he needs to and just leave him alone. you think every comp. told people "hey check out what were makeing!" no theres a reason for that. its mainly because they still need time to come out with a proto type and test it so no things are put out untill a prototype is made, tested and trouble shooted. there are yall happy?

06-07-2004, 10:28 PM
It's all hype, the first thing that kinda threw me off was the 10 times the processing power of the apple IIe. Guess what folks? The IIe's speed was 1mhz (yeah, that's right), so 10 times that would 10mhz, woo hoo! Most boards have processors that cycle that fast if not faster (nothing new). "Dynamically adjust pressure" Ummmm, no. This is basicly impossible to do while staying in/under a budget of 2,000 per marker. When was the last time you saw an electronically adjustable reg? Trust me people, these things are not cheap. Another thing, with such a low pressure operation, and 32 bps, the flow on this gun would have to be astronomical. I don't see where the air chambers could be, unless the tank is directly built into the barrel, providing almost 3/4" of flow space... High-powered Beam break ACE, um, no. It's beam break, it doesn't/can't be high powered. The entire point of the system is to have the ball break the beam, the more powerful you get, the higher the chance you get of the paint actually allowing some of the beam to pass through the pb, you want low power operation. Adjusts timing automatically, think, think, think, if this were possible (which it is, and has been done) it would not fit in with all the other auto-adjusting crap on this gun. At this point, two auto-adjusting regs, an auto-adjusting valve, and an auto-adjusting bolt, all running at 32 cps, um, no. Think about it people, this was made by somebody as a hoax, even the name says it. I'm too tired to explain the rest, HX... :sleeping:

06-07-2004, 10:53 PM
its either a hoax or AGD is hiding somthing from us.

06-08-2004, 01:11 AM
That article makes me laugh so much just for the crap it says, its so funny. I am trying to understand why you would want dual LPRs? My guess is that it is a hoax.

06-08-2004, 01:25 AM
dual lprs would be for both directions of the ram stroke but im still confused how it works with 2 lprs since it has to be a spool valve or a mag valve or something god himself created for paintball.

06-08-2004, 02:44 AM
Well we have nothing to do with it, I promise. Someone emailed me about it and that was first I heard of it. Does look a lot like our stuff but I imagine they had to start somewhere. Again there is no real gun here, not even a proto. I would wait and see.


06-08-2004, 06:18 AM
it's b.s.

say a new marker has a bunch of neato/gee whiz/golly gosh/bells and whistles and make a cad of something that resembles a mag. throw it out on the web, sit back and watch the hilarity commence.

i think someone wants to see what the lemmings will say when the latest and greatest technological gizometrie is thrown into a package resembling something that every pre pubescent paintball playing (pro team low pressure 1200$ plus marker shooting heavily sponsored team) wanna be on the www says sucks.

where and how do i preorder? :spit_take

06-08-2004, 08:12 AM
you know who ever created this is sitting back and laughing at all the speculation that is going on.

(spantol, you going to answer my pm's? you have 1 day)

06-08-2004, 02:29 PM
Does look a lot like our stuff but I imagine they had to start somewhere.

Imitation is the best form of flattery.

06-09-2004, 02:59 PM
should we start blaming tiger? oh, wait, its not april anymore is it?

06-09-2004, 09:22 PM
It's all hype. To the best of my understanding "dynamic pressure adjustment" = any regulator. Think about it for a minute.

06-09-2004, 10:26 PM
yeah i traced this to docs forum then to pbn from there after that to the aka forums where i couldnt find anymore about it...... :tard:

06-23-2004, 08:25 PM
I got an e-mail from a guy who is a part of the revo. I emailed him trying to dig up info and I asked....

I was wondering what is up with your marker the revo HX. IS this like
variation of an automag or what. Is this for real. I the regulator
verticle or built into the valve. Do you have an actual picture of it.

Thanks I am just curious it looks nice. OH yeah could I know what the
Owner or inventers name is.

He replied just now and he said...


Thanks for your interest in the HX REVO. It is not a variation of the
automag, and yes, it is for real. We do not have a picture of it
the tooling for the produciton models has not arrived yet. The
is in the vertical configuration. The REVO was designed by Rick Lemoka
HX Pneumatics in Raleigh, NC.

Thank you,

Charlie Garvey

Target Practice
06-23-2004, 08:54 PM
The pot thickens...

Dun dun DUM!


10-14-2004, 02:40 PM
Heh, just to stir it up again. Get people who haven't had a chance to see this yet to have a little look. Share their thoughts.

(I know a few people who're gonna hate seein this thread)

10-14-2004, 02:42 PM
well since meph just resurrected it...
cool fool who did you talk to there isnt even any contact info on the thread or anything. and sicne we havent heard anymore in this time il assume its still a fraud.

10-14-2004, 02:49 PM
Front page there's contact info...

[email protected]

And there is some sort of new info, at least rumor. About it poppin in at the World Cup.... ;)

03-26-2005, 12:59 PM
Front page there's contact info...

[email protected]

And there is some sort of new info, at least rumor. About it poppin in at the World Cup.... ;)


i dont see anything yet ;)..... :ninja:

i think its safe to say this was a poor attempt at a bad hoax using a mag like cad file :D

--edit relaise how OLD this thread is before posting. i upd it incase anyone had new info etc

03-26-2005, 01:21 PM
kinda old

03-26-2005, 01:25 PM
--edit relaise how OLD this thread is before posting. i upd it incase anyone had new info etc

:ninja: :rolleyes:

03-26-2005, 02:09 PM

03-26-2005, 09:49 PM
i'm not getting how this is going to work
if they want to make mags "the new gun on the block" by getting out of the scene, laying low, and then resurfacing, why'd they make the 'new' gun so much like a mag?

03-26-2005, 10:17 PM
Talk about a blast from the past!

03-26-2005, 10:24 PM
I knew I saw that gun before :rofl:

Then looked at the date!! (after doing a search for the old post on it :p )