View Full Version : F/A emag

06-07-2004, 03:02 PM
ok guys, I just got my emag, and I notice that when I pull my trigger back pretty slowly, it will fire more than once. Sometimes I can hold it there for a while it it will be fullauto. Ive done a search, and found a solution to this is switching the solonoid wires, but that seams for a gun that is 3.2 softaware, while my gun is 1.37. Just wondering if the switching of the wires will help me or not? thanks!

*EDIT* my setup
Ule Body
Lvl 10

06-07-2004, 03:09 PM
Make sure the triiger rod is not hitting the trigger at all in emode.

Make sure there is enough post travel of the trigger after the marker fires.

06-07-2004, 03:26 PM
rod isint touching....
and how much after travel should there be? theres quite a but now I would think....

06-07-2004, 03:40 PM
Hard to say exactly,there should be a discernalble amount.Some HES's are a bit over sensative and will trigger if the magnet is still "in the zone" so to speak.If yours is exessively so,it may need to be replaced.

It has no problem at all in Mechanical mode correct?

If not,I'm guessing the HES needs replaced.

06-07-2004, 03:47 PM
ok so maye im blind.... but im not seeing a HES in the airgun store at all :( :confused:

06-07-2004, 04:02 PM

Keep in mind that's only an assumption of fault, likely,but not guaranteed. :)

06-07-2004, 04:11 PM
ok thanks alot for all your help!
anoyone at all got a suggestion that will save me 12 bucks ;)
otherwise im going to have to order this prolly in a few days
Thanks again for all the help!

06-09-2004, 08:16 AM
Like RRfireblade said, it could be the HES. The HES works by triggering at a point a certain distance out and then not releasing until the magnet is farther out. There is a measurable difference between the trigger point and the release point. Its this hysteresis that protects the gun from firing uncontrollably. If the HES has no/low hysteresis, any trigger shake or fluctuation in the magnetic field could result in full auto.

The solenoid wires being backwards can cause the full auto phenomenon by introducing a new meagnetic field from the solenoid. This usually isn't a problem associated with ver. 1.37 because the firing sequence is fully completed before the electronics looks for the next trigger pull.