View Full Version : my mag

06-07-2004, 05:20 PM
thnkin bout gettin one. want a low priced mechanical. is this marker reccomended over an 03 cocker? I ahve an 03, but don't really want to part with it. at the same time, i'm just not feelin the marker. kinda hard to explain.
also, whats the difference between the marker top left and top right? just color??

so, should i get a mag and keep my cocker? what model, upgrades. pros and cons of the amrker. etc.


also, is powerfeed recommended? what does it do.

06-07-2004, 05:57 PM
Well if i were you, id sell the cocker to either a local store or on ebay and get a ULE mag with an Xvalve and then order a decent barrel and your set, that could run about maybe 500 or less. I bought a broken mag body for 125, traded the bolt in for an Xvalve with 225 and now im buying a ULE body, that may just be a good way to go, or if you dont want to do somethin like that and dont mind the look of the TAC-one body then id go with that. Maybe the RT cuz i think i saw an add for 399 or something like that i forget. I think somethin like that is going to be just as good if not way better than your 03 cocker