View Full Version : Need help for a friend

06-07-2004, 07:11 PM
Hi, im brand new to the forums, and pretty much a newby pballer. i have a friend who really wants to purchase a new gun, and i was showing him the RT pro and the Tac One which are both in his price range. However the only thing holding him back is that he wants his gun to be tournament legal. Anyways, he really has his heart set on a tac-one but wants to make it tourny legal, could you guys give me some info on how he could do this please? any help will be appreciated, thanks allot.

P.S. Like i said before, im a total newb, so please excuse my newbish stupidity. :)

06-07-2004, 07:14 PM
its tourney legal stock.

06-07-2004, 07:15 PM
is it?? im so stupid! i assumed with the "reactive" trigger on it, it wasnt. also, can you walk it?
what about the RT pro? is it tourny legal? can you walk it?

06-07-2004, 07:46 PM
They both use the same valve so they are both tourney legal. Only difference is the body.

06-07-2004, 08:06 PM
You can not walk it at all. It will have about a 2.5 pound trigger pull stock. You can get the ult put on the x valve (still about 15oz pull), but unless you get a tread mil for your fingers, your not going to be able to walk it. I would suggest your friend try an electro gun before he just buy something, it depends on what he likes.

06-07-2004, 09:00 PM
ok, thanks for you help guys.

06-08-2004, 01:12 AM
Hi, im brand new to the forums, and pretty much a newby pballer. i have a friend who really wants to purchase a new gun, and i was showing him the RT pro and the Tac One which are both in his price range. However the only thing holding him back is that he wants his gun to be tournament legal (its a stupid thing for him really, since hes never seena tourny in his life or will he probly never, its just one of those things...). Anyways, he really has his heart set on a tac-one but wants to make it tourny legal, could you guys give me some info on how he could do this please? any help will be appreciated, thanks allot.

P.S. Like i said before, im a total newb, so please excuse my newbish stupidity. :)
welcome to the forums man! I hope you enjoy it here :)