View Full Version : Are x-valves tourny legal

06-07-2004, 07:11 PM
I know this may sound like a dumb *** question but are x-valve tourny legal????

06-07-2004, 07:12 PM
Yes. Why wouldnt they be?

06-07-2004, 07:15 PM
I've always had a question about that myself. There's kind of an undercurrent in any RT related discussion that hints at a devious, nearly-full-auto use of the trigger.

Since the only way I'll ever shoot one is to buy it myself, I wouldn't know if it is a full-auto gun until I had it in my grubby mitts.

Doesn't seem like a silly question to me.

06-07-2004, 07:40 PM
Yes, totally legal in all tourneys except for stock:)

The question arose, when Tippman started calling their assisted trigger "RT". People confused this mechanically pulled trigger, with AGD's air pressure RESETTING trigger.

Obviously, since the Tippy RT will fire multiple rounds with a single pull of the trigger, it is illegal for NPPL, XPSL, and X-ball ruled tourneys.

AGD's RT trigger is not fired mechanically. Air pressure simply resets the trigger back to the out, or ready, position to await another physical pull from you. Yes, by increasing the tank output until the trigger literally bounces your finger, resulting in a runaway trigger, you can be eliminated from a tourney. However, by turning the pressure down until the gun can no longer bounce off your finger, it and you will remain a viable player, undaunted by the opinions of the unwashed and ignorant :headbang:

06-07-2004, 08:13 PM
ANY marker that shows more than one shot per pull would be illegal for use under most rules. No matter who made it

A properly set and functional RT vavle is both tourney legal and tourney lethal! :p

06-08-2004, 08:16 PM
so can u set it so it will fire full auto in tournies and still be leagal because ill only buy one if their tourny legal????

06-08-2004, 08:24 PM
No you CANNOT do that.

It resets the trigger back into place with air pressure, vs. a spring, but it does it with twice the force you pull. So you can have it bounce off your finger with enough input pressure.

06-08-2004, 08:28 PM
but the guy above said bouncing the trigger is illegal

06-08-2004, 09:36 PM
you can set it so that it is, in effect, full auto. you can not, however, play in tournaments with that setting. you can also set it so it fires one shot per pull. no tournament should turn you away from playing. However, some tournaments, because of the stigma with the Tippy RT and the special AGD RT Chrono procedures WILL turn away rt mags and will turn you away. It would be wise to check with the producer of any tournaments you invision you may play before you purchase

06-08-2004, 10:04 PM
but the guy above said bouncing the trigger is illegal

To make it a little more clear...

You can "set" the RT valve (X-valve, RT-Pro valve, E-Mag valve, etc) so it will bounce off your finger if you have a high input pressure. THIS IS NOT TOURNY LEGAL

You can also use a lower input pressure so the trigger re-sets very quickly but will not bounce off your finger. THIS IS TOURNY LEGAL.

Unless you can change the input pressure of your tank in the middle of a game without using tools (I can't think of a tank where you can) then just set the pressure low enough so the trigger returns quickly but not so strongly that if will fire more than one shot per pull.

The Tippman RT trigger is easly adjustable durring a game (at least it used to be) so that is why it is illegal in tournaments. This is why some refs get confused when dealing with a Mag that has a trigger that is basicly called the same thing.

06-09-2004, 02:27 PM
yea u can ajust an armagedon with no tools and i have one. one more question: so if u have an angel or any electo gun u can only shoot semi not full auto?

06-09-2004, 02:29 PM
Correct. 99% of fields have banned full auto guns.