View Full Version : automag or angel?

06-07-2004, 11:33 PM
I have an pf automag with and x valve and intelliframe and here is my problem
I have two choices:
1) I buy an angel a4 fly within the next few weeks
2) I wait for the deadlywind trigger and go from there

One of the reason's i'm considering this is for accuracy, gas efficiency, prformance, speed, those kind of things, i haven't used vary many different barrels on automags and don't know if they get very accurate but i have seen the capabilities of angel so i know their potetial, please help me out.

06-07-2004, 11:38 PM
are you serious or is this one of those gay post where people think they are funny

06-07-2004, 11:40 PM
Wait for the Deadly wind. You will be more then pleased with that and think about how much $$$$ you will save then you can actually afford more things for you mag or a Air tank or a hopper or the most important thing to play paintball, Paintballs. IMO

06-07-2004, 11:41 PM
Of course i'm serious, i don't put on stupid threads, i just want to hear peoples opinions basically

Duck Hunt
06-07-2004, 11:43 PM
You know Angels. So you know that if you put a crappy barrel on an angel it'll be less accurate right? So there you have your accuracy answer.

Now gas. Mags are gas hogs compared to Angels from what I hear. My mag gets about 1000 shots from my 68/45.

Speed. I can out shoot a revy on my Mag, but not my Egg. Both of which you could out shoot on an angel.

Performance wise, I can't speak for an angel, but in my opinion, the Level 10 bolt is ingenious. No eyes too fool around with, no electronics. Just tune and shoot.

Personally the angels I've shot are really heavy, ackward and too long for my tastes. My final advice I can give you as a Mag owner.

Try both out and see what one you'd like better! Just ask around at your local field if you don't know any one. Its been my experience just about any one will let you shoot their gun, maybe play acouple games with it too ;-)


06-08-2004, 12:18 AM
i'd say definately get the angel, the a4 fly's are lighter than fully ule mags, they have an excelent anti-chop system, are VERY efficient, and have a VERY good resale value, all in all the angle is the best choice.

duck hunt: wtf? putting a crappy barrel on ANY gun will make it less accurate, not just an angel, dont spread unsubstantiated myths, please and thanks. the new a4 is shorter and lighter than all of the other angels, its one of the lightest guns on the market at the moment, and has an amazing resale.

go with the angel.

Duck Hunt
06-08-2004, 12:22 AM
You didn't get my point yeahthatsme. Asking someone the accuracy of a gun is somewhat pointless depending on the barrel/paint match.

I hope you can understand that what I was trying to say was, Put crappy barrel A on an Angel and it'll shoot crappy, but same crappy barrel A on a Mag and it'll shoot crappy? Get it please and thank you?
