View Full Version : Death>Mosquitos

06-08-2004, 01:40 PM
For all of you who live in Minnesota, you know where I'm coming from. This year has got to be the worst mosquito year ever. We've got rain for the the past couple of weeks and the mosquitos have started hatching. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!!! You can't even go outside without getting bit at least once. Cicadas have nothing on mosquitos, the state bird of Minnesota. Our town sprays for mosquitos every year, and it's sort-of expensive, so this year they're thinking about charging every home a small fee (definetly under $10) to spray for them. (the whole town would get sprayed, it wouldn't just be spot spraying, so everybody would have to pay, not just the people who want it). Now what's happening is all these people are argueing that they don't want to pay (cheapskates). One lady wrote a letter to the editor saying that we shouldn't have to pay. It's bullcrap. $10 is NOTHING to pay for being comfortable outside the whole summer. Right now it's almost unbearable. I wonder how much that lady has spent on bug repellant and candles this last year for bugs. It's insane that some people won't fork over $10 to minimize the mosquito problem. blah.


06-08-2004, 01:43 PM
Well thats good to know. Now I know exactly how much fun I'm going to have this summer. I'm going out to minnesota for 10 days out canoeing on the boundry waters, with no protection from mosquitos at all :(

Dont you wish you could come? :tard:

06-08-2004, 02:18 PM
Personman, Ultrathon is your best friend. Get some.

The BWCA can be just fine, it really depends on where you are going and when you are going. Late in the summer it gets cold enough at night to kill em all off and you don't even need any bug spray.

06-08-2004, 02:29 PM
Another thing I'm pissed about is weathermen. They can't ever seem to get even close to accurate forecasts. Last night I was planning a party at a pond we own, but then I saw on the weather cahnnel that we had a 60% chance of rain in our town, so I called it off. Then night comes, and at about midnight it's crystal clear out, no clouds in sight, there is enough wind to keep the mosquitos away but not enough to make the fire dangerous, and it's about 75* out. I was pissed! This was the last night for awhile that we could all get together because of early morning work and vacations.

06-08-2004, 02:31 PM
Bah! Headed that way for vacation the first two weeks in July.

I :cuss: hate all the bugs you guys have up there.

Side question: any good paintball fields near Litchfield/Dassel area? Always love a little out-of-state-paintball! :ninja:

06-08-2004, 02:39 PM
I hate those dang bugs. *scratches numerous bites*

06-08-2004, 02:47 PM
I could send some of our tiger mosquito's your way... then you'd really have something to complain about. ;)

Mikey B
06-08-2004, 02:48 PM
oh yea, the misquitoes should die. Just last time I played paintball(saturday) i sprayed myself with bug spray but i ended up breating in a bunch insted. And by the looks of it our weather isnt going to be getting better, more rain on the way. I basically gave p on our weather guys and now I watch the weather cahnnel. Well, Channel 5 is better then the rest of them.

06-08-2004, 03:04 PM
I just assume that the weather is going to be nice all the time, and have my rain coat with me at all times. My assumption (good weather) is more accurate than the Weather Dork's, and I'm covered if it does rain. Plus I need the damn pockets for all the electronics.

06-08-2004, 03:37 PM
Rather - do you have any horse flies around where you live? Those things are 10x worse than mosquitos, maybe not in numbers but those thngs fly around you forever and their bites just plain HURT!!! Just thinking about them makes me cringe.

06-08-2004, 04:13 PM
Good, my prayers have been answered....

06-08-2004, 04:22 PM
Good, my prayers have been answered....

I was thinking the same thing! :rofl:

06-08-2004, 05:25 PM
And thats why I now live in Washington.

I was in Minnesota for the first 6 years of my life, I hated mosquitos and the extreme heat/cold. It sucked.

The worst washington has is... rain? And its not as bad as people think, We haven't gotten any heavy showers all year, just been a bit cloudly and in the 40's 50's during the winter, and in spring 50-60, now coming towards summer we're hitting 70-80 on good days, occasional rain here and there.

In conclusion, uh move :dance:

06-08-2004, 05:27 PM
personman, your going to on that cannoe trip ? you a boyscout ? its soooo much fun !!! i did it last summer ... 107.65 miles in 8 days, take off first day and last day and we did 93 miles in 6 days :headbang: longest day was 21 miles ( THAT SUCKED :cry: ... we got lost, then all the campsites were taken so we had to rip down some trees and make one , since it was on canadian side of border we were allowed to ) its hard work though !!! gets easier the farther into the trip, cause you get used to it. very beautiful sights ( take a camera ! ) most definatly worth the pain... and wow the food is stuff i would never touch at home, but it tastes really good once your up there, since your so hungry :clap:

ANYWAY ANYWAY you dont have to worry about the bugs cept at night time, when they come out, so just keep your tent closed cept when you go in, and then go to bed soon after i gets dark ( when they come out ) and you will be fine, and kill any in the tent before you sleep :shooting: we always spent a few min killing them every night ( seth, your my new bug slaying god :hail: )


06-08-2004, 05:27 PM
So when you were 6 you decided to move to get away from the bugs and weather in Minnesota?

Why am I having trouble believing that?

06-08-2004, 06:28 PM
yeah, i love minnesota's mosquitos.....or not. hopefully it wont be too bad when i go next month to visit my family

06-08-2004, 06:32 PM
personman, your going to on that cannoe trip ? you a boyscout ? its soooo much fun !!! i did it last summer ... 107.65 miles in 8 days, take off first day and last day and we did 93 miles in 6 days :headbang: longest day was 21 miles ( THAT SUCKED :cry: ... we got lost, then all the campsites were taken so we had to rip down some trees and make one , since it was on canadian side of border we were allowed to ) its hard work though !!! gets easier the farther into the trip, cause you get used to it. very beautiful sights ( take a camera ! ) most definatly worth the pain... and wow the food is stuff i would never touch at home, but it tastes really good once your up there, since your so hungry :clap:

ANYWAY ANYWAY you dont have to worry about the bugs cept at night time, when they come out, so just keep your tent closed cept when you go in, and then go to bed soon after i gets dark ( when they come out ) and you will be fine, and kill any in the tent before you sleep :shooting: we always spent a few min killing them every night ( seth, your my new bug slaying god :hail: )


Yes, I'm going to northern tier. I guess it will be fun. I leave on the 19th.. I just went on a training trip this past weekend and they had some food there and it is DISGUSTING. I mean philmont food was ok, I could actually eat that stuff, but I dont think there was a single thing they had that I could actually eat without forcing down. Oh well.
Oh well it will be fun.

06-08-2004, 06:44 PM
I was 6 and hated the mosquitos, we got sick of the enviroment, my dad was offered another spot at microsoft in washington, we flew to WA, looked at houses, found a neighborhood and house we liked, and bought it...

Don't see how that is so hard to believe.

Mosquitos sucked arse in Minneapolis... seriously...

06-08-2004, 09:11 PM
Microsoft,........ GRRRRR!!! :D ......... j/k

Frontgate Mosquito Magnet. Problem solved.

3/4 to 1 1/2 acre range. Kind of expensive though.


Hmmmmmm, why am I helping you if you insulted me in the thread that you got banned in? Oh well, Capt. Jack can ignore this. Everyone else can pay attention.

06-08-2004, 09:29 PM
Hey Captain, you have to pay for the spray? You live way out in the boonies though. Ahh Minnesota, beautiful state except for the mosquitos.

Mikey B
06-08-2004, 09:38 PM
Hey Captain, you have to pay for the spray? You live way out in the boonies though. Ahh Minnesota, beautiful state except for the mosquitos.

And the road construction that doesn't end. They start but they just kind of stop and let the trucks rust and let the highways be half the size they should be. Misquitoes and road construction, then MN can be called beutiful.