View Full Version : LVL7 Xmag??? Help a confused pal out!

06-08-2004, 03:19 PM
Ok, so I was wondering... can I slap a lvl7 bolt on my xvalve with the needed parts, pop it in my xmag and I'm good to go? I’ve been wondering about this for a while but have not found any explanations to why or why not it should be done. Thanks for your time.

And please don’t reply telling me that I’m stupid for not using a lvl10. I just want a simple question answered. :tard:


06-08-2004, 03:47 PM
...he is sick of having to adjust his level 10... :rolleyes:

...i see no reason why not to....the x-valve is an rt pro valve with less wieght...

...i see no problem...and if it does something funky AGD Factory is only a few minutes away anyway...

06-08-2004, 03:57 PM
no wont/shouldnt be a problem make sure u get all the lvl7 parts and put em in then ur ready to go and im cant believe u dont like lvlX for w/e reason im guessing user error :tard: :p :tard:

06-08-2004, 04:00 PM

Down at the bottom.

"Do not install the level 7 into an Xmag."

06-08-2004, 06:56 PM
Thats where I read that darn thing... But WHY?!? I must know!

Some super secret plot for AGD to destroy the rest of the old valves and bolts?

N.A.T.O. :cuss:

06-08-2004, 07:04 PM
Most likely =)

I'd just order the parts and slap them in, if its too much sell them online again for cheap. Some people STILL use LVL 7.

It gets down to the point where you do not like adjusting them, and already have an ACE in their gun.

I'd say go for us and let us know the results, LVL 10 isn't god's gift to paintball, its an incredibly innovative product that was made to be very adaptable to everyone's gun, some people do not like having to adapt all the time =) :ninja:

06-08-2004, 07:59 PM
The mesage that Dayspring posted tells you why, because balls could be chopped and i am asuming posibly damage the X-mag breach since.

06-08-2004, 08:20 PM

...my trusty eyes caught this... " DO NOT install an original bolt into the X-mag."

...the way they put it is not to use a lvl 7 bolt with lvl 10 parts...cause it basically defeats the purpose...and will most likely don't some funky stuff...

06-08-2004, 08:48 PM
so again i ask... can i safely install this lvl7 bolt without any problems??? ANYONE?!?


06-08-2004, 08:52 PM
im sure its not gona break the gun just do it and see what happnes ;)

06-08-2004, 08:55 PM
Guys I'm being serious here. I have a tournament this Sunday and I am not going to loose on the account of malfunction.

Now can SOMEONE please help me here?


06-08-2004, 08:56 PM
ok last post here i SWEAR i dont see ther ebing a problem with it other than chopping at higher speeds possibly ide just stay with lvlX but ur unhappy with that correct?

06-08-2004, 09:00 PM
Yes, i have no real need for the lx. Im wondering if there is someone out there who has already tried... didnt the 1st xmags not have lvl10? Probably not but doesnt hurt to ask.


06-08-2004, 09:20 PM
How about some psychiatric help.

06-08-2004, 09:32 PM
...he needs a hug!...

...(damn no hugging smilie)...

...the best i can do... :clap:

06-09-2004, 07:57 AM
How about I put you fools into my shoes. My lv10 does not stay tuned. Its a possibility that it will go out any time without warning. I have a tourney this Sunday. Lets say I have a lvl7 bolt put in and it begins hacking away at my breach and my xmag is down? That then means that I have just lost a $14500 marker depending on the damage. Not only that but that means that I lost a potential $1000 from winning the tourney which is very possible. Ok. Now Im gunless, Im moneyless... thats it RIGHT? WRONG! Doing poorly in this tournament will show PMI that they dont need to sponsor us. They are thinking of sponsoring my team at this moment. So thats thousands of dollars in free paint along with free trips to many events.

All because I listened to a freaking 15 year old on AO who doesnt know the difference between stupid posting and shutting his big mouth for a second to allow someone who is actually smart to post.


06-09-2004, 10:22 AM
hes not 15,hes 22,and he knows exactly what hes talking about..i just think that your LX needs some breaking in,and some FINE FINE tuning,you should send it tuna's way after your tournement,he can fix ANYTHING :hail:

06-09-2004, 10:47 AM
First of dude I do the exact same thing you do in paintball and dont need to be told how special you are, and next im not a freaking 15 year old, you have had at least 7 responses that have answered your question, Yes you can use the Level 7 bolt if you change back to Level 7 power tube hardware, But rembember Dayspring ( umm.. 6000 + postst knows what he is doing) gave a post saying that the breaches my get mesed up, why because it is 7000 series aluminum and not steel, the level 7 botl is a little smaller than the level 10 bolt, i thingk somewhere around .010", if a ball gets choped than you run the risk of the bolt severly damageing what ever breach you are using, i am a mechinical engineer and this is basicaly the only way that I can see the level 7 damageing your x-mag, not saying it is the only way because i have not spent the last 15 years building mags, if it were me AGD saying dont do it is enough for me. And if your level 10 is always messing up send it back to AGD they will be more than happy to send you a new one if it is defective and you dont have to slam the people that are trying to help ya freaking 15 year old.

06-09-2004, 10:51 AM
Who's he? Im not talking about one individual here. I've been noticing a lot of stupid posting by a lot of people around here and its scaring away the intelligent guys who have been with this place from the beginning. Heck there was even a thread started a little while ago by a guy stating that ao has changed for the worse. I would like to keep it as intelligent and witty as when it first started.


06-09-2004, 11:13 AM
Your problem is not that people aren't being helpful, it's your attitude.
I reviewed the posts and there are people trying to help out.
The problem is you're getting flustered, frustrated and pissy because you're not getting the answer you want.
Reread your posts.

06-09-2004, 11:38 AM
I still have not recieved the answer to my question although a couple of guys here have been helpful... and in general are the ones that feel offended by my comments even though they are not directed towards them.

"I’ve been wondering about this for a while but have not found any explanations to why or why not it should be done."

Also, recieving pm's from people telling me that I worry too much and should just do it havent helped the process.


06-09-2004, 11:58 AM
logic in this situation perscribes you to not install the lvl 7 bolt.... lets see why.... well, first off what i say here, what dayspring says, and all the other people on AO say -with the exception of AGD- is not garunteed 100% fact... we may think we know the 100% truth, but it might not be that way.. i would say the the post you are looking for is the one from the guy that comes out and says, "you can use lvl 7 on an x-mag, i do it and it works great. this message on the AGD tech site was just a ploy to increase lvl 10 sales (even though that bolt already comes with the marker.)"

that of course is what you want to hear, as it seems you have already convinced yourself of this... let me ask you this... if AGD said, "do not shoot rocks out of your automag" would you go about searching for the one person that has succesfully shot rocks from their automag marker in order varify what AGD has said as false?? i would think not, but this seems like your M.O.

in the end it looks like you have SEEN the answer, but since it's not the one you're looking for, you didnt listen... on that same vein, i wish you luck in life, being that most answers that present themselves are not the one you're looking for them to be.

ps... lvl 7 bolts are heavier than lvl 10, i wouldnt want to decrease my shooting consistency due to more reciprocating mass in the bolt, given a choice.... enjoy


06-09-2004, 12:22 PM
His question has not been answered. His question is not should he or shouldn't he do it, he is not asking if someone has done it successfully, the question is WHY should he or shouldn't he do it. What are the possible consequences? THAT question has NOT been answered. Just because AGD "says so" is not a reason to not ask, "Why?" With all the anti-hype sentiment on AO, how ironic is it that people get flustered when we question something AGD does? C'mon, Jim Drew tried doing that with his boards and look where that went, but god forbid we question AGD. :rolleyes:

I'd like to take the liberty to reword the original post: Why shouldn't I install a lvl 7 bolt in my X-Mag?

I feel your pain, nato. I while back, a few guys and I were wondering why the detent on Warp ULE bodies was on top. We were never provided a good explanation. Most of the responses were along the lines of, "Try it yourself and you'll find out it doesn't work," or their responses generated more questions that were not answered. Tom even chimed in with a I-designed-it-therefore-I'm-right attitude, which did nothing except convince me a certain general needs to be shot in the back at Shatnerball. :mad:

I'm sorry I can't help you, but you have a kindred spirit here. Here's the thread in case you're interested in seeing the problems I had when someone had the NERVE to ask, "Why?".

06-09-2004, 12:32 PM
Actually, I remember this conversation. They said that the detent had to be at a 90* angle to the ball feed direction in order to work properly.

His question has not been answered. His question is not should he or shouldn't he do it, he is not asking if someone has done it successfully, the question is WHY should he or shouldn't he do it. What are the possible consequences? THAT question has NOT been answered. Just because AGD "says so" is not a reason to not ask, "Why?" With all the anti-hype sentiment on AO, how ironic is it that people get flustered when we question something AGD does? C'mon, Jim Drew tried doing that with his boards and look where that went, but god forbid we question AGD. :rolleyes:

I'd like to take the liberty to reword the original post: Why shouldn't I install a lvl 7 bolt in my X-Mag?

I feel your pain, nato. I while back, a few guys and I were wondering why the detent on Warp ULE bodies was on top. We were never provided a good explanation. Most of the responses were along the lines of, "Try it yourself and you'll find out it doesn't work," or their responses generated more questions that were not answered. Tom even chimed in with a I-designed-it-therefore-I'm-right attitude, which did nothing except convince me a certain general needs to be shot in the back at Shatnerball. :mad:

I'm sorry I can't help you, but you have a kindred spirit here. Here's the thread in case you're interested in seeing the problems I had when someone had the NERVE to ask, "Why?".

06-09-2004, 12:46 PM
CaliMagFan- I agree that I would love to hear a person say that they have done it and it works great... it sucks testing by yourself. But I am not trying to defy AGD because I want to lead a wild rebellion stripping all of the glory of AGD down to rags.

deathstalker- Dear God, Thank You.


P.S.-Anyone out there who can help me?

06-09-2004, 02:53 PM
Death: if that's the actual question, then its been answered.

Two people chimed in and said they saw no problem doing it.
A few people thought he shouldn't and gave reasons.
So if that's the question, then its been answered.
Now, true, no one's sat there and drafted an encyclopedia on the topic, but that's no reason to get upset at people.

What it seems to me here, and I agree with Dayspring is that he's seeking validation for what he wants to do, and therefore, barring someone telling him it'll absolutely work or no, it's explode like an a-bomb, there will be no sufficent answer.

This is a discussion board and that is exactly what people were doing.
People were merely trying to help and then got snapped.

06-09-2004, 04:46 PM
Considering the importance of getting the right answer, call tech. support at AGD. For what it is worth, as far as I remember the SFL (predecessor to the xMag) came out before level 10. It used the level 7 bolt. HOWEVER, considering the importance of getting the correct answer, I would call AGD.