View Full Version : On AGD

trains are bad
06-08-2004, 05:14 PM
I am not a brand loyal person. I have an automag for one reason--feel. Ergonomics. I do not like the company. Know why?

Why do they never have parts in stock? Why do Like NO retailers carry replacement parts?

I broke my on/off pin. I have no idea why. So I called them up and ordered one from the AGD store. First I asked for a .712. OUT OF STOCK. So, I'll have to get a .750 and grind it down. It came to 33 USD. 33 USD!! For an on/off pin. I can understand that they are top quality and expected to pay up to 15 dollars for the little thing. But it seems like they gouge. It's not like I can get them anywhere else. Mags may be more reliable but if my non-AGD marker breaks down in a tourney they probably have parts there. I have to keep a whole mag's worth of overpriced mag parts to get the same effect.

06-08-2004, 05:20 PM
ummm... Did you order the entire on/off assembly ($28) or just the pin ($8)?


06-08-2004, 05:21 PM
Maybe you shouldn't play paintball?

Or try not breaking your on/off pin :nono:

And btw, I don't own a mag, I've owned 2 emags and 1 standard, 1 retro, and 1 old-school RT. Customer Service was astounding, The powertube tip snapped off on my Emag, I sent an email to Jon, and was promptly sent a brand new one for FREE.


Yah did you buy that? LOL :rofl:

06-08-2004, 05:25 PM
hey ever heard of a thing called a warenty? :rolleyes: :rofl:

06-08-2004, 05:34 PM
Well I know what you are saying. Mag parts are a bit unavailable unless you go through AGD themselves. My local shop has had the same RT for sale since I started playing paintball.
But you have to think about the parts thing like this.....Automags aren't popular markers. You see many other markers being used by the mainstream. Those parts are what will be easily found. Suppliers are only going to stock parts they can sell. It would be economically unwise for them to do anything else.
AGD has to produce and sell parts for a price that will sustain them as a buisiness. Not too many suppliers are asking for parts from them so they don't have a need to make a lot of them. Quantity generally equals lowered cost to manufacture. So with little demand they have to charge more to make production cost and overhead.
It also makes good buisiness sense that when you have tight margins that you not invest a lot into overstock. Why carry a great deal of parts for which there is little demand? Wait until demand builds up a bit , produce the parts and have a quick turnaround.

Another thing is the fact that most mags are so durable that they rarely need parts. So the few of them that are out there , rarely need fixing anyway. I just keep a backup marker. Granted it doesn't get used much , but its there just in case the Mag has to be down for a few days waiting on parts.

the larch
06-08-2004, 06:39 PM
I've had nothing but great dealings with AGD.
Of course local shops aren't going to carry lotsa parts for mags, there is no inventory turn for the parts. The parts will sit for ever for two reasons. 1. mags don't break very often. 2. Mags aren't as common as they used to be. (mostly though, they don't break)
If you want to make sure that most of the shops will have parts for for your marker, start using a spyder...they're quite common and break all of the time.
Also, under NORMAL usage, I've found that I need about two allen wrenches, oil and MAYBE (maybe) a set of o-rings. Can you REALLY say that for most other markers?
There JUST isn't that much to replace in a mag. Have you EVER tried replacing all of the o-rings in an old Shocker? GAWD!!

06-08-2004, 10:49 PM
While I agree that $8 plus shipping for a little metal pin is pretty pricey, I certenly wouldn't say that I don't like AGD because of it.

AGD has great CS. I should post the expereance I had when the main screw fell out of my super knife and was lost. Let's just say that the "AGD Gals" went out of their way to make sure I was happy even when it was a $15 product that AGD doesn't even make themselves.

06-09-2004, 06:27 AM
shoulda' come to AO begging for a pin.

i've got a few in the tool box I coulda' mailed you for 37 cents.

heck, for $33 you coulda' bought an entire used L7 valve on AO.
I just threw one in with some other stuff I sold for $5.
with somany guys upgrading to LX and retro and xvalve and ULT and ULE and ..... there's a lot of spare parts out there. about the only thing you keep from the old gun is the field strp screw.

06-09-2004, 08:17 AM
The one thing about AGD is that yes...they NEVER have anything you need in stock. But eh...I do not think there is one part that I do not have a spare of sitting in my box.

trains are bad
06-09-2004, 08:22 AM
shoulda' come to AO begging for a pin.

I tried that and kept a bumped WTB thread in the Misc board for like 3 days.