View Full Version : hey webby and other KC players

10-11-2001, 12:16 PM
Im looking for information about teams based in the KansasCity/Lawerence area. Out here at Kstate, there are several of us looking to form/join a team - but most of the players in the club are not into the competitive scene.

Any suggestions of teams looking for members, or advice on finding competitive players in our area? I was thinking about tossing flyers out at local fields, but I dunno...

Also, and this is un-related to paintball - I helped to found the website www.kcgeek.com , you might find it interesting if you're into computer/tech/community stuff. My friends run it now, but theres a really nice forum there, and all the people on the site are local. Just thought you might find it fun to check out.

Thanks in advance for any info ;)


10-11-2001, 01:02 PM
Go to Krazy Kris paintball in Riley. I just had several people from there (many of them old friends) play in a 10man up here in KC. Talk to Bob Henning or Krazy Kris - but I think we want to make tournament play more of a habit. I know Kris has a sup air field and he had a 3man series this summer.

In KC there are several teams, KC Wrecking Crew, Shadowmen, KC Express, and Ultra Ego are probably the top teams recognized. But there are several smaller teams in KC and Lawrence at the Drop zone...

So - if you are interested, go to Krazy Kris and talk to some of the regualars. I know we plan to play more games and thats probably the closest you will find to a tournament team in manhattan. Oh - and you can learn alot playing them. Several good players.