View Full Version : ICD Freestyle.. My thoughts

06-09-2004, 12:36 AM
Alright.. A friend got this pimp gat ;) a while ago.. Out of the box it shot like crap.. Dropped off, broke balls in the air because some shots would go 100, then the next would be 300.. But with about 10 minutes of work, and installing a new on/off system (the stock one sucks, basically it was like when I had my shocker on/off it wouldn't give enough air with the gun so only some shots would be up to full velocity)..

So at first we tryed a DYE tank on it.. And well it was a POS and the reg blew the second time being used which caused an o-ring to come loose in the gun which resulted in a leak.. So after the on/off and o-rings were replaced the gun was ready to mow..

Now I didn't get a chance to try it since that whole incident untill today.. And all I have to say is awsome gun..

The stock reg is.. Well meh.. It's so tiny and just I dunno.. It might be a good reg but right now I put my torpedo on it, and this thing mows with consistancy and speed... And also looks awsome..

So on to the performance..

First of all the gun is extremelly small/light.. Kind of like a mini-DM4.. And the gun looks 100 times better in person than in pictures.. The trigger is very adjustable and can be adjusted from the outside (a plus IMO, not having to take the triggerframe off).. The anno on the gun is also very nice.. The feedneck, which is adjustable, also seems of very high quality, unlike the one that came with my nasty shocker..

So far after shooting it today I never chopped a ball.. It absolutly mows when you get it to rip.. It was notciably easier to manouver then my NYX because of how tiny/light it was, even with a halo b on top.. The eyes worked awsome.. The gun shot darts with the ultralight and I would deffinatly say it is worth the 950.. I would easilly compare this gun to a DM4.. Also.. The gun.. If you stick your finger in the breach is similar to the stiffness of a lvl 10 with the stiffest spring.. Except the bolt seems really soft so you could hammer on your finger and not really hurt at all..

Honestly.. If you have the dollars.. I would take this over almost any other gun in the same price range, except maybe a cyborg.. Depends though, i've never shot one.. But it would have to be pimp to compare.. Mac dev came right with this new gun.. Hell i'm thinking of trading my friend my NYX for it.. Just need to get my damn board fixxed :(..

I will get pics of it up tomorrow.. It's to late to wake my brother up to put it on his computer..
06-09-2004, 01:31 AM
One thing though : it's a gas hog, like a mag.

But it's nice otherwise.

06-09-2004, 07:30 AM
What kinda numbers were you getting for efficiency? What kinda barrel?

I like your review, it helps alot..but there are still some things I am concerned with. Mostly with tanks review from http://www.icdownersgroup.com/start.html --> reviews --> freestlye

He says if the regs arent perfect you have leaks galore. he also says that there are really only two ways to get it to work.. one @ around 260 fps and one around 300 fps..that doesnt seem that friendly..how is it to service etc?

any thoughts on this? I was thinking about one of these towards the end of the summer.. hopefully they have the kinks worked out by then.


06-09-2004, 08:42 AM
I personally havent shot one, but my friend has and he raves about it. Kinda delaying his purchase of one because no one really knows about them yet and ICD isnt really supporting them, unlike the B2K. I heard rumor of there being a new bolt kit out for it but im not sure, much like that of the new shocker bolt or the evolve for the trix. If ICD does decide to support it i say whole-heartedly get one, but without support i dunno, i mean how far can a gun go stock?

06-09-2004, 10:01 AM
What kinda numbers were you getting for efficiency? What kinda barrel?

I like your review, it helps alot..but there are still some things I am concerned with. Mostly with tanks review from http://www.icdownersgroup.com/start.html --> reviews --> freestlye

He says if the regs arent perfect you have leaks galore. he also says that there are really only two ways to get it to work.. one @ around 260 fps and one around 300 fps..that doesnt seem that friendly..how is it to service etc?

any thoughts on this? I was thinking about one of these towards the end of the summer.. hopefully they have the kinks worked out by then.


I got it shooting at 280 fps with no leaks.. It was probablly just the stock reg, I don't know how good they are.. I would throw on a new reg if I got one.. I really liked my torpedo on it though the consistancy was good and it was easy to get it up to velocity..

As for efficiency.. Well I wasn't dumping alot of paint only playing hopperball and I went threw about 300-500 psi per halo.. On a 68 tank.. I thought it was fine personally.. Everywhere has all-day air now anywayes so efficiency isn't huge, as long as it lasts a game ;)

I would get one if I were you.. Just make sure you have enough for a new inline and you should be ready to rip..

06-09-2004, 10:08 AM
"The gun is all about pressure balancing. So if you're a tinkerer, you're in for a lot of fun tinkering with your LPR/HPR balancing. If you're easily frustrated or not in the know, I can totally see people getting their guns completely messed up pressure wise. Both the HPR and LPR must be adjusted to adjust your FPS otherwise your balance could get out of whack. If your LPR's not high enough, the bolt wont' cycle properly. It seems to like shooting at 290 or above or 260ish, it doesn't seem to like the range between that. I finally decided to play with it at 260 (field limit was 275). Also at the lower FPS the Freestyle got whicked unstable. I was getting +/- 10, at one time I got a 309fps and then the next shot was like 255. IT seemed to be much more stable at the higher velocitys."

Thats taken from the link you posted.. And well I don't know what he was doing.. I never touched the lpr to adjust the velocity.. I only used the reg and it worked perfectly fine.. Maybe it's the stock reg on the gun that screws with it.. But it worked fine for me
06-09-2004, 10:25 AM
*Hint Hint* ICD's coming with a new Freestyle.. probably Q3 or Q4 :D
Details? No I can't tell you. :p

06-09-2004, 12:01 PM
*Hint Hint* ICD's coming with a new Freestyle.. probably Q3 or Q4 :D
Details? No I can't tell you. :p

MAybe its a new generation or maybe is the new mech-gun that they are doin that is like the desert fox i think.

06-09-2004, 03:56 PM
My test Freestyle from ICD is one of the best paintball guns I've ever fired. I've been shooting it all week at Ronn Stern's paintball camp here at Carolina Paintball Park and it's a death machine. Out of the box, completely stock, with a Crossfire compressed air tank my Freestyle fired a string of 293, 291, 292. These were the FIRST THREE PAINTBALLS this gun ever fired. Since then it has proven to be both extremely fast and extremely reliable, requiring only minimal maintenance and cleaning to function flawlessly. I highly recommend the fastest hopper available, such as a Victory Board-equipped HALO B or Empire Reloader B, as this thing is a machine gun. A low pressure tank helps but my high pressure Crossfire functions fine on it as well. As it takes Autococker barrel threads, my Powerlyte Scepter system is the barrel of choice for razor-sharp accuracy and tight shot groupings over all ranges. Both I and everyone else who has fired my Freestyle are incredibly impressed and I applaud ICD for creating a fine product.
Oh by the way Mag lovers it's a blow forward so we won't go to hell for using it. ;)

Goldie D Pimp
06-09-2004, 04:22 PM
josh- you ain't seen mowing yet! You need to drop a new board in there and it will turn it into a machine gun! :P :P

06-09-2004, 07:50 PM
Goldie, stop mocking me because of my electronic ineptitude! ;)
I admit I AM excited about putting the new board in it...it sits there on my desk every day............staring at me........... :wow:

06-09-2004, 08:14 PM
Then put it inalready and tell us your thoughts on it. :tard:

06-09-2004, 08:19 PM
If you ask me nicely maybe I will.

Load SM5
06-09-2004, 08:23 PM
:hail: PWEEEEASSE? :hail:

06-10-2004, 12:16 AM
My test Freestyle from ICD is one of the best paintball guns I've ever fired. I've been shooting it all week at Ronn Stern's paintball camp here at Carolina Paintball Park and it's a death machine. Out of the box, completely stock, with a Crossfire compressed air tank my Freestyle fired a string of 293, 291, 292. These were the FIRST THREE PAINTBALLS this gun ever fired. Since then it has proven to be both extremely fast and extremely reliable, requiring only minimal maintenance and cleaning to function flawlessly. I highly recommend the fastest hopper available, such as a Victory Board-equipped HALO B or Empire Reloader B, as this thing is a machine gun. A low pressure tank helps but my high pressure Crossfire functions fine on it as well. As it takes Autococker barrel threads, my Powerlyte Scepter system is the barrel of choice for razor-sharp accuracy and tight shot groupings over all ranges. Both I and everyone else who has fired my Freestyle are incredibly impressed and I applaud ICD for creating a fine product.
Oh by the way Mag lovers it's a blow forward so we won't go to hell for using it. ;)
That the same Josh that always ran with The MOLES??? I went to ICD and got certified, LMK if you need anything.



EDIT: try the freaking chaos board already dude