View Full Version : Is the rental valve worth anything?

06-09-2004, 02:26 PM
I have a rental mag, and I want to put a lvlX on it, but you can't because of the way the valve was designed. Is the valve worth anything to collectors? I might try to sell or trade it for a classic valve so I can LVX it.

06-09-2004, 02:27 PM
It's good for a trade in for the Xvalve. OR, you can have it milled to accept the Level 10.

06-09-2004, 04:41 PM
Who can mill them? I would trade it in for the X-valve, I just dont have enough money ATM.

06-09-2004, 05:17 PM
how much would you want for it? I've been looking for an old valve to use as a trade in on and X myself. And if you're not gonna use that one maybe we can work out some sort of deal.

06-10-2004, 04:53 PM
Well, I would want enough to buy a normal classic valve, just so I could lvlX it. I'm not sure how much they go for, though.

06-13-2004, 12:11 AM
They are worth some to the collectors, but it would be smart to hold on to it til' you have enough $ and trade it in and get the lvl10 :D

06-13-2004, 12:13 AM
wow, i didnt know you could trade them in on an x.

06-13-2004, 12:16 AM
they have to be milled to accept the lvl 10?

did I miss something here or are they not just regular classic valves......... which should accept the lvl 10???????????

06-13-2004, 12:29 AM
Yeah, I had never seen a "rental" valve...I just assumed it was a normal Classic...what is it that is different?

06-13-2004, 09:29 AM
The powertube has a smaller diameter at the back end to restrict air flow. This was to prevent rental markers from shooting at high velocities no matter what. The problem with this is that the longer bolt stem of the level 10 won't fit into the back part of the powertube.

06-13-2004, 12:36 PM
Hmm...learn something new everyday. Now that is something else that I need to get to complete my AGD collection.

Still need,

Rental Valve
4500 Flatline
All the ULE Stuff
Turbo Valve

I think I have everything else.

06-14-2004, 08:57 AM
you have all the itirations of the classic mag valve except the rental version? wow, you've been busy.

06-14-2004, 12:33 PM
Well...I have 4 lvl 7 Mag valves (including a Minimag), I have just a lvl5 valve (no gun) coming at some point. So I dunno if I have them ALL...but I got the ones that you can find. What I do need is a Minimag body and a new carbon fiber gripframe.

06-14-2004, 12:36 PM
Muz- I have a mini body. Let's talk.

06-14-2004, 03:05 PM
If you have a normal valve, I could trade you my valve for it. I just want to be able to lvlX it without having to do something wierd.

06-14-2004, 09:49 PM
Is the valve worth anything?

It's made by AGD, it has to be worth something ;) .


09-13-2004, 03:42 AM
Muzikman: what about the Z-valve made by AGD? I found some info on it on pbreview.com, but couldn't find it on AGD site or here on AO...

09-13-2004, 01:42 PM
i got a retro valve, so if any collectors want my rental valve, I will trade it and a bolt for a lvlx or something similar.

09-13-2004, 11:37 PM
Muzikman: what about the Z-valve made by AGD? I found some info on it on pbreview.com, but couldn't find it on AGD site or here on AO...

That was made by Galazticz Systems not AGD. That company was from Japan but has now closed off. I had that valve but took if off since it was chewing my bolt. I did feel a crisper and lighter trigger on my classic.

09-14-2004, 01:13 AM
Well...I have 4 lvl 7 Mag valves (including a Minimag), I have just a lvl5 valve (no gun) coming at some point. So I dunno if I have them ALL...but I got the ones that you can find. What I do need is a Minimag body and a new carbon fiber gripframe.

Send me the $8 to ship it, and I will just give you one of my fourty gajillion carbon frames. They are all brand new, and come with all the standard crap (rubber grips, funky single trigger, safety, etc.). I've also got one with the plastic grip cheeks, if you want it too, although I don't think it is new.

Every time I sell an RT Custom with a Vert Frame I get one of the little guys to add to the pile. As you can imagine, my collection is quite large now.

Hey . . . Take my plastic frame . . . . Please!


Oh yeah, its over. I've lost it. :tard:

Call those nice men in the clean white coats to bring their jacket. The one with the sleeves that fasten 'round back. :wow:

I've got to get out more. :(

09-14-2004, 09:38 AM
i don't know exactly what some people are talking about the rental valves not being able to shoot hot because i picked up a rental gun cheap(i got it for the valve only really), and it ended up making it into my pumpmag and that thing has shot like 350fps sometimes.

and no is not that is inconsistant either, thats after some setup changes and stuff

AZZKIKR :mad: :mad: :mad: