View Full Version : Evil Omen

06-09-2004, 05:58 PM
Does the Evil Omen have an anti-chop eye? Is that what the CAM operated feed systhem thingy is? Would anyone reccomend this gun over the TES? What kind of barrels does this gun take?

06-09-2004, 06:05 PM
NO it does not have an eye. However the cam feed system is a little lever thing that forces the paint into the breach so that it does not chop.

06-09-2004, 06:19 PM
*cough* blender *cough*

06-09-2004, 06:22 PM
*cough* blender *cough*

*cough* Did not assemble marker correctly *cough*

I owned an Omen a while back, if it is properly set up, it will NOT chop, it really is a cool setup. However, the firing mechanism is nothing more than a spyder clone, so chop or no chop, it still shoots like a spyder.

06-09-2004, 06:23 PM
i guess evil doesnt know how to assemble it right then.

06-09-2004, 06:25 PM
i guess evil doesnt know how to assemble it right then.

I guess you didn't tweak it for the air source that you are using... That is like expecting the level 10 bolt to work out perfectly from the factory. Breaking things in takes time as does tuning it to your setup.

06-09-2004, 06:30 PM
I guess you didn't tweak it for the air source that you are using... .

no i didnt. it should have worked perfectly right out of the box. :cuss:

can'tthink of1
06-09-2004, 06:34 PM
Omens have to be set up right, or they will chop, and be crappy, thats why people have problems wiht them, they take them out of the box thinking it will work perfectly, well it won't, set it up right and you got a hell of a marker for cheap.

06-09-2004, 07:10 PM
Omens have to be set up right, or they will chop, and be crappy, thats why people have problems wiht them, they take them out of the box thinking it will work perfectly, well it won't, set it up right and you got a hell of a marker for cheap.

While what you say is true, you end up with a spyder that doesn't chop. The trigger frame is higher quality than a normal spyder and feels like a decent gun, but for $400 you can buy yourself a nice RT Custom with lvl 10.

06-09-2004, 08:25 PM
For that amount of money, get an Imp or B2K.

06-09-2004, 08:35 PM
I have a preset tank, what do I need to do to "tweak" my marker for it to not chop?

06-09-2004, 08:39 PM
The adjustable recock.

06-09-2004, 09:03 PM
The adjustable recock.

Its almost like timing a cocker....


06-09-2004, 09:16 PM
You keep saying Sypder like it is a bad thing. :tard:

06-09-2004, 09:59 PM
You keep saying Sypder like it is a bad thing. :tard:

I knock on spyders because there are far superior markers out there for the same price.

06-10-2004, 05:43 AM
You keep saying Sypder like it is a bad thing. :tard:

It isn't? :wow:


06-10-2004, 06:03 AM
Wow...you two really should spend more time on PBN...you fit right in.

06-10-2004, 06:35 AM
I hope that comment isn't directed at me. Lets look at the facts. Take the CAM feed off of the Omen, what do you have? Spyder firing mechanism. What are spyders notorious for? inconsistancy and recoil problems. Being critical of something does not mean that "you should go to PBN blah blah blah". I have owned an Omen and I have owned a Spyder and a Dragun. I have also owned 18 other guns ranging from Timmys to E-mags to phantoms to a B2k. I am not saying that my opinion is superior to anyone elses. But based on my experience with a variety of other guns, I conclude that for a serious paintball player, a spyder is a) a waste of time and b) a headache. I could go into the finer points of other markers, but I don't think I need to.

Also, please stock being a short sighted nit wit and read other posts made by 1de and myself. We may not agree on things (most things for that matter), but he is one of the nicest ballers that I have played with, and what he did with his kid when he had his tonsils taken out was just freakin awsome. Not to toot my own horn, but I have tried to help as many people as I can on AO and I consider most of my posts to be somewhat helpful over all. Maybe you should examine your own posts? For example, look at the posts that you attacked me for, they provide information and substance to your thread. I never said anything like "I knock on spyders cause they suck" or "Spyders are pieces of trash because my DM4 rips better than it. I provided a verifyable statement and instead of resorting to posts like on PBN which provide nothing to the thread (and community at large) you can refute it with facts, or you can go back to PBN which you obviously know so well. Thanks and have a nice day.

06-10-2004, 06:41 AM
Someone needs a sense of humor transplant quick! :cry:


06-10-2004, 07:28 AM
I need one :(

06-10-2004, 07:36 AM
oooh wow that got ugly quick.... :wow:

I don't want to turn this into a fight over the quality of spyders, but for the serious baller, if they want to do something different, I think they can compete with a properly upgraded and setup spyder system. That's the fun of having a spyder, it's like an autococker with all the different possible upgrades, but less in price. Thow a ONE kit on a spyder and, in theory, you got a timmy!

I'm sure you have shot both spyders and your omen NJpaint, but I own a spyder clone, and I had an omen for a brief while and there is a difference. In my opinion it can kick much less than a stock spyder. but that's my two cents. I may be reading your posts wrong, but I think an omen might be more superior out of the box than a spyder. I don't know whether that's agreeing with you or not lol.

Going back to the original question, In my opinion, (my nephew has a dragun TES) go with the TES. It's cheaper than the omen and it has an eye (any eye is better than no eye) and it is fairly well setup out of the box. :headbang: :headbang: :dance:

06-10-2004, 07:40 AM
Coming from someone that OWNS an Omen, rather than just spouting rumors I heard over at PBN, I think it's a great marker.

The gun DOES need to be setup out of the box.. It is nothing like timing a cocker.. Basically, you set your velocity to about 310 with the reg and then you adjust the recock screw -- moving it from all the way in to out until the gun recocks properly .. With a little fine-tuning the gun will not break paint.. Keep in mind -- like every gun with a new REG -- it needs to be broken in, so I reccomend giving it about 4000 dry fires or else you'll get alot of breaks from reg spikes.

I love my Omen -- it doesn't need much. I have a Check-It low rise for a nice clamping feedneck and a PDP chip ($50 thru www.pdpaintball.com), which gives me adjustable bounce/BPS up to 25bps.. With a properly set trigger, the thing rips. I've recently added a 15* vertical adapter for the regulator. It makes a huge difference on the look and feel of the gun -- so comfy!

PMI has probably the best customer service next to AGD... Any issues I have had with the marker, they have squared away for me quickly and FREE of charge. Replacement parts, o-rings, an updated set of internals, etc.. They're great.

In regards to the CAM feed, it is IMPOSSIBLE for it to chop a ball. There have been issues where a HALO provides too much pressure on the cam feed causing a feed in between the CAM arm so everyone I've talked to reccomends using an egg.

Unlike alot of the forums on PBN, I would check out the Evil forum for more info. A great group of knowledgable guys -- a great resource.

WELL worth the money but remember if you don't take the time to learn the marker you will not be happy with it.

In case you were curious, here's how the cam works:


06-10-2004, 07:52 AM
I have nothing against the Omen, hell I said before that I liked it and that it was a decent marker. I also think that it is superior to a spyder and the CAM feeding system IS really freaking cool, it is like the lvl 10 bolt, kinda came out of no where and no one else thought of it (though the lvl 10 is infinitely cooler because you can do tricks with it ;)) I personally like mechanical chop blocks (CAM and lvl 10) over eyes because ACE and eyes, well don't like me...


06-10-2004, 07:56 AM
I have nothing against the Omen, hell I said before that I liked it and that it was a decent marker. I also think that it is superior to a spyder and the CAM feeding system IS really freaking cool, it is like the lvl 10 bolt, kinda came out of no where and no one else thought of it (though the lvl 10 is infinitely cooler because you can do tricks with it ;)) I personally like mechanical chop blocks (CAM and lvl 10) over eyes because ACE and eyes, well don't like me...


exactly.. no worry about paint on the eye.. the eye not seeing a shell.. etc.. it's virtually foolproof if you look at how it actually works :)

06-10-2004, 11:28 AM
Well Hrmm...


Guess that includes me.

The Evil Omen, quite frankly, is one of the best performing markers for the price. For $350 used or $450 new you get:

delrin bolt
anti-chop cam feed
15bps stock
detonator regulator
rail & on/off

The quality and tolerances on the Omen are phenomenally tight. I would compare them to the tolerances of AGD, and I'm not kidding around. AGD is highly revered for its quality, and I would easily mark the Omen as "AGD-approved" in terms of quality.

The cam-feeding system is absolutely phenomenal. I guarantee you that anyone (and I mean ANYONE) who complains about it has NOT READ THE MANUAL. The cam feeding system ensure that only ONE BALL will be COMPLETELY LOADED into the breech each time you pull the trigger. I have not chopped a ball in 4 months of playing.

The stock trigger is extremely light, and it can be adjusted even more. For a stock trigger, I think that it rivals Intimidators, Angels and the likes. The shape of the trigger certainly is a plus, as it makes it very easy to walk the trigger. If you don't like it, then don't fret! Fear Factory is putting out a Blade trigger soon! (I'm designing it =)

The only think lacking in this marker is the higher BPS cap that other markers now come with stock; however, this can be fixed by PDPaintball for $50. You don't need to buy a new WAS board or get Evil to flash your firmware. It's simply a new chip that is installed on the board, and it costs $50, which is actually very cheap, considering even the prices of the lower-priced quality boards such s Nero's IS board ($70)

The TES is a wonderful marker, but it's tolerances and QC are lacking, quite frankly. I am a fan of OGI and even I admit this. Put in a competition of technical prowess, the Omen would step all over the TES, not because the TES is a bad marker, but because the Omen is simply THAT GOOD.

If you'd like to contact me further about the Omen, please use AOL Instant Messenger to contact me at Kugleman, or email me at [email protected]

:headbang: :headbang:

No sKiLLz
06-10-2004, 01:06 PM
Well Hrmm...


Guess that includes me.

The Evil Omen, quite frankly, is one of the best performing markers for the price. For $350 used or $450 new you get:

delrin bolt
anti-chop cam feed
15bps stock
detonator regulator
rail & on/off

The quality and tolerances on the Omen are phenomenally tight. I would compare them to the tolerances of AGD, and I'm not kidding around. AGD is highly revered for its quality, and I would easily mark the Omen as "AGD-approved" in terms of quality.

The cam-feeding system is absolutely phenomenal. I guarantee you that anyone (and I mean ANYONE) who complains about it has NOT READ THE MANUAL. The cam feeding system ensure that only ONE BALL will be COMPLETELY LOADED into the breech each time you pull the trigger. I have not chopped a ball in 4 months of playing.

The stock trigger is extremely light, and it can be adjusted even more. For a stock trigger, I think that it rivals Intimidators, Angels and the likes. The shape of the trigger certainly is a plus, as it makes it very easy to walk the trigger. If you don't like it, then don't fret! Fear Factory is putting out a Blade trigger soon! (I'm designing it =)

The only think lacking in this marker is the higher BPS cap that other markers now come with stock; however, this can be fixed by PDPaintball for $50. You don't need to buy a new WAS board or get Evil to flash your firmware. It's simply a new chip that is installed on the board, and it costs $50, which is actually very cheap, considering even the prices of the lower-priced quality boards such s Nero's IS board ($70)

The TES is a wonderful marker, but it's tolerances and QC are lacking, quite frankly. I am a fan of OGI and even I admit this. Put in a competition of technical prowess, the Omen would step all over the TES, not because the TES is a bad marker, but because the Omen is simply THAT GOOD.

If you'd like to contact me further about the Omen, please use AOL Instant Messenger to contact me at Kugleman, or email me at [email protected]

:headbang: :headbang:
But it's still a sear tripper. Why not get a B2k which has pnuematic operation and weighs less for $450? Plus you get a fully adjustable trigger instead of that wierd plastic thing. Plus you can put PDS in there later if you choose. The Omen will never have a BB eye because of the cam.

can'tthink of1
06-10-2004, 01:32 PM
But it's still a sear tripper. Why not get a B2k which has pnuematic operation and weighs less for $450? Plus you get a fully adjustable trigger instead of that wierd plastic thing. Plus you can put PDS in there later if you choose. The Omen will never have a BB eye because of the cam.

Because the B2k will not have one of the best, if not the best regs stock. Also you don't need an eye system because set-up right, the omen will never break a ball in the breech, and will only have barrel breaks. That weird plastic thing, is a great trigger once you get used to it and it can really rip. Also, I tell people to look into used omens, they go for about 300-350, and for that price, nothing can beat it. Also on the kick issue, I think it was said before but it has the adjustable re-cock, which really helps get rid of the kick. And in the future a flush-cocking mod will be avalible that will basically get rid of almost all kick.

No sKiLLz
06-10-2004, 02:05 PM
Because the B2k will not have one of the best, if not the best regs stock. Also you don't need an eye system because set-up right, the omen will never break a ball in the breech, and will only have barrel breaks. That weird plastic thing, is a great trigger once you get used to it and it can really rip. Also, I tell people to look into used omens, they go for about 300-350, and for that price, nothing can beat it. Also on the kick issue, I think it was said before but it has the adjustable re-cock, which really helps get rid of the kick. And in the future a flush-cocking mod will be avalible that will basically get rid of almost all kick.
Is that it? Just the reg? A CP mini reg is only $60, but there's nothing you can do to change the fact that the Omen is a sear tripper. There is no way to make it faster or lighter than the B2k. I'm sure you like your plastic trigger, but some people like adjustable triggers to get the weight and travel to be the way THEY want it. Isn't that wierd? And performance upgrades for the B2k are unlimited. Vaporworks, AKA, Zenitram, Venom, etc. all make aftermarket stuff for the B2k. An upgraded B2K will annihalate a tricked out omen.

I know you take it personally that the B2k is a better and more flexible package for that price range, but you should really calm down and listen to common sense.

06-10-2004, 02:06 PM
you dont need BB eyes if you have the CAM.. Just like you don't need eyes with level 10. how many people with X-Mags actually turn on the ACE consistently? it's all about preference -- whatever gun shoots best for YOU, buy it. Shoot em both. I prefer the Omen, nothing but great things to say about it.

As for the trigger, there are adjustments to it. A stop and how far it goes before it clicks the microswitch. There is also a Blade trigger coming soon with 3 adjustments, an additional travel adjustment. The same argument going for the Omen could be said for Timmies then.