View Full Version : All Portland Oregon players, Help Me celebrate my Birthday!

barrel break
06-09-2004, 09:17 PM
My Birthday is coming up and I was wondering If you guys want to come and help me celebrate!
I dont know which feild to go to, I've only been to portland Paintball, how do the others compare? So, come on out, and If you're free on the 20th, lets have a ball.... a paintball!

06-09-2004, 10:13 PM
personally i hate the hole in the wall that is portland paintball, but i see that it has changed a bit now the only place to play indoor speedball, i just cant get comfortable with the idea of playing there. but there is hit n run in tigard which is only indoor rec. or splataction in molla which is all OUTDOOR both rec and speed ball, its your birthday so play where you want and no matter where it is ile try to make it.
The 20th is fathers day so at splat there is fathers day special, or you could push it to the folowing sunday the 27th for the splat big game more than likly 400 + people there that day.
i dont know what if any specials the others may have.


06-09-2004, 11:37 PM
Weekend Warriors is the best field in Oregon. Period.

Not sure what I'll be doing on the 20th, but I'll be back home from college (graduation on the 12th) so I'll see if I can make it out.


barrel break
06-10-2004, 11:21 AM
hmmmm, well, I played at splat action for the civil war game, and that was great fun, I'm going for the 20th (I realize its fathers day..) since thats my actual birthday, I'm ALSO going to try to go to the bug game, which will probably break the bank for about a month :p

Portland paintball is pretty fun since its so fast, and It's cheaper than hit n' run (in terms of paint)

Weekend warriors looks to far away (I live in hood river, 70 miles from portland..)

So, I think portland paintball on the 20th is it for me, hope some of you can make it!

(I love this guy) :dance: :dance:

EDIT: when was the last time you went to portland paintball? since they got rid of the hokey tower stuff? they now have air ball, its pretty tight, but non stop action

06-10-2004, 12:14 PM
I'd love to help you celebrate by shooting at you, but alas, I'm gunless and likely to stay that way for a while, living on one's own does that!

barrel break
06-10-2004, 12:47 PM
einhander- If you come, I'm sure my friend would let you use his 98c, I normally switch off with him between the 98c and his sniper2, but now that my cocker is working, things are looking good!

06-11-2004, 12:30 AM
ah you should come in this Saterday. I'm reffing at Portland Paintball so that would be fun. I could do something special for you like let you run around while everyone shoots you. Regardless I'll try to be there on the 20th also. Do you have a picture of yourself so we can see what you look like? Click on my collection link to see a picture of me at Portland Paintball. I'll either be playing with a mag or my new BLAZER! yeah! I'll talk to Ryan (the owner) about hooking you up for your birthday. If he won't then I will. I'll give you like 500 rounds or something. That is if some of the other guys could pitch in a few $. I get a discount so it won't be that much. Let us know what you look like or play with so we'll know it's you. Also what is your real name so we don't call you barrel break lol.

Also einhander619 I have a few spare guns I could lone you. If you come with the $10 entry and $25 for paint then I'll let you borrow my gun. You might need some air though. Let me know.

Man we really need to start an AO club in OR and WA soon.

06-11-2004, 11:33 AM
hey....ao washington....im up for it

barrel break
06-11-2004, 03:53 PM
sk8ermog- wow, thanks man! I dont see you on your collection page... :confused: Im thinking sunday since its my actual birthday, by the way, real name is matt... I'm hopefully bringing my friend henry (shoots a sniper2, hard to miss) and I MIGHT convince my dad to play too....

oooh, I probably CAN come in this saturday, I'm mowing some lawns (and some LANES :mad: ) Heyyy... cool!

picture.... er, none up right now, but ive got a V-force sheild and an 03 cocker with a Rico AK! :p
EDIT: or if you see the video near the bottom of the page (03 cocker goodness) thats me shooting! only a 1 meg file!

06-11-2004, 04:13 PM
oh yeah forgot I took that picture off the site. Here it is:

I'm the one on the right with the micromag

Here are some more pictures of the field and me playing:

Ryan (owner) showing off his rentals

Me supermaning into the Dorito

Me w/ my Q-Loader Micromag (don't shoot anymore)


So that's what I look like. I have a JT mask with spikes and tinted lens so I can see better indoors. I'm shooting my blazer or my backup tippmann tonight when I play and then I should have my Angel by the time it's your birthday. Don't worry I'll be nice to you. :shooting: :rofl:

So is your birthday going to be Saterday or Sunday? If it's Sunday then I have church in the morning and Portland Paintball closes at like 6 for private groups or soon they will have a Naughty Dogz school on Sunday night. Also would you mind if I invite my crew from my neighborhood? We need to practise for some tourneys coming up? LMK

barrel break
06-11-2004, 06:16 PM
my birthday is the 20th, next sunday, I'm going to come in tomorrow (time/money allowing) I am also probably going to come in NEXT sunday, your reffing tomorrow right?

06-11-2004, 08:17 PM
I'll be at Hit N Run tomorrow(Saturday) if you change your mind about playing at PPB... I'll be shooting the black VSC Phantom, taking a break from my Mag for a bit..

06-11-2004, 08:47 PM
Yeah I'm reffing Saterday the 12th from 12pm to close. I'm playing tonight also. I might be able to play next Sunday if you are playing after say...1ish. They open at noon on Sunday anyways so yeah I'm sure I can come Sunday and play. I've already got one friend coming with me. If you have any girls that want to play then bring them and I can get them in for free... but they still have to pay for paint and air. Also no free rentals on Sunday nights. Only on Friday nights now.

06-12-2004, 03:15 AM
DANG you all missed it! Tonight was one of the best nights ever. There were no NOOBS and some of the best players around showed up and we had a blast. I got to play with Mikey from the Naughty Dogz and he taught me a few new tricks. Some kid ask him to sign some pods and then I asked him to sign my paintballs so I could sell them on ebay... he thought that was funny. The funny thing was I was serious. lol Anyways you guys missed it.

There is a huge paraded downtown on Saterday so if you are coming to play then good luck finding parking. I think I'm going to have to take the Max or something just to get to work. Don't know how long it's going to be, but I'd say you should come later in the day when things are cleaned up and there are parking spots. Should be a slow day, but we'll see. I'm still on for next Sunday though.

Oh and there was this guy that had a phantom tonight that was rippin it up so I busted out the old stingray and Aced everyone in 2 games. It was great! Man that had to be one of the best nights of paintball I've ever had. Sorry you all missed it. We'll just have to relive it when you come down for your birthday. Later.

barrel break
06-12-2004, 11:39 AM
oh well, thanks to a soccer tourny today, my ride is unavailable, so The next time i'm comin in is either the 20th (next sunday) or next friday. which do you guys think would be more fun? or next saturday....

as long as its within two days of the 20th....

06-13-2004, 03:04 AM
Friday is a great day if you are willing to stay till close. from 6 to about 9 it's packed pretty much. Then after that all the Noobs go home and it's a great time to play. Saterday is only open till about 4 or 5 for open play cause there are several big groups coming in. We had 2 groups today. I showed up at 11:30 and worked till 12:30am, man I love doing that! lol

Anyways Sundays are fun if we get there at opening and for for a few hours. We'd have to make sure to each bring a few guys cause Sundays get slow sometimes. I'm up for any of those days. I'm getting a few new guns in so I want to play with them on Friday and then I'll come in again any day you pick. Just keep me posted. Thanks.

barrel break
06-15-2004, 09:19 PM
Well, It's official, I'm coming in Friday night, from the beginning of friday night big game, to (hopefully) closing!

Sk8erMOG- If no one has given you a good enough offer on your warped micromag, bring it Friday night, I am very interested in trading it for my cocker... (we talked via email for awhile)

Rocky Knuth
06-16-2004, 05:53 PM
Albany Outdoor Paintball is pretty cool! If you like woods play they have 20 acres...

Portland paintball andWWNW are good fields also. I will be scrimmaging Oakland ***. this weekend at bobbys place so I will have to miss your party :)/


barrel break
06-16-2004, 06:16 PM
say, rocky, anyof the 'dogs ever play at portland paintball? I coulda sworn I saw some right before the deal with NPS was announced, shootin timmies...

06-16-2004, 06:23 PM
Mikey Lew goes out to Portland paintball a lot :)

Rocky Knuth
06-16-2004, 07:47 PM
Some of us go there allot. I have been there a few times. You probally seen my JR team. They use what guns they want (timmys, cockers, ect..)


barrel break
06-17-2004, 08:40 PM
bump because tomorrow is the night....

sk8ermog, heres to hoping you remember the mag :p

06-17-2004, 10:01 PM
Hey Rocky you should come down and play. It would be fun to have you and Mikey there for barrel break's birthday. And Clare when are you going to come down again. Sara says you are the co-captain of a new girls team?

I'll be there. I was really sick today, but I'm feeling better. I will have the micro, but it looks like I'm selling it off to a guy on paintball-guns.com. I'll still bring it and I want to see how your JAM bolt works. See you there.

06-18-2004, 01:45 PM
And Clare when are you going to come down again. Sara says you are the co-captain of a new girls team?

Yes, the team is called Empress (all-girl xball team). One of the next practices will probably be back at Portland Paintball and I should be out there for that. :)

06-19-2004, 12:49 AM
Tell me when you're coming out to Portland paintball and I'll come out and give you a kiss.......... from Kayle. ;)

Yes, the team is called Empress (all-girl xball team). One of the next practices will probably be back at Portland Paintball and I should be out there for that. :)

06-19-2004, 03:21 AM
what about me? do I get a kiss too? I mean I'm sending you my valve and LVL10 to tune so i think that's worth something.

Well we had a blast tonight. All 8 of us lol. Yeah no one really showed up. BarrelBreak brought his dad and a friend or his brother I couldn't tell. We played with Mickey from Naughty Dogz and got wailed on, but it was a blast.. at least I had a great time. Thanks for inviting me BarrelBreak even though i would have been there anyways. Tell your dad he needs to come out again and give me a rematch. I think we are tied up after his last game.

Later and happy birthday on Sunday.

06-19-2004, 03:30 AM
Tell me when you're coming out to Portland paintball and I'll come out and give you a kiss.......... from Kayle.

Who are you kidding? Kayle only gives out kisses to you!

barrel break
06-19-2004, 03:39 PM
yep, It was realllly fun, and HEY there were 10 people there at one time :tard:

mickey spanked me pretty badly, but DAMN, sk8ermog, that was the best snapshooting I've ever seen (yours)

Thanks for letting me try out the mag, I'm glad I did, not quite my style...