View Full Version : The closest thing to the Flux Capacitor....

06-10-2004, 12:46 AM
for me, is bunkering someone or doin a run through. Time dialation man.

What does it for you?

06-10-2004, 12:51 AM
bunkering relaxes the pain receptors, pumps adrenalin, causes fingers to twitch uncontrollably at enemy targets, time seems null.

06-10-2004, 01:00 AM
The technical term is "tachypsychi" and yes time does slow down buy do you know why??

The chemical dump to your brain accellerates your brains processing speed. You actually process info faster so from your prespective time slows down. Very cool !!


06-10-2004, 01:06 AM
I want that... except on command... not when I'm falling through a building in an urban paintball park about to break my arm. :cry: :nono: :cuss:

I wanna like be "NEO MODE ACTIVATE PLZKTHX" :dance:

06-10-2004, 01:13 AM
yeah, i should of paid more attention in my psych classes. What gets me is how addictive that feeling is, durin and after the moment. From what i understand a lot of the internal martial arts disceplines focuses on the ability to actuallize that process on command. . Tai Chi, Qui Gong, or upper echelon rank of any martial art i suppose.

06-10-2004, 10:42 AM
The chemical dump to your brain accellerates your brains processing speed. You actually process info faster so from your prespective time slows down. Very cool !!

Cool? Well, depends on what's being slowed down. :(

I crashed my '71 Mini at a speed of 120 km/h into a highway crash barrier. I still remember every little crack growing on the windshield and ever bit of metal bending. :wow:

Sure, I guess you could say it's cool. But I don't want to repeat the experience. :argh:

06-10-2004, 11:13 AM
I always wanted a flux capicitor replica to put in my computer case, room, or future car. Can't find any though. :(

06-10-2004, 12:04 PM
That feeling is what I live for. When the situation lets me watch the ball float over and leave it's splat. Even at a distance of 3-10 feet.

There are other things that bring that feeling on too. There is one other state of being that makes me feel good... I'm going to get the term wrong. But IIRC it's called the "alpha state" It's the mindset that the best race drivers can bring up on command. You stop processing audio right, but you're totally focused and relaxed.

IT's the state that makes you really good at tetris at four in the morning.

Hmm.. A discussion of "altered states" that comes without external chemical intervention.

06-10-2004, 12:08 PM
I think that moment is why alot of people, including myself are addicted to playing...

06-10-2004, 12:20 PM
lol, ea, but its even better whne your runing to bunker someone, and when you get there, ther not there....lol, you get teh slow-mo going, then get tehr like...WTF! and get lit up by a kid with a VERY bouncy timmy hiding in a bunker to the side :cry:

barrel break
06-10-2004, 12:50 PM
I live for this feeling, When I'm snowboarding, this moment happens when I am about to crash, or go off of a jump. I see everything happening, I see my arm hit the ground, or my knee twist the wrong way, but I am removed from it, not a part of it, I am an observer, my body cannot react to the commands my brain issues. I am in both slo motion and fast forward.

Definately the best feeling ever.

06-10-2004, 04:15 PM
Cool? Well, depends on what's being slowed down. :(

I crashed my '71 Mini at a speed of 120 km/h into a highway crash barrier. I still remember every little crack growing on the windshield and ever bit of metal bending. :wow:

Sure, I guess you could say it's cool. But I don't want to repeat the experience. :argh:

I am definately with you on that one.

I went off the road in a very sharp turn on my Kawi 750 years ago. I was running well over 100 when I came up on a blind corner. I hit the brakes as hard as I could w/o locking them down. I drifted to the outside and right as I went off the pavement everything slowed down.

I looked down to see the bike falling away from me w/60 still showing on the speedo. I was flying through the air like a bird for what seemed hours. I remember rolling over and over like a million times in slow motion. I ended up coming out of the crash in a run , thinking my bike would catch fire laying on its side running. It wasn't until I actually turned the bike off that time returned to normal , and I passed out in the middle of the street.....

06-10-2004, 04:28 PM
I am definately with you on that one.

I went off the road in a very sharp turn on my Kawi 750 years ago.

Only time I fell of a bike it was a bicycle. :D But it DID hurt! :cry:

While speeding along, the chain left the rear sprocket and jammed solid between the frame and sprocket. This caused the foot on the down push to leave the pedal and plant on the ground. :wow:

Seemed to hang over the handlebars without moving for an eternity. Long enough to see I was doing close to 30kph and then come to the zen realisation/acceptance that I was hence forth powerless and may as well get it over with. The crappy thing is my other foot stayed stuck in the pedal. :mad:

Walked home, cursed the bike, threw it in the garage, and watched tv for 5-10 minutes before I realised it hurt like hell and I had blood running profusely down my leg.

I have to wonder how two lucky idiots here in Montreal experienced their crash the other day. 19 yr old driver with an 18 yr old passenger went through a police radar trap at 1 am and were clocked doing 216kph (135mph). They lost control shortly afterwards. Both were thrown from the car and the car tumbled for hundreds of feet.

Driver only broke his wrist!! :wow: :wow: The passenger was critically injured with internal bleeding but is now out of danger.

06-10-2004, 05:44 PM
IIRC it's called the "alpha state" It's the mindset that the best race drivers can bring up on command. You stop processing audio right, but you're totally focused and relaxed.

IT's the state that makes you really good at tetris at four in the morning.

Hmm.. A discussion of "altered states" that comes without external chemical intervention.
This happens to me at large tournaments. For example I was at the NY cup last year and my team was sucking due to our back player. So I decided to yell at him and take over in back. After that game I did not communitcate with my teammaete nor did I hear them. I was not really sure what I was doning until the game ended. That game I got 2 out of 3 people out, then the next 2 games I got all 3 out of 3 people out. After each game everyone was telling me how great I did, and I was like really I dont remember, however I do fell alot of adrenaline and exitment so lets go out and do it again. Yeah it is awsome when this happens. Hopefully it will be like that at this years upcoming NY cup.

06-10-2004, 09:05 PM
Cool? Well, depends on what's being slowed down. :(

I crashed my '71 Mini at a speed of 120 km/h into a highway crash barrier. I still remember every little crack growing on the windshield and ever bit of metal bending. :wow:

Sure, I guess you could say it's cool. But I don't want to repeat the experience. :argh:

When I crashed my focus I didn't get quite the same niceitys of the "enjoying" the crash like I normally do. (memorys of using my face as a brake pad in junior high come to mind) The airbags went off. I got to WATCH them deploy, at least the passenger side one. I watched it hit my windshield, and I got to watch the glowing powder float out from the vents in the sides of the airbags. And I remember cursing them because I coudlnt' see ahead to get my car out of the way of traffic.

Airbags must deflate in 1/2 seccond or less. It felt like hours, I actually reached to push it out of the way. It was quite hot to the touch.

06-10-2004, 09:22 PM
sure crashes are fun but

not as fun as palyin motor paint ball with u n 4 guys rideing around on 4 wheelers tryin to hit each other in a maze of dirt roads in my woods thay power slide shoot turn n not die thing realy gets time slowed down a game will take 15 min but seem like hours

06-10-2004, 11:12 PM
The technical term is "tachypsychi" and yes time does slow down buy do you know why??

The chemical dump to your brain accellerates your brains processing speed. You actually process info faster so from your prespective time slows down. Very cool !!

Who wants to bet that SP is trying to patent that chemical? :argh:
Then thay can sue the Matrix.

06-11-2004, 10:15 AM
There are other things that bring that feeling on too. There is one other state of being that makes me feel good... I'm going to get the term wrong. But IIRC it's called the "alpha state" It's the mindset that the best race drivers can bring up on command. You stop processing audio right, but you're totally focused and relaxed.

kinda the feeling you get when you drink a bottle of robotussin and play video games.

06-27-2004, 08:24 PM
Just got done playing today, this was on the woods field, Ran between the middle of the pond and the bank on the other side, so i have no cover what so ever besides the shirt on my back, and what ever ticks i have stuck to me. Ran, everything just slowed down, it seemed like it was going to take forever, when I ran up topped the hill, unloaded close to a half of a hopper on my brother. He did not say anything or do anything, just turned around, at that I saw I had hit him, turned around, still being fired at by everybody, start to move in the other direction, when I felt a shot and saw a splatter fly from my inner thigh, and then i felt seven shots shoot up my back...turned around my brother is yelling at me and shooting me. Now this just makes my blood boil, :mad: he kept on saying that he said he was out, he also said that he shot his marker hand into the air, which as I said earlier he did none of those.
Sorry Had to vent this somewhere.

and then time returned to normal, and the kidney shot really started to hurt,

oh and the only reason I over shot him, was because my paint matched his shirt.