View Full Version : Five IRon Fernzy anyone?

10-11-2001, 03:59 PM
WEll, I know that I and Major know of and like them.. .anyone else? Thier a christian SKA crazy and pretty much just unique and silly band.
Just wondering if anyone else knew of them................................

10-11-2001, 04:19 PM
Yeh they rock! Im gonna see them, Relient K, Ace Troubleshooter, and John Reubens next Thursday!!!!!!!!!!! Fun, fun, fun! *getting into mosh position!* hehe.


10-11-2001, 04:55 PM

10-11-2001, 05:03 PM
Sure, I've heard of them. I don't really like them though...

10-11-2001, 05:04 PM
Yeah I like them too. I like that song "oh canada". I think that's the name, oh well, its really funny:)

10-11-2001, 05:05 PM
Yeah Oh Canada rox!


10-11-2001, 08:52 PM
they are talented musicians, but the whole god thing really turns me off. i cant listen to more than 2 or 3 of their songs.

10-11-2001, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Restola
they are talented musicians, but the whole god thing really turns me off. i cant listen to more than 2 or 3 of their songs.

Exactly...it's like they're trying to convert me or something.

10-11-2001, 09:26 PM
these are not my pants ;)

10-11-2001, 09:26 PM
Um, it is a CHRISTIAN band. I think thats kinda their job.


10-12-2001, 07:02 AM
*Edited to keep myself from starting a religious arguement, I'll play nice today* :)

10-13-2001, 10:24 AM
OH.. this can be fun, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one....yay.

Oh Canada.. that song makes me smile, I could probaly recite it right now, but I ant to do another.

I like them bothfor thier humor and thier christian lyrics, but I do not want a religious argument, plus, no one should be bothered from what I believe becasue I'm not presssing it on anyone.. just asking a simple question.

One of my favorite hidden tracks off of Proof They The Youth Are Revolting.....
"Hi this is Reese Roper from Five Iron Frenzy. I'd like to thank you for buying abouther one of our stupid albums. You may notice that we are not rock stars becasue you will hear these mess ups and you will say to yourself *in a dramatic yelling voice* "MY GOD! WHAT HAVE I DONE? WHAT HAVE I DONE?" Yes, you will. K here's Jeff...."
Ohhhh,, good times. This might be fun

10-13-2001, 06:53 PM
Another thing i dont like about punk bands - the revolution theme.

like teens revolting started in the 90s. get real.

10-16-2001, 11:23 AM
To hell with the deviiiiiiiiiiiiiil. hahahahahaa

Thank God for the "God Thing"....i don't like the devil.

PAX217 is awesome also.

Major....yer gonna love that show. Ace Troubleshooter rocks.

POD....hmmmm number one on TRL for how long?....they're WHAT?...Christian?

oh my....I don't like them anymore....whatever


Ni cD
10-16-2001, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Restola
Another thing i dont like about punk bands - the revolution theme.

like teens revolting started in the 90s. get real.

Hehe - I also noticed that. :rolleyes:

I've not been a fan of any Christian music for a while - even though I'm considered a Christian. I have yet to find a decent Christian band that plays music I like...kinda sucks. :(

10-16-2001, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Ni cD

Hehe - I also noticed that. :rolleyes:

I've not been a fan of any Christian music for a while - even though I'm considered a Christian. I have yet to find a decent Christian band that plays music I like...kinda sucks. :(

Ni CD: dude...what kinda music do you like...i can probably list at least 5 Christian bands that will fit your style.

Suthun Gospel?

10-16-2001, 01:20 PM
Yeah, the show is on Thursday! I may be able to go see Disciple(really cool hardcore band) in concert Friday too!


10-16-2001, 02:11 PM
beam i think thats the weird, scary, and creepy thing about christian music.

10-16-2001, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Restola
beam i think thats the weird, scary, and creepy thing about christian music.

Scary? Why? Because Christians can rock it too?

What you gotta look at isn't the style of music. God could care less. It is what is in the hearts of the music's creators. I can scream praise to God just as well as I can sing a hymn to Him. If it is genuine, it's all good. :)

10-16-2001, 02:21 PM
*hugs his Tool and Godsmack CDs*

'nuff said :)

I didn't say anything up there that was particularly argumentative or anything, but due to the sensativity of the topic and the AO ban on religious debate (which is a good idea), I decided to edit my post out.

10-16-2001, 02:26 PM
Thordic: I hope I haven't sounded argumentative. I'm just passionate about my faith. :D

Ni cD
10-16-2001, 02:31 PM
Beam - do you know of any Christian black metal bands?

10-16-2001, 02:47 PM
That's the first I've heard of Black Metal. (go on...laugh) But I wanted to find out what it was so I could suggest a Christian equivalent. It seems that one of BM's main components is a blatant defiance of God or religion. So...to suggest a group that technically meets that genre and is still Christian would be impossible.

Some good hard core bands I could suggest are:

Project 86
Eternal Decision

There are many more listed here: http://www.ultimatum.net/ultdist.html

Check it out....

***Added on Edit***

Hahahahahaha I checked out my own link and found a few Black Metal albums....I was wrong...there is such a thing.

There ya go Ni CD.

10-16-2001, 02:57 PM
not to be arguementative, but POD sucks.
ok. it was arguementative.
but they still suck.

10-16-2001, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Restola
not to be arguementative, but POD sucks.
ok. it was arguementative.
but they still suck.


10-16-2001, 03:20 PM
Yeah, Disciple is hardcore(one of my favs!), Project 86 is like hardcore/rapcore, P.O.D. is rapcore, Zao is metal, and I havnt heard of Eternal Decision.
But yeah, there is nothing ungodly about any "style" of music, its the creator of the music that can make it that way. I mean lets use rap as an example. Rap is triditionally know to talk about sex, drugs, and killing. There is Christian rap that praises God. The lyrics are what makes it ungodly. So why is it scary that there is a Christian alternative to every secular style of music? God invented music, and Satan stole it. God loves to rock! :)


10-16-2001, 08:41 PM
I agree, POD just annoys me. They don't have much, what would you call it, talent? Jeez, I could play a better guitar part. Don't Creed's lyrics talk about God?

10-16-2001, 08:48 PM
Creed's lead singer/songwriter is a Christian. They don't label themselves as a Christian band because the other guys arent Christians. So alot of their stuff has Christian lyrics.


10-16-2001, 09:11 PM
Life house is one of my favorite bands and I've heard there christian but never heard them say it. I think they are just by what I've seen in there lyrics. FIF is also a band I like. I'm also an old school die hard Petra Fan.:cool:

More Power to ya


10-16-2001, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
Yeah, Disciple is hardcore(one of my favs!), Project 86 is like hardcore/rapcore, P.O.D. is rapcore, Zao is metal, and I havnt heard of Eternal Decision.
But yeah, there is nothing ungodly about any "style" of music, its the creator of the music that can make it that way. I mean lets use rap as an example. Rap is triditionally know to talk about sex, drugs, and killing. There is Christian rap that praises God. The lyrics are what makes it ungodly. So why is it scary that there is a Christian alternative to every secular style of music? God invented music, and Satan stole it. God loves to rock! :)


Thats exactly why I don't listen to christian music, they act as if they KNOW that there faith is true, just as you do.

I agree with Restola about the creepy scary thing.

And rap is about the artists life, except the whole Cash Money scene. Take a look at 2pac, he was in the ghetto for most of his life, and thats what he rapped about. He was broke all his life. He never had money of his own, his record company payed him with cars and suites.

There are a ton of rap artists that are just like that, and they are the ones that are worth listening to.

10-16-2001, 09:35 PM
christian music is often preaching to the choir. and there is nothing wrong with that, i just dont want to hear it.

10-16-2001, 10:14 PM
My faith is true, and why in the world is it scary? And just cuz his life is about whores, shooting people, and drugs dosnt mean its good lyrics. If I cleaned bathrooms everyday, would you like to hear my rap about cleaning cleaning up feces filled with corn, describe its texture and the smell of the urine in the bathroom? How the vomit is a light color of green and smells rank? No. So how is killing people and the other things music worth listening to? Music has a spirit to it, if you listen to music about killing and stuff, its proven you will be more aggressive and want to do this kinda thing. So yep. Oh and Christian music also saves alot of people. Five Iron Frenzy for one plays a lot of secular concerts, with secular bands being missionaries through music, which is pretty much what its about, not just "preaching to the choir".


10-16-2001, 10:23 PM
guess it depends on whos eyes you see it through. if someone can accept that some people dont believe what they believe and never will and they'll have my respect.

it does seem like a lot of what christians do (music and otherwise) is ment to build up there own self esteem. seems to be a very insecure religion. thats why i mentioned preaching to the choir. but this is of course out of the mind of a non-christian non-religious person.

luckily i can believe whatever i want.

10-16-2001, 10:24 PM
Im not trying to flame anyone, just stating my opinion.


10-16-2001, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Restola

luckily i can believe whatever i want.

Right on.

...and MajorDamage, I'm not trying to flame you, but you have no idea what you are talking about. Most of his songs weren't about killing people.
"My faith is true" There can be two meanings to this, if you mean that it is correct, then you don't know that for sure, but you have faith in it. If you mean that you believe in it, thats fine.

10-17-2001, 12:50 AM
No, I mean I know that it is true. You don't have to see the wind to know its there, but you can see the effects of it. And no I don't know alot about 2pac, but im speaking of most rappers in general. Almost all rappers rap from their life, and secular rap is basically drugs/killing/sex. And I don't think there are any lost causes, people who will never beleive. There are tons of people who say the same thing, but then something happens one day and they do. Oh, and what do you mean that alot of things Christians do, they do to build up their self-esteem? Im just not clear on what you mean, and therefore can't comment on it because im not entirely sure what you are saying. Thanx.


10-17-2001, 08:28 AM
i mean the same way rich actors pick up a cause and become an advocate for it. its to make themselves feel better.

the worst part about some christians is how they feel it is their duty to introduce you to the faith (relates back to why i dont like christian music taking all these different forms). in everything that talks about god there always seems to be a hidden motive. everyone wants to be a missionary.

im having trouble concentrating and organising my thoughts right now. ill be back later tonight and if you want me to elaborate ill try again.

10-17-2001, 08:45 AM
Wow! This is still going!

First, my hats off to everyone for keeping it civil....a rarity in these types of discussions.

Faith is the evidence of things unseen. What a paradox, eh?

My faith is this: Accepting things that are not, as if they are.

One reason that I (I don't speak for all Chrisians) ever talk to people about Christ is because there is a lot on the line. I don't do it for self esteem, rewards, money, etc. I believe in a literal heaven and a literal hell.

Plus, Christ works. That's it. I can't prove it to you. I can't make you see. All I can tell you is that in my life, and many others, Christ works. He give me peace that passes understanding. He always has and always will.

This next thing is not meant to be arrogant or a flame but: I DARE any skeptic to truly accept Christ into his/her life.

You won't regret it.

10-17-2001, 01:54 PM
Well restola, I bet there are some Christians who "do it for the fame" but most don't. Its about leading people to Christ. Its like, if you were on a ship, and its sinking, wouldnt you try to get as many people to the lifeboats as you could? Thats why people try to lead people to Christ. If you know the truth, and don't share it thats selfish. If you KNEW that there were more than enough lifeboats, and you didn't tell the people who didn't know, THAT would be selfish. Its the same way.
Oh, and beam, I don't know if people could get saved on a dare :D but if they truley did(like you said) im sure they could, but if you dare them i doubt it would be true. My 2 cents. Oh, and Jesus is better than a lifeboat though :).


10-17-2001, 09:07 PM
i guess my problem is not believing im drowning, and not caring that you have lifeboats :)

thanks though

10-17-2001, 09:11 PM
Ok. But I was just telling you why Christian bands sing about Jesus :).


10-17-2001, 09:18 PM
No, you don't know if Christianity is true. There are Jewish people, there are Muslim people, there are Pagan people, in fact, in any religion there are people just like you. You strongly believe that it is true, but you do not know for sure. You believe that you know for sure, but the fact is, nobody knows.

10-17-2001, 09:21 PM
Then do you KNOW that you ar on the planet Earth? Do you KNOW that you are human? Do you KNOW that you are reading this? I am as sure about my faith, as these things.


10-17-2001, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
Then do you KNOW that you ar on the planet Earth? Do you KNOW that you are human? Do you KNOW that you are reading this? I am as sure about my faith, as these things.


Just like everyone else in every other religion....

10-17-2001, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by MagMan5446
No, you don't know if Christianity is true. There are Jewish people, there are Muslim people, there are Pagan people, in fact, in any religion there are people just like you. You strongly believe that it is true, but you do not know for sure. You believe that you know for sure, but the fact is, nobody knows.

MagMan: The scary thing is....is that we DO know that it's true. I'm talking about the life of Jesus. His miracles...walking on water, raising people from the dead, healing people, and biggest of all himself rising from the grave. You see, what a lot of people don't know or don't look into, is the fact that many non-believing people kept a history of the events of the time. Josephus is probably one of the most popular. In fact, the bible is the most reliable document in history. Any one can tell you how Socrates died....but do you know that there was only one person to see that....and he wrote the account of it long after the fact. With Christianity, there are well over 24,000 confirming accounts of the life/times of Jesus. So, if you want to tell yourself that a person who claims to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and then backs that up by rising from the grave, is a looney, that is your choice. But please, before you write Christianity off as unbelievable, seriously look into it. The book The Case for Christ, is an excellent place for skeptics to start. It was written by a non-believing skeptic. That non-belief didn't last long. :)

Ni cD
10-17-2001, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
Then do you KNOW that you ar on the planet Earth? Do you KNOW that you are human? Do you KNOW that you are reading this? I am as sure about my faith, as these things.


No kiddin'? ;)

I'm sure Islamic people feel the same way about their faith. Think about this for a minute...

Do you (Major, Beam) have any proof that God exists?

Do you (Restola, 5446, others) have any proof that God doesn't exist?

I don't have any real proof that there is a God, but I believe there's one - and that's good enough for me.

Assalamu Alaikum, guys!!! :D

10-17-2001, 10:24 PM
nope i have no proof what so ever. just a strong belief in common sence. thats why i posted before that

i can believe whatever i want

everyone has a right to believe wholeheartedly in anything they want. if they didnt believe it it wouldnt be their faith MagMan. of course muslims have to believe what they believe in. of course jews have to believe what they believe in. that is not the issue.
i just happen to also feel (very strongly) that i have a right not to be continuously introduced to religion over and over (goes back to to the original music post). i do my best to avoid situations i dont feel comfortable in or dont feel comfortable supporting with my presence and i repsect when other people respect my desire not to hear about it (it=whatever they have to say).
there comes a point somewhere after "general knowledge of subject X" where it just becomes too much. this of course does not only apply to religion. if you are tired of hearing about civil rights then that means you dont want to hear about it. whether you know everything about the topic or absolutly nothing, you dont want to hear it. on tv, the radio, friends, strangers. so you avoid it or ignore it. at least i do (after i know the issue and the sides).
the natural reaction of some religions is "oh you just havent heard it the right way, let me explain". which of course only fuels the fire. people do not want to accept that they need to let other people make the right decision. you cannot force someone to change their beliefs. you can only introduce it and let THEM deside to change their mind. im sure many young boys and girls have gone through this with their parents and paintball. asking you parents 5 times a day "you have to let me play paintball?" will not be effective to all but the weakest of parents. saying "hey dad, my friend billy plays paintball, he loves it, and i think it would be a good after-school activity for me to get involved with" and giving him a chance to think about it is MUCH more effective.
sure some people consider their faith to be an extremely serious subject. i dont. ill make my decision somewhere down the road. but it wont be with some stranger at an airport staring over my shoulder.

10-17-2001, 11:07 PM
Ni_cD I have proof. What more proof do you need than the world and people? If God didn't create us, who did? If you found a car siting in a junk yard, would you beleive that it formed out of nothing, and evolved into that car? No. You would know that someone created it. You don't see the person who made it, but you know it didn't come out of thin air. God created the world, and us. That and he continually proves himself day in and day out. Restola, im not trying to force you into anything, just stating my side of it. And the fact that the Jews themselves don't beleive that Jesus was the Christ is another comfirmation. One of the prophesys about the Messiah was that his own people would reject him.


10-18-2001, 08:19 AM
the junk yard car is a bad analogy. ive heard it before. it way way way undersimplifies the problem of evolution.

one way i rationalize how we humans can be SO complicated, yet could have been made through the natural evolution of the world is this:
look at yuor computer. it is incredibly complex. plastic, microprocessors, cd-roms and harddrives. every single one of those pieces had to evolve to be at their current level. just looking at a pc now, someone in africa would think it was amazing, and even if he was told, he probably wouldnt understand the process that got it to where it is now.

i think we are similar. we never saw the process leading up to the 'computer'. we never saw the industrial revolution, franklin's kite flying, the invention of plastic, modern mathmatics. each of these on its own could take a lifetime to study. we dont know how we evolved together, we just see the finished product; thousands and thousands of chemical reactions that seem to work together magically and form the current human being.

of course there is absolutly no way to prove what happend in the past and i wont pretend there is. we all must rely on our own instincs, surroundings, and education to form what we believe is a rational explaination of ourselves.

Ni cD
10-18-2001, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Restola
of course there is absolutly no way to prove what happend in the past and i wont pretend there is. we all must rely on our own instincs, surroundings, and education to form what we believe is a rational explaination of ourselves.


My religion (Christianity) teaches that I, as a Christian, should spread the word about Jesus. BUT!!! Its totally wrong to force my beliefs on someone else, or just nag at them. We all just have to come to our own conclusion.

We had a huge thread a while ago that discussed this. It basically turned into a flame war because a few people started saying stuff like "Well my faith is true, and you're going to hell!!!" - I got soooo pissed off. Yes, I do believe that unless you accept Jesus into your heart that you're going to hell. Its sad, but its my truth. That doesn't give me the right to tell everyone who has differing religions (or lack thereof) that when they die only eternal suffering waits for them.

So if you guys feel that thats what we're doing, sorry.

Just remember - Jesus saves!! ;)

10-18-2001, 01:47 PM
Yes Ni_cD it dosnt really give you the right to say "YOU HEATHEN!!! YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!" but your job as a Christian is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Im not trying to shove anyone into anything, just defending my case.


10-18-2001, 03:12 PM
fif kicks!!!!!!!
~Reliant K
~Audio Adrenaline:D

10-18-2001, 03:38 PM
Im getting ready to go see FIF, Relient K, Ace Troubleshooter, and some d00d named John Reubens(I wonder if he's related to Paul...Na, he changed his name to Reubens from some weird name, surry!) and I will be having FUN, FUN, FUN! I'll post on how it goes! Im planning on getting a FIF sticker for my hopper! Oh, and ellfmeister, I enjoy most of those bands to(and have seen them in concert! All except superchick and average after tonight. Im not a fan of AudioA anymore tho.).


10-18-2001, 06:31 PM
Even though the rules clearly state that religeous threads are not allowed, you guys have kept this surprisingly clean and civil. Keep it this way and I will leave it up, first hint at a flame and the whole thing goes! Army :cool:

10-18-2001, 06:35 PM
im done anyways. thanks admins though for letting us all break the rules, and thanks to everyone for not turning this into a holy war :) it was good to hear so many people's thoughts.

Ni cD
10-18-2001, 08:02 PM
Yeah, I think this thread is just about spent...good job on keeping this civil, guys!

10-18-2001, 08:34 PM
Yep...I agree. This has been an exception. Thanks mods for letting it go, and thanks guys for keeping it civil.

Major: It's John Rueben...and he is a protege of Toby Mac. Hopefully he will do: "Do not tell me what I can and can not do when I rock!" That's a sweet song.

Later all. :)

10-18-2001, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
Ni_cD I have proof. What more proof do you need than the world and people? If God didn't create us, who did?


I believe there is a God. I also believe in evolution.

I'm not just saying this about Christianity. I'm saying this same thing about Jewism, Islam, Buddhism, whatever religion. You do not know what happened back then, no one does. We have theories of what happened, also known as religions.

I'm not saying that Christianity is wrong. I'm not saying any religion is wrong. I'm saying that no one can be sure that a religion is true, no one ever will.

Now, the question (for me anyway), is how did God (or whatever you want to call him) get there.

10-18-2001, 11:33 PM
Heya. Thanx Army for letting it slide. I was wondering if this would get deleted :).
Magman5446, I can't tell you where God came from, but only that he has always been there. He is on so much of a bigger plateu(SP?) than us that our perception of time and space and all that stuff is diffrent than his. And we will know which religion is right some day, when you die, or when the rapture comes. So there is a way to know, and I beleive we will see the rapture pretty soon.


Concert was great! Ace Troubleshooter opened, they were pretty good but not the best. I enjoyed them though! And then John Rueben was rap, which I do not care for.
Relient K rocked! They were soooo good. They came out all wearing Alien costumes and just walked around the stage for a while, hehe. They opened with their Charles In Charge remake! Sweeet. I was moshing for part of Ace's set, and then stopped cuz you can't mosh to rap, then moshed for about half of Relient K's till I needed water, and realized my shoe was falling apart! So I sat out on moshing the rest of the night, that way I wouldnt walk away with half a shoe(superglue can fix all!). FIF Was soooooooooooo great! Even better than the last time I saw them! They came out all dressed funny. Reese Roper(lead singer) was dressed as somekind of crazy boyscout, Micah Ortega(guitar) was dressed up as like an old hillbilly, and everyone else had all kinds of crazy stuff to. It was great. I bit my tongue in the mosh pit though, and may have broke my watch:(! But it was great! I may be seeing Disciple Tommorow!(How cool would that be? 2 concerts, and paintball on Saturday!!!!). Keep rocking! Punk, and Skacore concerts rock! And maybe a hardcore concert tommorow(or its after 12...TODAY!)!


Ni cD
10-19-2001, 11:18 AM
Glad you had fun at the concert!!! :)

01-08-2002, 03:29 AM
welp, I was just doing a search on FIF and came accrost this old thread... not to be bring back threads from their grave but I have got to say ...I'm jealous of you Major that would have been a great concert!!!! I don't think I'll ever see a Reliant K concert... just not the "in" thing in Iowa.... Beam I had no clue you were into christian punk and ska? what a kewl surprise... dunno how this one sliped by me in the first place!

01-08-2002, 03:32 AM
ahh yeah before I forget... check out slick shoes, Pillar, Oc supertones all star united, mxpx too

01-08-2002, 09:25 AM
Heat: I saw Slick Shoes in concert in Waterloo...with Ace Troubleshooter, .rod Laver, and Calibretto 13. It was a blast. Small little gym....Heartland Vineyard church.

I'm not necessarily into punk/ska. I love MXPX hahahaha

They did Major Damage's theme song: "Responsibility...what's that?!?! Responsibility not quite yet!" hahahaha j/k major

I love POD...Fundamental Elements of Southtown and Satellite
I also like Skillet's Alien Youth...man there are soooo many great bands. I don't mind rap/hip-hop either.

01-08-2002, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by beam
Heat: I saw Slick Shoes in concert in Waterloo...with Ace Troubleshooter, .rod Laver, and Calibretto 13. It was a blast. Small little gym....Heartland Vineyard church.

I'm not necessarily into punk/ska. I love MXPX hahahaha

They did Major Damage's theme song: "Responsibility...what's that?!?! Responsibility not quite yet!" hahahaha j/k major

I love POD...Fundamental Elements of Southtown and Satellite
I also like Skillet's Alien Youth...man there are soooo many great bands. I don't mind rap/hip-hop either.
lol, that is a pretty fun song. You'd be surprised, I am much more responsible than you'd think ;):D.
LOL this is so funny that this came back up cuz I was just getting ready to make a new thread on FIF's new CD! This thing rocks! Its definetly not ska though. Its alot more "Skacore" which dosn't exactly mean harder(well some songs are), but like its a mixture of ska and anything else. Some stuff is almost alternative, and I hate alternative, but this stuff rules. Reese Roper is like one of the best song writers Ive ever heard of. He rules ;)

Yeah MxPx rules! I also saw Pillar in concert, but they wern't my "Cup of Tea". I prefer hardcore to rapcore. Supertones used to be good, but now they are like contemporary music with horns. And All Star United's older stuff was kinda good. I have only heard a little bit of Slick Shoes' stuff, I can't remember how I liked them. Calibretto 13 is a funny band lol, I don't know how to classify them. Its like screaming lyrics with accoustic guitars strumming real fast lol. "Little Gay Man" is a song that sounds funny(musically). POD is also "ok", I just don't get into rapcore that much. I havn't heard Skillet's new stuff, I used to have their first CD, but gave it away. I have like one or two of .rod laver's songs, and it was pretty coola. I think Relient K is way better than Ace Troubleshooter though.

Lately Ive been listening to this new FIF CD, The Huntingtons, Hangnail, and Dogwood. Dogwood rules :D. Although I think FIF is my favorite.

Yup Heat, it was a great concert. My shoe and watch fell asleep in the mosh pit, so I had to leave the pit before FIF got on :(. But it was an awesome concert. I can't wait to see FIF in concert again. It was my second time seeing them, and it ruled. The first time I saw them with The Insyderz, The W's, and Justin McRoberts.

Anyone else like Disciple? Disciple rules. Also Smiley Kids was a pretty good band, they are doing a reunion tour thing in select cities(not mine :(). But I find myself listening to old MxPx stuff ofton, they are just cool :D.

Well i'm gonna stop typing now


01-08-2002, 02:24 PM
not to be offensive or anything but what is it about certain religions that inspires idiocy? i'm just going to use christianity because that's the topic here and it's the one that i see the most but there are a few religions that tend to cause people to be very stupid. i'm not saying every christian is stupid but for some reason there's an awful lot of them. personally i find the God loves me deliriously happy christians rather annoying. most of you probably know the kind that i mean. the people that are always happy no matter what and when you ask them why they tell you they're happy becasue they know god loves them. there was one girl that i knew in highschool. sweet girl i really liked her. she wrote in my yearbook "remember that God loves you more than anyone on earth can." i didn't know whether to be happy or sad. should i be happy that someone loves me that much or be sad cause i'm never going to find that love on earth. lol. and i don't like christians who try to convert people. very few other religions do that. most of them just wait for people to ask them about it or they'll hand out primers and wait for people to come to them for details. christians seem to be more active in converting people. probably the whole hell thing. i'd probably be trying to save people too if i believed in it. no problem. but for whatever reason there seems to be a lot of semi-intelligent christians who make up false proofs of God's existence. i find that pretty sad. there's other proofs that are true but they have obvious holes in them so they don't prove anything. but when they just start making things up i take exception to that. i think that's the major problem with christianity. it's not the religion itself it's the fact that they've got a surplus of annoying followers.

01-08-2002, 02:28 PM
just so everyone knows i'm agnostic. and if i offended anyone i'm sorry. those are just my opinions and i attempted to make them as nonoffensive as possible. although by their nature they probably pissed a few people off. oh well. can't make everyone happy. to thine own self be true. and screw what everyone else thinks! :p

01-08-2002, 02:30 PM
I don't wanna get this debate started again...lol. But just think of it this way, if you were on a sinking ship and you knew where there were more than enough lifeboats, wouldn't you try and rescue people?


01-08-2002, 02:37 PM
mantismag: didn't offend me....

major damage: i like hangnail kinda....it's actually in my car's cd player right now. our youth group (im 26...so im not in it...i help lead it) went to the Cornerstone festival, but I didn't get to go :( Anyway, the group had a golf cart that they were using and a buddy of mine picked this one dude up who needed a ride....it was REESE!!! he even came by their campsite and chilled for a bit. they said it was cool.

also...did you know your AO name has a swear word in it?!?!?!

major DAMage ....and you call yourself a Christian?! hahahha :D

01-08-2002, 02:51 PM
LOL, well thats not spelled the same...but ok. hehe
SWEET! They drove Reese around! Thats awesome! I think I moshed with Sonny but I'm not sure. Because when he went on stage he had this dress shirt(like for a suit or somin) on that I noticed earlier this guy in the pit had the same shirt, but I didn't see the guy in the pit anymore after FIF went on...And Jeff answered the door to this other FIF concert that we didn't get to go to because it started an hour later than we thought it was going to, and my Youth Pastor had work really early...:(. And I met Sang Kim from the Insyderz, and he signed some of my stuff :D. But it dosn't beat driving Reese around:D! I wish I could have went to Cornerstone, it always looks so cool!


01-09-2002, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
I don't wanna get this debate started again...lol. But just think of it this way, if you were on a sinking ship and you knew where there were more than enough lifeboats, wouldn't you try and rescue people?


Woaw that's powerful. I've though my whole life I was a christian with a few major problems that just needed to be worked over. Let me tell you I had a rude awakening early this year. And that statment by MD is something that just proves it. I didn't care to show ppl where the lifeboats were.
My experiances of Jan 2nd opened my eye to many things. The whole music debate is resolved in my mind. It was the Cd I had in just then that convicted me above all else. NO one can tell me that all CCM is bad and not God honoring. Same thing with the whole online preaching. I always though that the "online medium" was something that couldn't be used for sowing a seed. When I started talking on ICQ to a long lost friend I had no clue where she would take me that night.
Sooooo this is my testimony. Take it for what it's worth, but I have 20 years of catching up to do now.

Major you are surprising me.... if you have MSN messenger or Icq wanna let me add ya? Same thing for you beam?

01-09-2002, 09:26 AM
Heat: I don't have MSN messanger, and I haven't been able to connect to ICQ for a while. I do have AIM. my screen name is: bakedbeam

That sounds really cool...I was 19 when I got the wakeup call....we can try and hook up on AIM or something and talk about it there.

01-09-2002, 04:29 PM
Sure man, my MSN name is gameriggincarnie@hotmail.com , and my ICQ number is 20424204, but I hardly ever use ICQ. I'm almost always on MSN though. Talk to ya on there then!


01-10-2002, 06:18 AM
I've always been a ICQ person... it's the last thing left over from the days when I was getting in trouble with puters... long story But hte reason for it was the LOG feature.. it keeps a LOG forever! it's great

Besides I though MSN And AIM were going to hook up and share users er something?

I just tried to add beam to MSN and it didn't work so they're not on the smae system yet if ever. Sorry beam but for now I don't have AIM...I'll let ya know if I get it though...

01-10-2002, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by pumpamatic
I agree, POD just annoys me. They don't have much, what would you call it, talent? Jeez, I could play a better guitar part. Don't Creed's lyrics talk about God?

I don't have P.O.D.s newest album, but I am a guitarist and some of their music, epspecially their earlier stuff, can be challenging at times. I am talking abou the albums Brown, Live, Snuff the Punk here. I used to live in San Diego. I remember going to a punk/hardcore concert and P.O.D. played there before they got big. This was in 1997. If you have ever heard the song 'Full Color' you know exactly what I am talking about, a song that can make a whole audience come to tears, that is the impact. It takes talent and heart. Back then their guitarist included in some songs various Flamenco solos. Actually, I really don't listen to P.O.D. that much, as rapcore is not my fav. but I greatly respect the band, even if their newest album isn't that great(I really haven't even heard it) I do know that they are talented:) Pick up a copy of P.O.D. Live if you can find it, what a truly heartfelt album.


01-10-2002, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Ni cD
Beam - do you know of any Christian black metal bands?

Try Cast in Stone. Their newer stuff is definitely black metal with a tint of hardcore.

Also try Indwelling. They are Metal with a crazy deep growling singer. You just have to hear it.

Those are the only Black metal bands I know of, and Extol and Living Sacrifice. I don't know if these two bands are Black Metal or not, but they are definitely quality metal. Try going to www.facedownrecords.com then look under 'Distro' and then pick 'Metal' and you should get a nice selection of QUALITY metal.


01-10-2002, 08:20 PM
Hi, glad to see that on AO everyone can be civil and not create a rucuss! I myself am a Christian, but to me, it's not about having the loudspeaker. To me, it is the choice to live my life in a different way. It has nothing to do with being preachy, or even religion, since religion is man made, but about being honest and sincere, and living for Christ-which means respecting others with different opinions:) I am just like everyone else, except I have found a new way to live. I just wanted to say that cause I feel bad when people get the wrong impression when they see 'so-called Christians' condemning people or having a 'holier than thou' type attitude. Whenever I say I am a Christian, people tend to get defensive cause they think I am gonna slam 'em. I love God, and He says to treat others the way I want to be treated, so there ya go:cool:

As for bands, I really don't listen to too much ska, so I can't comment on FIF! The ska I absolutely love is the kind I hear played the least and it's usually background music for something. I mostly listen to Punk Rock and Hardcore. I like Dogwood cause they defy the Anarchist stereotype most people have about punk. I like being able to listen to it, relfect, sing with it, and know what he's talkin' about, it feels good. I hear enough foul language as it is, so I like positive music. Also, Christian music gets a bad name too. If you listen to a band like Dogwood, you wouldn't hear preaching or anything like that. You would hear music that talks about people struggles and how Christ helps them and plain old good stuff. I myself wouldn't listen to music if all it did was preach and stuff...it's not the point. I like music I can relate to. If I am having a lame-o day, I can listen to this music ( or band) and relate and know that this stuff happens to other people too and I can deal with it, it really does help, as I am reminded of some of my favorite lyrics from Dogwood...

"He has shown me what is good and
how to live day by day
in a perfect sort of way. I can't repay.
Though I'll try to live for You, it seems impossible to do
but I can do all things through you, so I'll rest easy
in the knowledge of You."

Simple, but encouraging and powerful. I'll never give it up:)