View Full Version : Omen, Shocker, Anything elese?

Iron Mag13
06-10-2004, 04:38 PM
Well i was wondering what a good gun would be (beside an agd have money set -800-aside just waiting for them to stop "laying low" lol) a good gun lol!?!?!? well i dont like cockers because u hve to tweak them and keep them REALY clean, i was thinking of the shocker or omen but wanted some specs. as most of u know im REALLY lazy so i just want the basics, Bps , stuff like that. also if anyone has any other guns that would be good that would be awsome. also no angels lol to pricey just something that shoots fast and well.

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

barrel break
06-10-2004, 06:16 PM
well, Cockers DON'T actually require that much maintanence, but I'd go for a matrix, with eyes

06-10-2004, 06:37 PM
Save a few more bucks and buy a Cyborg. They are light, low maintenance, efficient, fast, have eyes and come with a pretty nice barrel. Out of the box it is a really nice buy. If you haven't looked at one you should.

06-10-2004, 07:17 PM
Well, I'm shooting an Omen right now (well, technically I'm typing right now, but you get the point!) and I'm IN LOVE with it!

Stock Specs:
CAM anti-chop system
15bps board (upgradeable to 25bps for $50)
Delrin bolt
Detonator Regulator
Extremely reliable
Easily maintainable

Fast and easy. This is a "turn on and go" type of deal. It's not equipped with WAS or any sort of cheat-board. It's 15bps, gets some bounce, and it's damned simple to maintain. The only regular maintainence that you'll worry about is setting the re-cocking adjustment whenever you adjust the velocity. Simple stuff...if you know how to read . The CAM feed disallows your marker from breaking a ball in the breech - period. As long as the recock is set correctly, you will never break a ball again (discounting barrel breaks...) Upgrades are easy and cheap (PDP chip, new cocking rod, feedneck)

The 15bps is kind of a bummer. The stock feedneck is approximately 12 feet tall. :p

Well, I'm biased, but I'll be the first (and not the last) to recommend the Omen to you! For $400 you can purchase a used omen, get a PDP chip and send it into PMI (for free) for a tune-up and have a kick-butt marker at your disposal!



06-10-2004, 07:25 PM
Jacob, if you are implying that was is somehow a cheater board you couldn't be more wrong. You can make a was board to bounce, but I bet I could get an Omen to bounce like crazy, as a fact, I've tried an omen and it had a lot of bounce. Combined with the kick and light weight trigger, it bounced a lot. Was boards have a debounce setting to GET RID of bounce. Most people use it the other way around, it isn't wicked air sports fault that others are making their own guns cheater guns. You will never get past the chrono with a gun on debounce 1, so I hardely consider it a cheater board.


06-10-2004, 08:08 PM
What I mean by a "cheater board" is that by allowing the user to adjust the dwell, debounce and such, you allow the user to tweak the marker to possibly break the rules. Sure, you can get bounce on the omen, but you have to work pretty hard to set up the marker to bounce all the time...

Anyways, no harm meant.

06-10-2004, 08:14 PM
$50 more and you could get a DevilMag. :clap:

06-10-2004, 09:00 PM
i second the Omen idea, since I own one myself.. Great marker, i HAVE the pdp chip and the thing rips.. I am more than happy with it. I bought it used and PMI was still very accomidating towards any problems I had.. They are great.

06-10-2004, 10:32 PM
First, post how much your willing to spend. And if you need something other than a gun break it down, like if you need to buy a hpa tank also...

06-10-2004, 11:10 PM
Cyborg. nuff said. :headbang:

06-10-2004, 11:19 PM
straight up a brand new dye matrix with eyes will only set you back 750 best deal around you get a gun that is more efficent then the shocker and has a lot smother shot than that of the omen. The omen chews through the bumpers like mad and evil wants 7 bucks for them :wow:

06-10-2004, 11:25 PM
Matrix.. gen e or dye.. doesnt matter. But if its a gen e just make sure you have a halo b and keep your lpr tuned.

get a trix :)

Dante's Inferno
06-10-2004, 11:54 PM
I seriously distust anything Evil, especially the Omen. I had an Evil Respirator on my old Impulse and, from how that worked, they have very, very bad maintenence checks from the factory. When I tried to replace it, I encountered considerable difficulty even contacting someone who was willing to help me solve my problem. Sorry, but an Omen is just an Impulse knockoff with a few differences.

06-11-2004, 01:40 AM
I wouldn't rule out an 03 shocker either. I have one that I bought used back in February and I did have a bunch of problems with it at first only because it was an early model with the old delrin bolt and the old on/off switch that broke easy. I got the new bolt from SP and it worked better, than I got the HE bolt from SP and now it is way more efficient than before. I can get a little over 1000 shots with a 3k fill on a 68 with the HE bolt. The gun is very light and accurate. It is very quiet and easy to hold a high ROF with. I just flipped the microswitch around on mine and now it absolutely mows. I am usually good for 1 or 2 off the break. It was good before I flipped my switch, but now it is even better. The only real complaint I have with the gun is that the eye is sensitive to different paint colors. It does not like All Star paint by RP scherer or marbalizers depending on the color. Another thing you may hear is that 03 shockers are blenders. The only time I chopped with it was when my Halo took a dump on me in the middle of a game. ( out of 10 people that flme the 03 shocker don't know the first thing about setting them up or maintaining them which is not hard at all.

06-11-2004, 05:41 AM
I seriously distust anything Evil, especially the Omen. I had an Evil Respirator on my old Impulse and, from how that worked, they have very, very bad maintenence checks from the factory. When I tried to replace it, I encountered considerable difficulty even contacting someone who was willing to help me solve my problem. Sorry, but an Omen is just an Impulse knockoff with a few differences.

That's an unfortunate view on evil, and a completely incorrect assessment of the Omen. Please, unless you have experience with an Omen, which it seems that you don't, please don't give your "opinions" on the Omen. I don't talk about the Cyborg, Matrix and new Shocker, so don't bag on the Omen.

The Omen is extremely easy to maintain. If anything goes wrong, PMI will service and fix your marker for free. Absolutely for free. And the turn around is 2 weeks on average. I've sent mine in a few times for periodic check-ups (first when I purchased it used, and just a few weeks ago because I'm about to get it milled, so I wanted it factory-approved)

PMI service is as good as AGD's service, and that's saying something.

06-11-2004, 07:17 AM
That's an unfortunate view on evil, and a completely incorrect assessment of the Omen. Please, unless you have experience with an Omen, which it seems that you don't, please don't give your "opinions" on the Omen. I don't talk about the Cyborg, Matrix and new Shocker, so don't bag on the Omen.

The Omen is extremely easy to maintain. If anything goes wrong, PMI will service and fix your marker for free. Absolutely for free. And the turn around is 2 weeks on average. I've sent mine in a few times for periodic check-ups (first when I purchased it used, and just a few weeks ago because I'm about to get it milled, so I wanted it factory-approved)

PMI service is as good as AGD's service, and that's saying something.

I second this. Every time I have had anything happen to my marker, I have had nothing but great service from PMI. They even overnighted me a new set of internals (for free) when I broke a hammer pin a few days before a tournament here locally.. Great set of guys over there.

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 09:19 AM
so everyone is saying either an omen or a matrix. and considering i dont know anything about an matrix (ie. bps and such) ill c into an omen. But if you want to purswade me differtly lol u still can

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-11-2004, 09:32 AM
between a matrix and an omen,
id go with the matrix.

the matrix is a bit more popular,
meaning, more aftermarket parts.
all kinds of crazy triggerjobs.
and some trigger frames,
spool valve systems
with a matrix, you gotta work the air regulation
but once you get it right, it's really soft on the ball
i rarely see matrixes break balls

and it's really fast, with very very little kick

the omen is fast too, dont get me wrong
but it's got that backblock that reminds me too much of a cocker
and you're not a big cocker fan.

this guy i know has an omen,
and i dont know if he's just unlucky or whatever,
but every time he gets out on the field to play
something starts to leak, he breaks balls in the camfeed
or it just wont shoot.

but when he gets them working, it's really fast and pretty accurate.

so yeah,
i'd go with a matrix. :shooting:

06-11-2004, 09:45 AM
If you decide on an Omen I can get you new one for a little under 450$. Just email me on it.
[email protected]

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 09:50 AM
well as you can c i can get one for 450 here http://www.xtremez.com/paintball/product_information.asp?number=GNEVO&cmpid=otc-dt and can someone post a link so i can c what the specs are for the matrix?

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

Dante's Inferno
06-11-2004, 10:46 AM
That's an unfortunate view on evil, and a completely incorrect assessment of the Omen. Please, unless you have experience with an Omen, which it seems that you don't, please don't give your "opinions" on the Omen. I don't talk about the Cyborg, Matrix and new Shocker, so don't bag on the Omen.

The Omen is extremely easy to maintain. If anything goes wrong, PMI will service and fix your marker for free. Absolutely for free. And the turn around is 2 weeks on average. I've sent mine in a few times for periodic check-ups (first when I purchased it used, and just a few weeks ago because I'm about to get it milled, so I wanted it factory-approved)

PMI service is as good as AGD's service, and that's saying something.

No, I have no real experience with an Omen on the field. However, to me, the customer service and the behavior of the employees is a reflection of their product, and they definatley recieved a failure in that category. Even worse than Smart Parts.......at times.

If you do buy an Omen, I hope it good and I hope you love it. I hope you dont have the same experience as me with bumbling fools.

Still, between a 'Trix and an Omen? 'Trix definatley has a better standing in my book. (Yes, I have LOTS of experience with a Trix)

06-11-2004, 01:23 PM
Don't get a OMEN plz don't :nono:. And matrixs aren't bad super close to being a shocker but shocker is much much light (crappy eyes though kinda)... Seriously listen to me young baller get a shocker or a timmy. You'll end up getting one before you know it, everybody does. Might as well buy one now save you time :p

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 01:44 PM
Yea i would get a matrix but i was looking 1k is to hight for me and the omen is 450. how fast does the shocker shoot? i need some info here in order wich one to pick.

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-11-2004, 01:51 PM
matrix only will set u back 750 no 1000 dollars dye droped the price
specs break beam eyes
as fast as any gun on the market
in my opion they shoot alot like the old skool shocker but faster and more effiecent :cheers:

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 01:59 PM
well 700 hmmmm dont know i still kinda like the omem. how fast it shoot? and any upgradable boards (also need to know the $ and BPS) and also iv heard u guys talking aobut the cyborg or something what are they and a link would be nice :D

Wow Thanks Guys You Have Been A Help

:dance:Thanks Iron :dance:

06-11-2004, 05:04 PM
I'm sorry.. did i miss something? The omen and a matrix are in COMPLETLY different leagues. Even Evil Factory doesn't shoot omens. (they shoot timmys and impulses from what I saw when i hung out with john rathbun) To be fair, the omen is a really neat design. but its kinda like a piranah crossed with a cocker with a weird feed system.

The matrix is a TOP level tournament marker. Out of the box, it rips. There are TONS of upgrades for it. Honestly, a properly setup 03 matrix is better than a dm4. I have experince with this first hand. Yes, dm4s are fast and look (good?) but the efficiency leaves something to be desired in a gun that sells for $1350 (our team got to borrow some for free for LA)

The matrix is a difficult marker to learn to tech well. There are very many parts and orings and little things you have to look for, but when set up properly, you just turn it on and start shooting.

By the way.. if you want to save a LOT of money and just have a gun that shoots fast and doesn't break paint, get a Dragun "the one"
They are $250 from www.custompbsolutions.com (no, i dont work there, i bought mine there) or any of the larger dragun dealers.

Basically, its a spyder thats been converted into a timmy. It is true electro pnuematic, max bps 30 (limited to 26 or so due to backpressure) Its got spring return instead of pnuematic, but so does a mag and look how fast they can cycle. It does need new regs, but you can put a timmy front block on there and any reg of your choosing for around $100. Oh.. and its got an eye thats as good or better than the ones smartparts uses, and definatly better than the eblade eyes.

So my opinion?? (like you care.. :cry: )
Matrix for high end long term investment
Dragun "The One" for short term rippability and lendouttofriendlaterness (thats a word.. really..)

If you do get a dragun, talk to me. I have a number of EASY mods that will get it shooting as fast as your average timmy with was. (I've got less than 15gram, 1mm trigger pull with magnetic return for zero bouncing)

06-11-2004, 05:12 PM
$50 more and you could get a DevilMag. :clap:

DevilMag, DevilMag, DevilMag,.......

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 07:09 PM
Heya the Dragun sounds cool lol post some pics and **** like that. sithos i pmed u ok? thanks alot! i might look into a matrix tho.

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-11-2004, 07:19 PM
wait for the new evil pimp to come out,it look ssweet.the rate of fire is supose to be uncapped,so as fast as you can shoot and your hopper can keep up is your limit.
thats what i will be getting this sumer when it comes out.

06-11-2004, 07:39 PM
You can get a Gen E LED trix for around 500.. even a LCD if you catch a good deal. I would seriously consider a Matrix man..

06-11-2004, 07:52 PM
The omen is 15bps stock .. With the PDP chip, which costs 50 bucks, it's an adjustable cap/bounce to 25 bps.

I'll say it again. I love my Omen. It holds up vs anything on the field. And PMI is the best cust svc next to AGD.

Go read the PBN forum for Evil.

06-11-2004, 08:47 PM
[thread hijack]how much does a matrix weigh(not the DM4)?[/thread hijack]

06-11-2004, 08:54 PM
If you got the $ matrix is the way to go.

I've only been around very few omens and I'm not a big fan, neither were their owners. I am very skeptical of electro guns under $500.

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 09:23 PM
Well i think matrix are a little to pricey for me 800 high lol.

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

Oh yea and dont forget: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 09:35 PM
Also i wouldnt mind buying a used Matrix as long as it is in good condition and ppl tell me what is good cause im a newb outside a Spyder lol (my old gun i ripped apart and modded with glue and wood to make the trigger thingy smaller (actoully my freind did it for me (are u allowed to have appostofes (sp?) thesee thingys () inside of theM?? dont know if it is illigal)) also if i could find a place to get a matrix really cheap that would be awsome!

Well now the two guns are a TheOne Dragun and a Matrix i need some fourms plz pbNation?

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-11-2004, 10:22 PM
I don't get it...the Matrix and The One aren't even close to being in the same category. Why between these 2? At the price of the Matrix there are other good options as well.

06-11-2004, 11:24 PM
Well i was wondering what a good gun would be (beside an agd have money set -800-aside just waiting for them to stop Iron :dance:

I'll probably go for a 03 Shocker variant.. Single tube design, only two very light moving parts, a nice, simple mechanical design. Also, it's extremely lightweight.

06-12-2004, 12:43 AM
The 03 Shocker shoots 18bps with eyes off and 24 bps with eyes on. I think there are was boards for 03 shockers now too. The models of the shocker are much better now that all of the early production bugs are worked out. I have heard that Omens are pretty fast and accurate for their price, but I have heard they have some problems. Matrices are fast and accurate and very quiet, I just personally do not like the way they feel. I cannot get them to balance right. The 03 shockers eyes also seemed to have more problems with the original white delrin bolts for some reason. With the HE bolt in mine and the stock aluminum bolt, it just has trouble shooting RP scherer all stars and marbs depeniding on color of the shell. Everyone said the shocker wouldn't see black shelled balls and it shot black shelled chronics really good.

Iron Mag13
06-12-2004, 06:28 AM
yea i kinda got away from the shocker beacase there made by Smart Parts and thats (what ppl are telling me so dont flame me if im wrong) why the E and X mag arnt being made now.

Now a freind has offered me a The One kit to put on my spyder and the triger is modded i think i might take taht but if i want a used matrix i need some answeres 1) were to buy it used 2) how much 3) what year ( like 2003 Dye matrix)

That would be nice

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

:mad: Also they dont ahve to be in the same catagory!!!!!!! :mad: I either buy it now or save up a little longer. i mean why pay 450 for a guy that shoot 15 and doesnt come out of the box set up(meaning that u have to ajust 2 things for the chrono) when i pay 150 and my freind gives me The One kit and i shoot 26 with eyes and a modded trigger! so im thinking aobut that enels i can find (or someone offers me) a used matrix!

:dance: Thanks AGAIN Iron (LoL) :dance:

06-12-2004, 09:15 AM
For a used Matrix I'd try looking at the PBNation B/S/T forums, they generally have a good amount of Matrixs(sp) there. I'd also look at used 2k2, GZ, and Z Timmies(also in PBNation forums). As for what year of Matrix, I'd go for 2002 and 2003, The DM4s are way expensive.

Iron Mag13
06-12-2004, 09:22 AM
how exspensive are they on the fourms?

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-12-2004, 09:32 AM
It depends. Sometimes you can find someone who is getting out of paintball and they'll sell there stuff way cheap. There are always good deals though. Here are 2 examples, there are many more.

Matrix On PBN B/S/T (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=535657)

2K2 Timmy on PBN B/S/T (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=513020)

Iron Mag13
06-12-2004, 09:41 AM
Not interessed in the timmy but the matrix sounds awsome! any of u matrix dudes if i buy that what would i need to make it better or is it already kicken with upgrades?

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-12-2004, 10:17 AM
Not interessed in the timmy but the matrix sounds awsome! any of u matrix dudes if i buy that what would i need to make it better or is it already kicken with upgrades?

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

Check out www.matrixowner.com for all your Matrix needs. They have a thread that talks about good upgrades for a Matrix.

Iron Mag13
06-12-2004, 10:44 AM
yea im already a member there! its cool

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-12-2004, 05:27 PM
for some reason the guy said that matrix didnt have an eye.....but i think its supposed to unless they made some without them in 2k3

Iron Mag13
06-12-2004, 05:29 PM
yes the matrix have eyse at least i think so.

:dance: Thanks, Iron :dance:

06-12-2004, 06:56 PM
I know all the new ones do have eyes, not sure about previous years though.

paintball boy 20
06-13-2004, 12:30 AM
BUSHY :shooting: :shooting:

Bushy's absolutely rip and require almost no maintenence. :headbang:

b2k3's w/ pds are 350-450 used. $450+ should get you a nicely upped bushy w/ pds. I love my bushy way more than i did my omen.

omen = no chops, rollouts, soo slow, no halo, 2 way adjustable trigger, + major kick no matter how much i tweaked the recock.

bushy= light, fast stock and insanley fast w/ chaos, sexy, can use a halo, 4-way adjustable trigger, not much kick, very cheap used.
w/ a nice reg and barrel a bushy is set. W/ a new valve, lpr, hpr, barrel, and chaos a bushy can hang w/ any high end gun.

I used to think that no gun could be better than the omen and bought the hype about it. The fact is that it is that the omen is much slower than a bushy stock and even w/ pdp i have seen nothing that impresses me about it. Since the omen is closed bolt you almost have to get a barrel kit so the velocity is consistent and to prevent rollouts. I am very happy w/ my bushy w/ pds. :dance: :dance:

you can also check out the new freestyle by icd. Most ppl seem extremely pleased w/ it.

i dig these new smilies :rofl:

06-13-2004, 10:07 AM
you do get ball roll outs from the omen.to fix that all you need to do is get a barrel kit(which every player should have anyways).
as for the omen being slow,,,it shoots 15bps stock and 25bps with the pdp chip,i dont know about you but thats fast enough for me,i cant shoot that fastso why would i need a marker that can go faster.
you can pick them up used for $275-$350.
they can be a pain in the butt to set the recocking presssure at times but just read the manual and you will be fine.also evil has the best customer service out there,you have a problem or broken part just call them.they will help you over the phone or just sent in your marker and they will fix it at no charge!!!
as for bushys,,i have never used one so i have nothing good or bad to say about them,untill i have tried one i have no opinion on them.