View Full Version : Dye Lock Lids

06-11-2004, 02:01 AM
I am thinking about buying some. Has anyone tried them? Are they worth $30 for a 6 pack?

06-11-2004, 04:26 AM
i've never used them in game, but i played with them in the shop quite a bit. they're nice, but i've never had much of a problem with my pods opening anyway. i wouldn't say they're worth $5 each, but it's dye, they're going to be expensive.

06-11-2004, 04:54 AM
the pods are not worth the price. The only advantage is the button on the side, but that is a minimal advantage, not worth a dollar or two extra.

06-11-2004, 05:16 AM
I use them for a month now. Excellent quality, easy opening, no accidental opening. They hold around 160 paintballs, 20 more the others. I like them.

06-11-2004, 05:47 AM
PBX sells them. I bought a 6 pack of smoke and clear. The locking lids are great. I have lost too many pods of paint too a lid that opened too easy and dumped. Also as mentioned before they are bigger then regular pos, so make sure they fit your harness.

I like mine and am going to buy more.

06-11-2004, 06:26 AM
how much longer are they than 140's? I have an NXe pack.

06-11-2004, 08:47 AM
I have an NXe pack as well, they work great in there and actually with the bumps molded into them, they stay put in the pack rather tightly without even folding the velcro flap up. After using these I'll never use regular pods again.

06-11-2004, 09:23 AM
heres a testimony from someone who has used them quite a bit, but doesnt own his own:

my teammate has em... they're 160 rounders which is a great advantage with the extra 20 balls... they have little bumps molded into thier sides which really holds them in place when it comes to how tight they fit into your pack... they have a cool button on the side which allows for easy opening... and they only open when you want them to open.

$30 for 6?... eh its worth it... expensive... not really, if you look at the price of most other good pods out there, they run about $3-4 a pod... the extra $1-2 a pod is easily justafied by the bonus 20 ball capacity, let alone the fact that they wont pop open on you when you least expect it...

alltogether a great pod, seems to be made outta some pretty tough plastic too.

06-11-2004, 09:31 AM
I love mine. I think they are worth it.

06-11-2004, 09:32 AM

I have an NXe pack as well, they work great in there and actually with the bumps molded into them, they stay put in the pack rather tightly without even folding the velcro flap up. After using these I'll never use regular pods again.

06-11-2004, 09:34 AM
NOTE: I orginally posted this a while ago... when they first came out... and here is the link to the thread...


My opinion hasn't changed a couple months later... I am still using them and I still like them... but read on for why...

Well here is my review of Dye Lock Pods..

I typically like dye stuff.. bought some and used them last weekend... I only used them for one day of play but ... Overall I give them a solid B+

Maybe even an A ..."IF" you are the type of player that the new look of something like a pod will affect how you rate it... The new look is kinda neat or if nothing else differnt...

They cost me $25 for a pack of 6 ... So standard Dye right there... just A little overpriced for above average quality...

The lock works well and does a nice job of keeping them closed and pop's open easily. But not easily enough that it would ever do it without a effort to open them. Ex. If you tend to toss pods, they SHOULD stay closed... I didn't throw any to find out.

Also, the whole top can be removed from the tube and replaced if either part should break. (( Assuming they ever sell individual parts or you happen to have some broken pods to salvage some together ))

Another thing about them is they seem to hold a few more balls than my standard 140's ... because when refilling my Halo-B ( Yes I know they are kinda small to start with ) but I often have 10+ balls that I don't have room for and by the end of the day found myself using the same tube for two partial fills by sitting a half used pod infront of me while I was behind a bunker. No I was and am too lazy to count but I would bet they hold more... 10-20 or so ... More Balls onto the field without any extra pods is a plus ... might be more of a draw if you use an apache or something that holds a few more balls... But with my halo atleast I ended up spilling a few from time to time due to overfilling, but it makes sure the hopper is full...

Only draw back I have found really isn't a draw back just something I think one needs to get use too... The thumb release is smooth and works fairly well but you almost have to stop and look at the tube to find it. BUT, I think with some time and practice of with them you can adapt. Like be sure to load them into your pack identically every time so when you pull them you know exactly where the release is. And get some practice feeling for it, expecially with gloves on. And you still get the familar pop when they open.

The release isn't much wider than the tube itself in over all tube diameter. So it takes a second or two to find by sight or by feel. Maybe they should color the thumb release tab Red, Neon, or somthing (( MY IDEA PATIENT NOW ... LOL )) instead of the standard black of the rest of the cap...

But Bottom line They are just another Pod... A nice Pod... but a Pod none the less ... so don't expect them to truely change your game, let you shoot 24bps, or win your next tourny for you...

That is just my worthless 2 virtual cents...

So it comes down to just about everything else in paintball... It is a matter of what works best for you...

06-11-2004, 09:42 AM
Well I have just started using the VL Attitubes and I got 30 of them for 30$ so we can have a buch prefilled for Tourneys. But before I bought them I was testing them out and I filled one with some old paint and I banged the lid and around the lid on the corner of a Brick wall to see if I could accidentally pop it open...even if I banged into a bunker. Never did pop the lid open... Great Pods they are also easier to pull out then normal pods cause they are "tapered" (best word I could think of ) on the bottom. :headbang:

No sKiLLz
06-11-2004, 10:52 AM
OMFG this is all crap! They don't lock! They don't even seal well! I have demonstrated to several people what happens by dropping the pod from waist height side by side with a fatboy; THE DYE POPS OPEN AND THE FATBOY STAYS SEALED!!! And the extra 20 balls are GREAT for wasting paint. Unless you have an Egg or TSA Backman, the extra capacity of the "Locklids" ends up spilling everywhere or staying in the pod as it's thrown to the ground. I gave them to my girlfriend so she wouldn't break a nail opening pods. Hey, it's your money, but feeding it to companies who don't take the time and effort to make a well engineered and quality product is no better than handing someone $25 because they tell you they deserve it.

06-11-2004, 10:53 AM
While I don't think these pods are that important for the regular pod holders that have a flap keeping the pod in, they would be very good for the extra loops.

I (along with a lot of other people) learned the hard way that keeping pod in the extra loops upsidedown (so they are easy to pull out) is asking for trouble. One bump and the pod dumps all over the ground at 140 bps :(

These pods can be safely put in all those extra loops upsidedown without fear of loosing all that paint. I could see getting 6 of them to use in the extra loops while still keeping my old pods for the regular flap covered areas.

No sKiLLz
06-11-2004, 11:01 AM
These pods can be safely put in all those extra loops upsidedown without fear of loosing all that paint. I could see getting 6 of them to use in the extra loops while still keeping my old pods for the regular flap covered areas.

That's it. I'm making a video. :mad:

06-11-2004, 11:13 AM
That's it. I'm making a video. :mad:

o boy i love movies :clap:

06-11-2004, 11:15 AM

That's it. I'm making a video. :mad:

The ones I handled locked and ONLY opened when the button was used. :confused:

I guess perhaps they are hit or miss.

06-11-2004, 11:22 AM
I've seen and messed around with the ones NoSkillz is talking about. They are not that impressive at all. They popped open pretty easy, and If you're using a halo, the extra paint is just wasted.

The ones I handled locked and ONLY opened when the button was used. :confused:

I guess perhaps they are hit or miss.

Probably, I think there's a few versions out there. I could be wrong on that tho.

06-11-2004, 11:34 AM
Does anyone know if you can take the lids off and stick them on 140 round pods? Or maybe buy just replacement lids?

06-11-2004, 11:43 AM
The ones I handled locked and ONLY opened when the button was used. :confused:

I guess perhaps they are hit or miss.

The ones I tried wouldn't open even when the buttons were used. Really - it was a pain in the butt trying to open them, and especially with gloves.

06-11-2004, 11:58 AM
Watch out! Dye also makes pods that Look exactly like the locklid pods but aren't locking. THey have the slide button on the side and use the same tubes with the bumps on them, but they don't lock..you can just pop them open like a regular pod, or use the button. I accidentally bought 5 of these at 5.00 a crack thinking that they were the locklids. :cuss:

-the ones I got are not Dye lock lids, they just look EXACTLY like them...they are called something like pro pods or something. Just giving the heads up so that fellow AOers don't accidentally buy the wrong pods, like I did. I'll probably end up buying the real lock lids someday.

06-11-2004, 12:16 PM
It depends on how you close them I guess. I can close the pods without sealing them and have them pop pen easy. When closed right, they don't open. I can make a movie too! :rolleyes:

Major Jam
06-11-2004, 12:48 PM
I got my six pack for $24. $1 more than the Fat Boy tubes. Not a bad deal. They have payed for themselves already in no lost paint. I've lost a pod of paint almost every time I go out rec balling with regular tubes.

No sKiLLz
06-11-2004, 01:04 PM
It depends on how you close them I guess. I can close the pods without sealing them and have them pop pen easy. When closed right, they don't open. I can make a movie too! :rolleyes:
I like how you automatically assume all people are stupid except for you. Have you ever bothered to look at your pods? There is no locking mechanism. It is a hinge and a lever.

I was actually going to go through the trouble of going to my friends shop and opening a brand new pack of locklids on camera, fill them up with paint and then do the demonstration, but posts like the last few have convinced me what a waste of time it is trying to help people because there will always be the :tard: 's out there who will believe everything they're fed except the truth.

06-11-2004, 01:39 PM
They aren't bad. i haven't played with them but some of the guys at Pandemonium had them, so I took a look. I still prefer Fat Boy pods, and have 10 of them, but maybe once I start losing those I'd pick up the DYE ones.

06-11-2004, 01:51 PM
They aren't bad. i haven't played with them but some of the guys at Pandemonium had them, so I took a look. I still prefer Fat Boy pods, and have 10 of them, but maybe once I start losing those I'd pick up the DYE ones.

I was one of them. They did not open unless I pressed the button. Even when I made a bunkering move and slipped down. Two pods were knocked loose from my harness, but they didn't open even with me sliding over top of them!

So maybe I wasn't fed something, but saw it for myself!

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 02:02 PM
where could someone buy these for the cheapest?

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-11-2004, 02:14 PM
where could someone buy these for the cheapest?

I did a yahoo search for "dye lock lid". Some places well them for around $4 a pod. You gotta pay shipping tho, so it's still $30 by the time you're done.

06-11-2004, 02:19 PM
Pods are Pods... I just use wutever...

But anyways, i was in Vision Paintball in North Jersey the other day... took a look at the 6pack o em... they are aight... i could see the buttons breaking though. I just find it just fine to pop open regular pods. I wouldnt spend the money even though they do look hot...


06-11-2004, 02:20 PM
You can get 6 for ~$22.50 + shipping at Action Village.

06-11-2004, 02:44 PM

That's it. I'm making a video. :mad:

Are you done being yourself yet? Good, now be someone cool.

No sKiLLz
06-11-2004, 03:29 PM
Are you done being yourself yet? Good, now be someone cool.
Genius. Pure genius. I bet everyone who read that post thought to themselves, "Wow, what a clever, funny, witty and cool person that Mindfux must be." :tard:

Now I can see what Sean was talking about. No matter how sincere you are trying to help people, they're still going to believe and do stupid things.

06-11-2004, 03:39 PM
Pods are Pods... I just use wutever...
I couldn't disagree more with you.

Like most everyone here, I have lost at least a pod of paint every day I play. That is, until I bought my Fat Boys. Since then, I have had only one of them open on me, but only because I incorrectly put it into the loop on my 4.3 harness and when I slid, it caught the ground and popped open. I have saved at least two cases of paint so far with them. I love my Fat Boys too much to give DYE's a try, and I usually find myself very disappointed with DYE products in general. Props to them for being creative with such a mundane product, though.

06-11-2004, 04:23 PM
I might buy one. Thats right, one. I like all of my pods to be different. :)