View Full Version : Emag vs. EBlade

06-11-2004, 03:53 AM
i'm going for a higher gun, really thinking about a used eblade or emag, i'm thinking that an eblade would be cooler to have but i think it would break down easier and more often than an emag, and it seems like an emag would be alot less maintenance

06-11-2004, 04:45 AM
eblade smoother trigger pull trust me.

06-11-2004, 05:33 AM
Both are excellent quality, but EMag/XMag less and easy maintenance and for me the most important is THE MANUAL (when battery, electronics failure) capability of AGD's marker!!!!
I think it is matter of prioritys!!!!

06-11-2004, 07:01 AM
I think getting the bounce out of an e-blade is a project from watching many people try, and some of them fail to do so. But keep in mind, making the e-mag keep its mechanical mode and remain legal is a project as well.

06-11-2004, 10:27 AM
Getting the bounce out of an eblade is simple. Anybody who's read the manual can do it in 3.4 seconds. Either up the trigger filters or adjust the trigger. Simple as hell.

Manual mode is worthless in any tourney, because E-Mags with the selector switch and/or trigger rod are not tourney legal. Hybrid mode goes and kills that.

Eblade won't break down, just care for it like you care for any other gun.

I vote Eblade, but I'll be one of about 4 since this is automags.org.

Also look into Trix's... you could get an Evolve'd LED for around the pricerange of a used Eblade.

06-11-2004, 10:40 AM
i have been thinking about a trix, idk how the weight will compare with an emag vs an eblade, i got a ule body and an xvalve on my rt, i was thinking about selling my classic mag and getting a stock emag for cheap and putting the emag body/valve on my rt and the ule and X on the emag, seems like it would rip and be light

06-11-2004, 12:09 PM
a ule emag is one of the lightest guns available, a matrix is one of the heaviest, also the matrix is taller than the emag. THey are two totally different guns, you really should shoot them both and see what you like better.

-Anyone know what the bps cap is on an eblade? My friends gun short strokes or something when it gets going fast, an eblade can't shortstroke can it?

06-11-2004, 12:42 PM
BPS on the eblade with the eye is claimed to be as fast as your loader can feed....eye off is 1000/ (the time allowed for the the hammer to open the valve+ the time that the back block is pushed backwards+ the time that is allowed for the ram to pull the back block forward). Those are all measured in miliseconds. As for short stroking, I don't think it can short storke as long as it's timed properly.

I'd say Eblade 'cause it shoots fast enough, it's easy to maintain once you know what you're doing, and trigger pull is easily adjustable. Of course, I'm a little biased since I'm trying to sell one right now.

06-11-2004, 12:52 PM
I like the E-mag better but you really have to try both out for yourself. I know people who tried E-blades & hated em, also know people that love em. Same with the E-mag. So try one of each, it'll also keep you from second guessing yourself later. Or you could just get both :)

06-11-2004, 12:59 PM
If its short stroking the hammer is slipping or it's timed wayyy to close.

06-11-2004, 01:02 PM
If you understand a cocker and know how to maintain it properly, witch I heard isn't that hard, I'd go with the eblade.

06-11-2004, 01:06 PM
Does it matter? Both are fast as hell....

Only difference I can see is

cocker is more effiencent if tuned correctly
emag has a manual mode

IF I had to have only one gun it would be the E for the manual mode....

06-11-2004, 01:11 PM
My eblade gives me hell sometimes... but its nothing that cant be fixed with some quick tweaking. Mags never seem to have problems. But you already have a mag right? So maybe just get a eblade for something different. :)

06-11-2004, 01:30 PM
Since I have both, I feel qualified to speak on the subject :) . I like my emag better, but it gets significantly less shots per fill compared to the eblade(or any well tuned cocker), but the level10 couldn't care less about paint color and almost never breaks a ball. The eblade still needs cocker related maintenence and tuning, which the emag doesn't need. I personally find the emag easier to rip on then the eblade, but to be fair, I am more used to the emag.

My bottom line would be this: if air fills may be a problem, go with the eblade, if air is no problem, go emag - especially since you have a ULE body and x valve to drop into an older/stock emag.
06-11-2004, 01:40 PM
Anything >>>>> eblade

I had an upped E-Orracle with nexus parts. I hated the feel of the trigger and frame.

So basically it comes down which is more comfortable to you :D

06-11-2004, 01:40 PM
If I were to buy used ANYTHING, I'd first look at Mags. Easier to work on (for me), but if you're a cocker guy, then it's prolly the other way around.

If you're buying new, it's a different story. But generally a lot of used guns will need some kind of maintenance. Not necessarily a complete rebuild, but at least a decent inspection of the internals.

06-11-2004, 06:18 PM
id go eblade i have my ff lotus and this thing is crazy fast and ff has lifetime warranetys on them. ive also never had n e thing wrong with this marker.

06-12-2004, 01:39 AM
I would agree with the eblade of the mag.

I just sold my emag to buy a second eblade. A well tweeked eblade will outshoot a emag all day long.

I do like the fact that the emag only needs two things to work correctly bumpers and oil. I had shot ALOT of paint through the emag and never had problems with anything other than getting too dry and shredding a bumper every tournament.

I will gladly take the the extra pod that I can shoot with the eblade over that reliability though.

Both are nice, the trigger for the eblade (the blade version atleast) is WAY better than the sloppy, poorly machined, HES emag trigger.

The trigger frame of the eblade is a little small though and I had to retrain my fingers to shoot it fast. but now I am 4bps faster than my 3.2 emag was able to shoot.

Emags are cheaper though as they are not in very high demand. I sold mine with barrels and and warp for $700. My last cocker was more than that just for the gun.

I recommend shooting both and making your own decision though as you are the one that will have to like what you are shooting.