View Full Version : Give me your opinion on this situation.

10-11-2001, 06:18 PM
Being the risk taker that I am, I like to bunker people. One day I attepted to bunker 3 people (all seperate occasions) and each time I got shot from a minimum of 4 feet. It really hurt all three times, also all three hits drew blood. Anyways I went to bunker this newbie player knowing that it was going to be a pushover. So I snuck up on the kid, but before I poped out and yelled surender, it hit me. Newbies have a tendancy to have a heavy trigger finger and get startled easily so instead of bunkering the kid, I poped him one if the back of his right foot from about 5 away, knocking him on his tushy. It was hilarious but do you guys think that was a resonable thing to do? Based on the fact of the last 3 attempts to bunker a player, please give me your feedback. Thanks.

Don't try to beat the cuss filter!!Army

10-11-2001, 06:24 PM
Im sorry but I am going to have to be totally honest here and say that you should not have shot him in the foot like that from 5 feet away!! Not even from 10 feet. If you choose to bunker someone and rush them to surrender, and you get shot, then you took the risk in the first place. You must be doing something wrong. I only rush to surrender someone if I am coming in from the side or back. Never the front. For the risk of getting shot. If I even see the person turning thier gun in my direction after I yell surrender like 5 times at the top of my lungs, I usually jump to the side and fire one at them or the ref has ended the game. But getting back to your question, I do not think you should be mad about getting shot while rushing someone and personally do not think you should have shot that player in the foot at 5 feet. Just my humble opinion.

10-11-2001, 06:27 PM
Well see I decided to shoot him in the foot because I knew it would hurt the most. His back was turned so I didn't want to shoot him in his spine or something like that. I'm not that harsh.

10-11-2001, 06:29 PM
In my last reply, replace it would hurt the most with <b>hurt the LEAST.</b> Sorry for the typo. Bye.

10-11-2001, 06:41 PM
Sorry but I agree with udtseal. You get that close you should be yelling surrender at the top of your lungs. If he turns his gun on you then you have the right to fire. I have tried to bunker someone only to get shot first before I got close enough. Getting shot just means I need to practice this move more. I personnally would not fire from that range unless the guy refused to surrender. Think of it this way, if it was you who got shot from that range, how would you feel? Foot or not would you like it?

10-11-2001, 06:50 PM
YOU POOPY HEAD, YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO GIVE NEWBIES A BAD IMPRESSION THEIR FIRST TIME!! ifyou give them a bloody welt the parents see it and freak out. trust me i know it happened to me! then they dont want you to play

E-Mag man
10-11-2001, 06:58 PM
I agree with shooting at him, it may be a hard lesson but he'll learn not to do it next time but I would have aimed for the mask, hopper or shoe instead of the leg.

10-11-2001, 07:52 PM
What's wrong with shooting someone in the foot? It's better then hittng the kid in the chest or the head from that close. Why take the risk of his mask shattering? If he was a newbie then he probably didn't have the best equipment, so why take the chance? I don't think you should be bunkering a newbie in the first place, but in the heat of battle anything goes.

10-11-2001, 08:24 PM
You said you shot him in the foot because he was a "newbie", and a tendency to have an itchy trigger. What if he didn't, you didn't give him a chance. I wouldn't have shot him, called him to surrender. As for getting shot while bunkering, we've all been shot bunkering. Its a chance we take.

10-11-2001, 08:30 PM
Thats why I shot him in the foot because I knew it would'nt hurt as much compared to a spine, behind, or back of the head shot. If you were having as bad luck as I did with the bunkering of idiots that day, you would have shot the kid too. The 3rd time that day that I bunkered, I did yell surrender from about 2 feet and the guy put 3 shots on me. Didn't want to take another chance that large. Besides, the kid had a pair of fat Nikes on, it couldnt have hurt that bad. Even though he did fall over hahahahahahaha. I'll never forget that<p>
P.S.-E-Mag Man's post didn't make much sense.

Mod Edit Comment: Army done already warned ya once already about the cuss filter thingie. NOW STOP IT! -cphilip

10-11-2001, 08:33 PM
Sorry Dude, still should not have shot him. You should have already known it would hurt after taking that many shots earlier in the day.:rolleyes:

10-11-2001, 10:22 PM
im a pretty...ummm....flatulent...no...uhhh...flamboyan t player...and the newbies get the special treatment from me...

i dont slam them in front of my friends to say how badly they played...i just yell "SURRENDER...DO IT NOOOOOOWWWW!" when im within arms reach of them...they usually jump out of their shoes...i get the biggest kick out of it...

then after the game, they are pretty happy i didnt pop em that close...

sometimes, its good to play stupid too...let em hit you, when you "pretend" you dont see them...they get a kick out of it...specially the lil kids..."i cant BELIEVE i killed you!!!!!!"...

"good shot lil dude...never EVEN saw you there!!"

they will keep comin back...THEN you can pop em close!! :)

10-11-2001, 10:47 PM
Paintball hurts. It's gonna hurt whether you're a newbie or not. Why should Wes risk his own body opposing someone with a 'nervous trigger finger'? Thats part of paintball. If you don't expect to get shot than don't play.

10-11-2001, 11:19 PM
The field I play at (3 Rivers Paintball - Home of IAO) has a 10 foot rule during rec games. I think it is a great rule. You CAN NOT bunker someone. No matter what, you have to be 10 feet away. If you can get someone to surender at 10 then so be it..but you can not run up on someone and get them to surrender if you are with in 10 feet. Bunkering has no place in rec games. If you want to bunker people, then start a team and play tournies.

10-11-2001, 11:20 PM
Dude, I say that was fine. I wouldnt even yell surrender though, because that just lets them know you are coming, and I know I personally wouldnt ever surrender, so it dosnt seem to make much sence. I kno maybe newbies will, so maybe on a newbie Id yell surrender, but I don't KNOW if I would. And shoting him in the foot was fine, I mean he has a shoe on!


10-12-2001, 01:32 PM
gmag, I never said paintball doesn't hurt. But, why torture other players, some say they never surrender, I ask, if I shoot you at 5 feet or call you out, which would you rather have, be honest. Do you want me to put 3-5 balls on you or call you out? I know I would rather be called out. And I ask again, how does anyone know who has a nervous trigger finger or not?

10-12-2001, 01:53 PM
We also play the 10 ft rule. If I can get within 20 ft of you without being detected, well then you are gonna get shot anyway....so why even yell surrender.

10-12-2001, 02:00 PM
Ok, I'm only giving my opinion, which is what he asked for. I think he was too close. Tunaman you are right about the 20 ft rule. So with that being said, Wes_M should not have shot Mr. Newbie.

Temo Vryce
10-12-2001, 02:01 PM
Most newbies I know will have a heavy trigger finger if they see you first, but if you get the drop on them and they know about the surrender rule and are told buy the reffing staff to use the surrender rule they will usually surrender when asked. Shoot the experienced players in the foot, but NEVER, NEVER shoot a newbie at close range if you can ask for a surrender.

10-12-2001, 05:37 PM
Well, first of all most newbies have 'nervous trigger fingers'. Why...because they are nervous! Secondly, if you put 3-5 balls on me at bunker range I would be extremely angry with you. There is no need to hit me more than two times at that distance. Of course I would prefer you to ask me to surrender, but in that is not the case in Wes's situation. According to him, he got nailed three times earlier that day trying to be a 'nice guy' and asking for surrender. Bunkering that newbie was not a bad choice because he was not willing to get shot again, plus the placement of his shot was smart.
P.S. No one is 'torturing' anyone. You run the risk of getting shot when you play paintball.

10-12-2001, 06:20 PM
Yes that was good what ya did.

In my case however was really bad,I'll explain it.

After a team practice and scrimage with another team. Some newbies wanted us to play
:rolleyes:. So I accepted aswell as most of our team. okay game starts on the break off I hit one in the mask, then proceded to my bunker. After hitting my two other guys it was just down to me and a young guy with a spyder. So proceding to bunker him I thought I'll just say give it up buddy. Got there said give it up buddy and he said okay okay okay! DON'T SHOOT! After that I turned around and the little guy put three balls on the back of my head and yeld NOT! Wow man that was really a rush holy smokes at point blank range it was killer. So I walked off the field and the kid was braggin! So I went up to the kid and offered to go one on one with him. He actually accepted! So shot a few to keep his head down and ran as fast as I could just approching the bunker I look over and put three on the top of his head. He was looking left at the time. Then the kids parents confronted me cause right after I left the field o god I don't even wanna say what happend :(

10-12-2001, 06:21 PM
gmag, this is not going anywhere. You know as well as Wes knows he shouldn't have takeb the shot that close. If he, or you is worried about getting shot that close, then shoot the player from further away. Like I said Wes wanted opinions, and I gave mine. :)

E==Mag MAN
10-12-2001, 08:47 PM
oh my god crossfire i dont think its me its letting walkons play with tourny teams that get them in trouble dont want to go into detail why a team i was on was BANNED its aload of horse crap.But anyways that kid is the ones u want to kill. I had a surrender i ran around the cornor 7 newbies looking at me i yell surrendur 1 looks at me and shoots i turn adn im sorry surrounded and desperate put 6 balls in him.Then he said its not fair the other didnt get shot.I looked at him said whyd u shoot at me?Because so i guess u can say some have itchy fingers but not all i know i did when i was a newbi:) man does it hurt lol.Anyways that particular situation i would of surrendured him BUT i agree with u if i got shot up last game because they dont surrender call me mean but i shoot him in nice spot like shoe or hopper.

10-12-2001, 08:58 PM
If the "NEWGUY" can't see you coming straight at him, then he is not gonna see you coming from the side or around back. So just shoot him at the first available shot and never have to get that close.(5') I would NEVER want to get so close to the enemy...he also has a marker too you know....paintballs hurt and can cause serious damage at point blank range.

10-12-2001, 09:19 PM
I dont see anything wrong with him shooting the newbie in the shoe....Whenever Im forced to play newbies, and have to get close in (sometimes, you have to if you'd wanna win..) I try to aim for the harness if they have any, thats the only sure-fire place they wont get hurt in.

I've found that when you bunker a newbie, one shot is enough, they WILL call out at that range due to sheer terror.......

10-13-2001, 12:33 AM
yeah, if I end up bunkering a new player, then I'll shoot him. Obviously I'll take it easy on a newer player than someone experienced. With a new guy, I'll shoot one shot, and I'll try to hit him in the foot, or some place that doesn't sting as much. I've been shot a lot, so it doesn't really bother me at all getting shot. I also have areal high tolerance for pain. I've been in a lot of fights, and gotten hurt alot. Currentlly may hand is broken :) that sucks, I learned how to write with my left hand though, so it's not that bad.

I would have done the same thing you did. Or I would have tried at least. When I bunker experienced guys I shoot 3 times. Just to make sure, cause a lot of the times they bounce. And I try to shoot the pack. You did the right thing man, dont worry avout it.

10-13-2001, 01:36 AM
I think you were right to shoot him in the foot. You did not overdo it, or light him up. Sometimes you just get shot. It WOULD have been inappropriate to just come over the top and pop a double-tap to the neck. Rec-ball offers up some unusual situations. For instance: One day while playing a little renegade ball down at the river, I got behind this player, a 40 year old man, and shot him on the butt from about 30 feet away. Well, the whining commenced, and he said I should have had him surrender. Since I had no clue as to where anybody else was hiding, I durn sure was'nt going to do that. Know what? If you are gonna play ball, rec or otherwise, some shots are going to hurt, and sometimes you get the crapola scared out of you. Get used to it. I had to, and so did most people here on the board. You are still playing paintball though, huh?
Brent Jackson, PFB.

10-13-2001, 07:48 AM
Thanks for your opinions people. Even after all the negative responces I got, I still think I did the right thing. Thanks goes out to all the people who backed me up.:D

10-13-2001, 10:58 AM
A funny anectedote. I took my friend to play paintball for her first time. I was sitting out on the sidelines after being eliminated, and one chap on the other side runs around back on her, and tells her to surrender. She didn't then she started shooting at him. He then popped her once. Also, when I play speedball I make it quite clear that I don't surrender, so they should shoot me. Surrender wasn't really an option in that game, but they wanted to be chivalrous.