View Full Version : Welt Cam

10-11-2001, 06:30 PM
Well, I was over at my friends house, and his bushy went ape in my hands. he has his trigger set at the smallest setting, and he tapped it by mistake, and I got this. He was standing about 1 foot away.
Luckily I was wearing a pretty thick longsleeve shirt. It was a fleece, so it hit that instead of bare skin. It didnt leave any cuts or anything. it was on 3 shot burst. I was also wearing a mask.
**EDIT: I have decided to make this into a welt thread. Post all your pictures that you have gotten from the sport you love so much. You can also post bruises.

10-11-2001, 06:59 PM
One time I was in a bunker withmy bro's friend and he dropped his gun and shot my from an inch away!...it hurt soo bad...it ripped a hole im my shirt and I was bleeding a little. then when i was going out some one shot me for bout 10 ft away...it sure as hell felt like his velocity was like 350. I had a welt bout 4 times the size of yours....(not to try to make that look like nothing because that does look like it hurt)

10-11-2001, 08:34 PM
OUCH!-That left a mark!:cool:

10-11-2001, 08:50 PM

10-11-2001, 09:32 PM
ehhe maybe we should all start posting pics of welts... i have several of my friends none of me cuz hrmm guess im lucky....

Temo Vryce
10-12-2001, 07:19 AM
Well it's not a welt but I dislocated my left shoulder playing paintball a few years back. I wasn't paying enough attention to terrain of the field and as I was running I found a large dip in the ground which caused me to suddenly tilt foward. I did the only thing I could do. A 1 handed cart wheel. Had to save the mag. The cart wheel didn't work very and once I was on my back I realised that my shoulder wasn't in the right spot so I decided to lay where I was until the game was over. I wasn't in any pain so I figured I would be alright there. One of my friends saw me go down, but had lost sight of me so he didn't know if I was ok or not. When he asked if I was alright I told him that I think I had dislocated my shoulder. Well that was it for that game. I was lucky in the fact that the guys I play with as well as the field owners were all part of Scouts Canada so I knew I was in good hands. I was a short trip the Hospital with me joking the whole way that I was going to sue them all, but hey I wasn't going to sue. The owners are family and I knew it was my fault.

My shoulder still pops in and out now and again but I'm used to it. I sorry to see that you go hit by your friends bushy on 3 rnd burst, but I am glad to hear that you were wearing your mask at least. This is one reason why I say that all markers should be resticted to ball for each complete trigger pull and release, and yes the RT fits in this restriction.

I would post a picture of me with my shoulder out of joint for you but it hurts too much to do it. :p

10-12-2001, 07:27 AM
When I first got my E-mag my dad figured he'd try it out in the backyard. Mind you that I always keep it on the "reactive hybrid mode" with the yellow key in, air supply cut, and safety on.

So I'm standing around in my kitchin, my dad who knew nothing about the gun at the time is fumbling with the whole loaded up E-mag w/ Warp Feed setup (which was pretty D-L at the time, not many people had seen or heard of these things) walking towards the patio door behind me. So I go to open the door, I hear the beginning of an accidental 7-8 shot burst by my clumsy father go off and I drop to the floor. One hit me in the back of the head and there were yellow spots all up my wall and ceiling from him pointing it up trying to control it.

It didn't hit anything glass so it wasn't a "huge" deal, but one we could have done without.

10-12-2001, 12:07 PM
Here's on for you guys. It's off one of the guys that i was reffing skyball with last year.


It lasted almost 2 months

10-12-2001, 12:10 PM
Ooh, nice one. Althought you could have cropped out the pit hair :)