View Full Version : Interesting Leak

06-11-2004, 04:02 PM
Hi, brand new to the forum and i'm hoping you all can help. The problem i'm having is with a friends 'mag. His set up is a Micromag Reg, lvl 7 bolt, ULE body, Centerflag hyperframe. I didn't see any other off the wall upgrades although I did notice that his spring is almost 1/2" longer then any i've ever run in my minimag or automag.
The problem is a leak down the barrel. I'll air up the marker (HPA) and no leak. I will then fire a few times and adjust the velocity to where I think is about 300 (no chrono) FPS. After a good dozen or so shots, the leak begins. it's soft and slow at first then turns into a fire extinguisher type sound.
I've oiled the marker very well, I replaced all the o-rings and the problem persists. The owner of the marker also said he was getting some bolt stick, although I havent run into that yet. I did check the alignment of the frame just for laughs and it seems to be ok.....don't know why that would matter. I changed the spring out with a shorter one and that didn't help either. I'm kinda drawing a blank now. Um...Errr....Help?

06-11-2004, 05:44 PM
try a longer spring? u said his was half the length? so why go shorter making it 1/4 the length of your bolt if u have a new spring try that

06-11-2004, 07:32 PM
actually, the spring he has is 1/2" LONGER then a standard mag spring.... The tension on the reg when i slide it on is quite strong. I ran a test with both springs and for some reason, the longer spring makes the air leak down the barrel like it was a super highway. Lost a lot of air on that one

06-11-2004, 08:29 PM
when you pull the trigger a little bit (befor the marker fires) does the leak stop, or get worse?

06-11-2004, 11:16 PM
hmm...don't know because it's an electronic trigger. I'll have to see if I can dig up an old frame. I do know that sometimes, it will leak as soon as I air up the marker, and sometimes, it won't leak until after a few shots.

06-11-2004, 11:22 PM
ok i got this problem to but i got a x valve and yeah but when i pull the trigger it stops i need help

06-13-2004, 08:59 AM
"ok i got this problem to but i got a x valve and yeah but when i pull the trigger it stops i need help"

Try a new power tube o-ring

After a good dozen or so shots, the leak begins. it's soft and slow at first then turns into a fire extinguisher type sound.

Try new on off o rings

06-13-2004, 04:05 PM
alrighty, I switched out my on/off from my minimag with the one in the leaker......Aired up nicely, but then began to leak constantly. I changed the orings....again.....so that ain't it. I guess it's either the spacer (but shouldn't that leak everytime?) or it's just that the micromag valve as a whole is a piece of....um.....stuff! The only other thing I can think of is that there is a misalignment with the frame/sear to the on/off pin; that it's holding the valve open. Otherwise I am now officially stumped.

06-13-2004, 05:52 PM
alrighty, I switched out my on/off from my minimag with the one in the leaker......Aired up nicely, but then began to leak constantly. I changed the orings....again.....so that ain't it. I guess it's either the spacer (but shouldn't that leak everytime?) or it's just that the micromag valve as a whole is a piece of....um.....stuff! The only other thing I can think of is that there is a misalignment with the frame/sear to the on/off pin; that it's holding the valve open. Otherwise I am now officially stumped.

Did ya try a smaller spacer?

Has it been working fine till now??

If so put original on off back in and try another on off o ring