View Full Version : Upgrades for a Dye 2003 Matrix

Iron Mag13
06-11-2004, 10:11 PM
If i do decide to buy a matrix (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=140595 look there) i need some good relible upgrades and needed some links and pics the whole deal u know! well guys go at it! and nothing to fancy u know like things taht cost extra and dont do ****! and nothing over like 400 plz im not filthy rich (tho i wish :headbang: )

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance:

06-11-2004, 10:42 PM
The main thing with matrix when upgrading it is getting better air efficentency sp. the evolve bolt kit will drastically improve it around $140 if you can still find it and if it has a dye lpr ditch it and get a shocktech lpr. not much else just take a half hour to adjust the trigger and it will ripp with the best of them stock the main thing is learning to tech the gun not hard if you have some one who knows or find someone who does

:shooting: :dance:
the dang bannana cant be killed

Eatem Alive
06-11-2004, 10:46 PM
you would probably get better answers at matrixowner.com but make sure you use the search function or they will rip into you ;)
this thread talkes about recommended upgrades... (http://forums.matrixowner.com/viewtopic.php?t=151)
you can go to here to look for parts... (http://www.thematrixcenter.com)
or here... (http://www.compulsivepaintball.com)
or here... (http://www.genenow.com)
hope those help.

06-11-2004, 10:57 PM
stick with the dye lpr... they have a new one coming out, if it's not already out and will actually do a trade-in for their old ones. Some say the new one is practically a replica of the aka SCM.

06-11-2004, 11:21 PM
are you talking about 400 total on the gun? or 400 total in upgrades?

Here is a matrix only set of forums - http://forums.matrixowner.com/ You can get a lot of real nice used matrices in their marker section. Good place to look up information and ask questions

This is the pbnation forum for Dye related matrices - http://www.pbnation.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=147 Beware what you post, since your looking for basic information they will :mad: flame :mad: you beyond belief. Do some searches before asking.

Iron Mag13
06-12-2004, 06:32 AM
Thanks and it was 400 total for upgrades.

:dance: Thanks Iron :dance: